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register form to mutil sql tables

Go to solution Solved by Birdmansplace,

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I am makeing a simple web page for my horse arena where when a rider registers there name and horse i can also select what event they are taking part in wheather is 1 type of event or every event.  I have wording code that that submits there name and horse but i want to add checkboxs for the different events and once checked  and submited not only will it enter name and horse in a main table but also in a table for that event.  I am doing this so i can create lists for each event and have a master list and from those lists i plan on being able to edit entrys to add times and other info.  heres my code so far.


Thanks for taking the time to help me out

ini_set("display_errors", "10");

if (isset($_POST['submit']))
                   @mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to establish a connection to the relevant database.");

                   $ename = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ename']);
                   $ehorse = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ehorse']);
  		   $ipaddress = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
                   $now_datetime = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
                   $msg = "$ename has been saved !";
                   $query = "INSERT INTO register VALUES ('','$ename','$ehorse','$ipaddress',NOW()) ";
                   echo "<br />";
		     echo "<script langauge=\"javascript\">alert(\"".$msg."\");</script>";
                   echo "<br /><br /><br /><br />";
		     echo "<a href='register.php'><input name='' type='button' value='Add Another'/>";
		     echo "<br />";
		     echo "<br />";
		     echo "<a href='reglist.php'><input name='' type='button' value='View List'/>";



<br />
<br />

<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Name:<input type="text" name="ename" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['ename'])) echo $_POST['ename']; ?>" size="50"/>
<br />
<br />

Horse name: <input type="text" name="ehorse" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['ehorse'])) echo $_POST['ehorse']; ?>" size="45">
<br />
<br />

<-- here is where i would like checkboxs-->
<input name"barrels" type="checkbox" value=""/>  
i want if check to add ename and ehorse to a table named barrels if not skip and go to next one
<input name"roping" type="checkbox" value=""/>
and this one if checked just like above, but to a table named roping

<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit Details">
<input type="reset" name="reset" id="reset" value="Reset Form">
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Reading your post it seems as though

  • an owner can register one or more horses
  • a horse can enter one or more types of event

So your table structure would be

| owner_id |  owner_name       |
|    101   | Roy Rogers        |
|    102   | Lone Ranger       |
            horse |                                            event
            +----------+----------+-------------------+        +---------+------------+     
            | owner_id | horse_id |  horse_name       |        |    type |  name      |
            +----------+----------+-------------------+        +---------+------------+
            |    101   |    1     | Trigger           |        |    1    |  Barrel    |
            |    102   |    2     | Silver            |        |    2    |  Roping    |
            |    102   |    3     | Flicka            |        +---------+------------+
            +----------+----------+-------------------+             |
                             |                                      |
                             |                                      |
                             +----------+          +----------------+
                                        |          |
                        entry           |          |
                        |    id    | horse_id |  event |
                        |    1     |    1     |     1  |
                        |    2     |    1     |     2  |
                        |    3     |    2     |     1  |
                        |    4     |    3     |     2  |

So the processing for the form would be as follows

  • Check if owner id is stored in session
  • If not
    • Add record to the owner table
    • Get id of new owner using mysqli_insert_id()
    • store in session
  • Add horse to horse table using owner id
  • Get id of new horse
  • Add record/s to entry table using horse id

NOTE: mysql_ functions are deprecated and you should be using mysqli or PDO functions

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I think i understand what your saying but I have no clue how to go about it.  The code i use i made for one thing and it just gets copied and pasted and changed for what i need. I don't know much about php other than to put basic forms into data base and pull it out.  I am one of those i find the code make a test database and see how it works.  Iike if/else php statement took me like 3 hours to figure it just the basic function to dispay info based on wheather or not any data was saved for that feild.  I hate to ask but i would need to see the code to totally understand what your talking about and how it would work. I want to beable to click submit once and everything gets placed where it needs to.  Thanks again.

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  • Solution

Thanks for the help.  Managed to get my form to write to different tables even though i am write the same info to each one.  I just setup a html list menu to give option yes or no for the event field and used a if statement to not list the No people in a table.

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