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How to catch exception. Stripe Payment.

Go to solution Solved by sKunKbad,

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 Hi Guys,
Can someone please help me.
I have following PHP code that works fine. The only issue I am facing is, if there is a payment thats not sucessfull I just get a blank screen, and do not receive error on the screen.

However the error is dispalyed in execption, I just can catch it.


require './lib/Stripe.php';


if(isset($_POST)) {
$payment = Stripe_Charge::create(array(
'amount'        => $amountcents,
'currency'      => 'gbp',
'card'          => array(
'number'=> $ccnum,
'exp_month' => $ccmon,
'exp_year'=> $ccyr,
'name'=> 'some name',
'cvc'=> $cvc),
'description'   => $description)); }



Following is the error (or any other error) which I cant seem to catch as an execption.

    message: "Your card has insufficient funds."
    type: "card_error"
    code: "card_declined"
    charge: ch_12asdasweAAFdgooXDUd2tvKJgW

Thanks a lot again for any advise.


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  • Solution

Try something like this, maybe:

// Attempt charging the card
	// Load Stripe!
	require_once APPPATH . 'libraries/stripe/stripe-php/lib/Stripe.php';

	// Set the private key
	$mode = config_item('stripe_payments_mode');
	Stripe::setApiKey( config_item( $mode . '_secret_key') );

	// Make sure the amount if pre-formatted
	$cart_data = $this->cart_manager->get_all_cart_data();
	$amount = number_format( $cart_data['total'], 2, '.', '' );

	// Create the order description for Stripe
	$description = '';
	foreach( $cart_data['products'] as $ID => $product )
		$description .= 'Qty.' . $product['cart_product_qty'] . 
			' of ' . $product['cart_product_model'] . 
			' by ' . $product['cart_product_brand'] . 
			' @ $' . number_format( $product['cart_product_price'], 2, '.', '' ) . ' USD each.' . 
			' (PN:' . $product['cart_product_part_number'] . '|ID:' . $ID . ') ';

	// Charge the order:
	$charge = Stripe_Charge::create([
		'amount'      => preg_replace( '/[^0-9]/', '', $amount ),
		'currency'    => "usd",
		'card'        => $post['stripe_token'],
		'description' => $description,
		'capture'     => FALSE

	// Charge was paid !
	if( $charge->paid == TRUE )
		$order_id = $this->_create_order( $post, $charge, $cart_data );

	// Charge was not paid!	
		$errors[] = 'Payment System Error: Your payment could NOT be processed (i.e., you have not been charged) because the payment system rejected the transaction. You can try again or use another card.';
catch( Stripe_CardError $e )
    // Card was declined.
	$e_json = $e->getJsonBody();
	$err = $e_json['error'];
	$errors[] = $err['message'];
catch( Stripe_ApiConnectionError $e )
	// Network connection error
    $errors[] = 'Network problem. Please reload the page and try again.';
catch( Stripe_InvalidRequestError $e )
    // You screwed up in your programming. Shouldn't happen!
    $errors[] = 'Invalid Request. Please reload the page and try again. If problems persist, please contact us.';
catch( Stripe_ApiError $e )
    // Stripe's servers are down!
    $errors[] = 'Payment server not available. Please wait, then reload the page and try again.';
catch( Stripe_CardError $e )
    // Something else that's not the customer's fault.
    $errors[] = 'Card processing error. Please reload the page and try again.';
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi sKunKbad


Thanks for your reply.

I have added the following code to get the exceptions.



}catch(Exception $e){
   echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();


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