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How to Hide some PHP files in my Localhost page PLS HELP ME

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    I had done one project. It contains more than 10 files. Now I planned to post all files into Production environment and then all the User's will be start to using that.  Now I need help for,
I would like to show onle the Login_screen.php file in Localhost webpage screen(as a Front page for my Project). How to set this in Apache software?  ???

Is this possible?

Thanks for your help.

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There two ways, the first way is to create a .htaccess file in the folder in which login_screen.php locates and add the following code to it:

[code]Indexes Login_screen.php[/code]
Now when ever you go to  http://localhost/ it should loadup login_screen.php automatically

Or the other option will be to create an index.html file and then use a meta refresh so it loads up Login_screen.php
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  I can't create  [b].htaccess[/b] in my login_screen located floder because if I put (Dot) [b][b].[/b][/b]htaccess it shows one messege box  " you must enter file name "!!! 

  My Apache root is D:/MyPHPWebPages with in this I create another folder named SRT, this folder inlude all my project programming files. Now How could I create that folder and is it enough for add only one line into that (htaccess) file " Indexes Login_screen.php "    ?

  Pls tell me briefly still I could't understood your reply? Sorry pls help me for this.

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  • 3 weeks later...
if the problem is to create .htaccess file you can try this way.

let's say your working place is c:\abc,

first create an text file and save it in any name, say a.txt;

then go to command prompt and rename it

ren a.txt .htaccess

then open the .htacess file and write your code. try
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