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Remember me (cookie)


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I want to put a cookie on a users system so that the next time they go to the site it logs them straight on

My site requires username and password to login...

Is this the best way to authenticate a user from a cookie, put this in a cookie


Basically when they access the site the cookie will be read, username extracted and then the passwordhash compared to that which is stored in the database

If its correct then we know its valid?
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why people insist in storing sensitive data (encrypted or not) in a cookie is beyond me.

I generate a random string of say 15 characters which I store in a table against the users unique id.  store that string in a cookie and just check it each time they arrive at the site.

Don't give people authporized by cookies access to the account profile or anyother sensitve area - make them put their password in to get into these places. They should appreciate both the convient sigin AND the security on their sensitive info.
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have they decrypted md5 yet?????

What if its a shared computer - like on a university network or internet cafe? they don't need to steal it then - its there for them to see - and use!

It doesn't matter what encryption you have if the cookie is copied then when the new pc the cookie has been copied to accesses the site login will be successful.  Which is why you should make sure they HAVE to enter login details to access sensitive areas. ebay use exactly that system.
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[quote author=jaymc link=topic=117367.msg478857#msg478857 date=1165282255]
I have actually got it so when accessing profile info and change password they need to re enter their password

So basically, is it ok to use their md5 hash as a method of confirming the cookie hasnt been forged..

No, it is not! MD5 is a one-way hash which cannot be truely decrypted because there are only a finite number of hashes but you can encrypt an infinite number of values. However, there are lookup tables that contain the MD5 hash of thousands, if not millions, of hashes for common words and phrases. If a user used a weak password, chances are someone could easily find their password using such a lookup table.

Youu should use a uniqu identifier that IS NOT the users MD5 hashed password. Doing anything less is just being lazy and not fulfilling your obligation to the user of the protection that you implied by creating a passworded system.
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