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Is it possible to delete images from directory using php?


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I have created a website which I don't want to have to manage so am trying to make it easy for someone to manage it.

I have an admin area where the database can be managed but I have noticed that when images are no longer used (becuase the are relevant to news articles) it is taking up a lot of room in the images directory.

Is it possible to have a form in the admin area for deleting images from the images directory so I don't have to go to my ftp access to delete unwanted images?
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Yeah, unlink would be much easier. You can do something like

$filename = $_POST[filename];

$unlink = unlink($filename);
echo "File deleted";
}else {
echo "File not deleted";
}else {
echo "File does not exist";
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Thanks, I'll give it a try

Which one of these is right for adding a directory?

[code]    if(file_exists("/images/".$filename))

In my database is records that can be deleted and in the database records are the names of images that are linked to that record.  When I delete the record is it possible to delete the image at the same time using this method or do i have to connect to the database to pull the record out using mysql_fetch_array?

It would be very handy to delete the image the same time as the record from the database

Here is the code that I have which actualy deletes the record

<h2>Delete a general article</h2>

    $filename = $_POST[filename];

    $query = "DELETE FROM articles WHERE id='$id'";

    $unlink = unlink("/images/".$filename);
    echo "File deleted";
}else {
    echo "File not deleted";
<p class="style3">Thankyou. News item successfully deleted.</p>[/code]
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