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MySQL installation issues ...


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hi all,

such a noob here. :(..

I am having problems with mysql and trying to install a wiki on top of that. i am getting this error:

Creating tables... using MySQL 4 table defs...Query "CREATE TABLE `user` ( user_id int(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, user_name varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', user_real_name varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', user_password tinyblob NOT NULL default '', user_newpassword tinyblob NOT NULL default '', user_email tinytext NOT NULL default '', user_options blob NOT NULL default '', user_touched char(14) binary NOT NULL default '', user_token char(32) binary NOT NULL default '', user_email_authenticated char(14) binary, user_email_token char(32) binary, user_email_token_expires char(14) binary, user_registration char(14) binary, PRIMARY KEY user_id (user_id), UNIQUE INDEX user_name (user_name), INDEX (user_email_token) ) TYPE=InnoDB " failed with error code "BLOB/TEXT column 'user_password' can't have a default value (localhost)".

To be honest - i have no idea what that means. I dont even know if thats a problem with mysql installation, or me not configuring something properly with my wiki software.

I have created a DB called "testwiki" and given a user account "wikiuser" the following privileges: "create, select, insert, update, delete, lock tables" (as suggested by the installation notes).

I'm posting here because truthfully - i dont really know where to turn. Im not really sure as to what i can search for to get help on this topic either. So, if this is like a RTFM thing, then im sorry and a point in the right direction would be very helpful.

thanks in advance for any help.

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