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pagination pages are blank


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I get my results when I search kul. I paged my search results but now all my pages come blank when I click the page number to navigate to. I can't navigate from page one or back to page ,1plz help.


here is my code




$output = '';

# used in pagination--------------------

$per_page = 2 ;


                 if (isset($_POST['search']) and isset($_POST['search2']))


                                $searchq = $_POST['search'];

                                $searchq = preg_replace("#[^0-9a-z]#i","",$searchq);


                                $searchq2 = $_POST['search2'];

                                $searchq2 = preg_replace("#[^0-9a-z]#i","",$searchq2);



                                # used in pagination--------------------

                                $pages_query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT('id') FROM provider_info  "); //counting the number of records in a search

                                $pages = ceil(mysql_result($pages_query, 0) / $per_page);

                                $page = (isset($_GET['page'])) ?(int)$get['GET'] :1;

                                $start = ($page - 1) * $per_page;



                                $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM provider_info WHERE(Business_Name LIKE '%$searchq%'AND Services LIKE '%$searchq2%')OR (Address_Ln1 LIKE '%$searchq%'AND Services LIKE '%$searchq2%')OR (Suburb LIKE '%$searchq%'AND Services LIKE '%$searchq2%')OR (Town LIKE '%$searchq%'AND Services LIKE '%$searchq2%') LIMIT $start,$per_page") or die("Could not search");

                                $pages_query = mysql_num_rows($query);

                                if ($pages_query ==0)


                                                $output = 'There were no search results found';

                                } else


                                                while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))


                                                                $bName = $row ['Business_Name'];

                                                                $aAddress_Ln1 = $row ['Address_Ln1'];                                                               

                                                                $cContact_No = $row['Contact_No'];    

                                                                $sSuburb = $row['Suburb'];

                                                                $tTown = $row['Town'];

                                                                $lLink = $row['Link'];

                                                                $dDescription = $row['Description'];

                                                                $pPicture = $row['Picture'];                        

                                                                $output.= '<div>'.$bName.''.$cContact_No.''.$aAddress_Ln1.''.$sSuburb.''.$tTown.''.$lLink.''.$dDescription.''.$pPicture.'</div>';


                                 echo     "

                                                                <table  border=1 cellspacing =5>

                                                                <tr><td colspan =6 align = center><h2>{$bName}</h2></td></h2> </tr>

                                                                <tr><td rowspan = 6 width = 300>I am going to place an image here</td><td width = 90 align=right>

                                                                <b>Business Name</b></td><td width = 120>{$bName}</td><th colspan = 3 align = right colspan = 3><font color=#f90 align=right>Business Description</font></th> ".

                                        "<tr><td align=right><b>Contact No</b></td><td>{$cContact_No}</td><td rowspan = 5 colspan = 3 align = left width = 220><font color=#f90>{$dDescription}</font></td>".

                                        "<tr><td align=right><b>Address</b></td><td>{$aAddress_Ln1}</td>".

                                        "<tr><td align=right><b>Suburb</b></td><td>{$sSuburb}</td>".

                                        "<tr><td align=right><b>Town</b></td><td>{$tTown}</td>".

                                        "<tr><td align=right><b>Email</b></td> <td>{$lLink}</td>".


                                "<tr><td colspan = 6>__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________</td><br></table>";



#                                                             $output .= '<div>'.$bname.''.$aAddress_Ln1.'</div>';


# used in pagination--------------------

$prev = $page - 1;

$next = $page + 1;          

if (!($page <= 1))


                echo "<a href='results.php?page=$prev'>Prev</a> ";



                 if ($pages >=1)


                                 for($x =1; $x <= $pages; $x ++)


                                                echo ($x == $page) ? '<b><a href=?page='.$x.'>'.$x.'</a></b> ' : '<a href=?page='.$x.'>'.$x.'</a> ';



if (!($page >= $pages))


echo "<a href='results.php?page=$next'>Next</a> ";






--------------------CODE END-------------------


Thanks now

New PHP Learner

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Data contained in $_POST is not remembered between page requests. So when you go click one of your pagination links from the search results the data in $_POST will no longer exists and so no results are displayed resulting. Which is probably why you get a blank page.


To prevent this you could save the search data from $_POST to a session. Then when a page is requested you get the search data from the session and not from $_POST. First start by adding   session_start();   so its after the opening PHP tag <?php


Then change this code

if (isset($_POST['search']) and isset($_POST['search2']))
    $searchq = $_POST['search'];
    $searchq = preg_replace("#[^0-9a-z]#i","",$searchq);
    $searchq2 = $_POST['search2'];
    $searchq2 = preg_replace("#[^0-9a-z]#i","",$searchq2); 


if (isset($_POST['search']) and isset($_POST['search2']))
    $searchq = $_POST['search'];
    $searchq = preg_replace("#[^0-9a-z]#i","",$searchq);
    $searchq2 = $_POST['search2'];
    $searchq2 = preg_replace("#[^0-9a-z]#i","",$searchq2);

    // Add search data to session. This is so it can be persisted between page requests
    $_SESSION['searchq'] = $searchq;
    $_SESSION['searchq2'] = $searchq2;

// if a page is requested. Get the search data back from the session
    $searchq  = $_SESSION['searchq'];
    $searchq2 = $_SESSION['searchq2'];

// Perform the search if we have the search data
if(isset($searchq) && isset($searchq2))

The alternative would be to pass the search data in your pagination links.

Edited by Ch0cu3r
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