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Hi, I im using an API script to retrieve info, but im getting the error




Fatal error: Call to undefined function json_last_error() in /home/a5664480/public_html/chat2/MxitAPI.php on line 46


Can anyone please help me out what could be the cause of this error and how to resolve it?


 * MXit API PHP Wrapper - version 1.4.0
 * Written by: Ashley Kleynhans <[email protected]>
 * Copyright 2013 DigiGoblin (Pty) Ltd.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * Ensure that CURL and JSON PHP extensions are present
if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
  throw new Exception('The Mxit PHP class is unable to find the CURL PHP extension.');

if (!function_exists('json_decode')) {
  throw new Exception('The Mxit PHP class is unable to find the JSON PHP extension.');

if (!function_exists('base64url_decode')) {
    function base64url_decode($base64url) {
        $base64 = strtr($base64url, '-_', '+/');
        $plainText = base64_decode($base64);
        return ($plainText);

if (!function_exists('is_json')) {
    function is_json($json) {
        return (json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE);

if (!function_exists('is_base64')) {
    function is_base64($encoded_string) {
        $length = strlen($encoded_string);

        for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
            $c = $encoded_string[$i];
            if (
                    ($c < '0' || $c > '9')
                    && ($c < 'a' || $c > 'z')
                    && ($c < 'A' || $c > 'Z')
                    && ($c != '+')
                    && ($c != '/')
                    && ($c != '=')
               ) {
                return false;
        return true;

class MxitAPI {
    private $_version;
    private $_base_outh_url;
    private $_base_user_api_url;
    private $_base_messaging_api_url;
    private $_app_key;
    private $_app_secret;
    private $_token_type;
    private $_access_token;
    private $_expires_in;
    private $_scope;
    private $_id_token;
    private $_headers;

    public $http_status;
    public $content_type;
    public $result;
    public $error;

    public function __construct($key, $secret) {
        $this->_version = '1.4.0';
        $this->_base_outh_url = 'https://auth.mxit.com/';
        $this->_base_user_api_url = 'http://api.mxit.com/user/';
        $this->_base_messaging_api_url = 'http://api.mxit.com/message/';

        $this->_app_key = $key;
        $this->_app_secret = $secret;

        $this->error = FALSE;

    private function _call_api($url, $method='POST', $params='', $decode=TRUE) {
        $this->http_status = NULL;
        $this->content_type = NULL;
        $this->result = NULL;
        $this->error = FALSE;

        $fields = '';

        if (($method == 'POST' || $method == 'PUT' || $method == 'DELETE') && $params != '') {
            $fields = (is_array($params)) ? http_build_query($params) : $params;

        if ($method == 'PUT' || $method == 'POST' || $method == 'DELETE') {
            $this->_headers[] = 'Content-Length: '. strlen($fields);

        $opts = array(
                CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 10,
                CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,
                CURLOPT_VERBOSE        => false,
                CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false,
                CURLOPT_TIMEOUT        => 60,
                CURLOPT_USERAGENT      => 'mxit-php-'. $this->_version,
                CURLOPT_URL            => $url,
                CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER     => $this->_headers

        if (($method == 'POST' || $method == 'PUT' || $method == 'DELETE') && $params != '') {
            $opts[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $fields; 
        if ($method == 'POST' && is_array($params)) {
            $opts[CURLOPT_POST] = count($params);
        } elseif ($method == 'PUT') {
            $opts[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] = 'PUT';
        } elseif ($method == 'DELETE') {
            $opts[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] = 'DELETE';
        } elseif ($method == 'POST') {
            $opts[CURLOPT_POST] = TRUE;

        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt_array($ch, $opts);
        $result = curl_exec($ch);
        $this->http_status = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
        $this->content_type = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE);

        if ($this->http_status != 200) {
            // Problem with API call, we received an HTTP status code other than 200
            $this->error = TRUE;

        $this->result = (($decode === TRUE) && (is_json($result) === TRUE)) ? json_decode($result) : $result;

    private function _api_headers($format='application/json') {
        $this->_headers = array();
        $this->_headers[] = 'Content-type: '. $format;

        // Don't specify the accept format if data is being sent as an octet-stream
        if ($format == 'application/json' || $format == 'application/xml')
            $this->_headers[] = 'Accept: '. $format;

        $this->_headers[] = 'Authorization: '. ucfirst($this->_token_type) .' '. $this->_access_token;

    private function _check_scope($method, $scope) {
        if (strstr($this->_scope, $scope) === FALSE)
            throw new Exception('Invalid scope specified for '. $method .'() method, should be: '. $scope);

        if (!isset($this->_access_token) || !isset($this->_token_type) || !isset($this->_expires_in))
            throw new Exception('Access token is not set, obtain an access token using get_token()');

     *   Requests the user to allow your application access to specific MXit information
     *   Redirects back to redirect_uri/?code=f00df00df00df00df00df00df00df00d
     *   Where the value of code (f00df00df00df00df00df00df00df00d in this example)
     *   is used to obtain the access token.
    public function request_access($redirect_uri, $scope, $state='') {
        $url = $this->_base_outh_url ."authorize?response_type=code&client_id=". $this->_app_key;
        $url .= "&redirect_uri=". urlencode($redirect_uri);
        $url .= "&scope=". urlencode($scope);

        if ($state != '')
            $url .= '&state='. urlencode($state);

        header('Location: '. $url);

     *   Authenticates the user against their MXit credentials
     *   SUCCESS:
     *   Redirects back to redirect_uri/?code=f00df00df00df00df00df00df00df00d
     *   FAILURE:
     *   Redirects back to redirect_uri/?error=access_denied
     *   Where the value of code (f00df00df00df00df00df00df00df00d in this example)
     *   is used to obtain the access token.
    public function authenticate($redirect_uri, $state='') {
        $this->request_access($redirect_uri, 'openid', $state);  

     *   Checks the authentication status from the authentication server callback
    public function authentication_status() {
        if (isset($_GET['code'])) {
            $authenticated = TRUE;
        } else {
            $authenticated = FALSE;
            $this->error = TRUE;

        return $authenticated;

    public function refresh_token() {
        $url = $this->_base_outh_url . "token";
        $params = array(
            'grant_type' => 'refresh_token',
            'refresh_token' => $this->_refresh_token,

        $this->_headers = array();
        $this->_headers[] = 'Authorization: Basic '. base64_encode($this->_app_key .':'. $this->_app_secret);
        $this->_headers[] = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

        $this->_call_api($url, 'POST', $params);

        if ($this->error === FALSE) {
            $this->_access_token = $this->result->access_token;
            $this->_token_type = $this->result->token_type;
            $this->_expires_in = $this->result->expires_in;
            $this->_refresh_token = isset($this->result->refresh_token) ? $this->result->refresh_token : null;
            $this->_scope = $this->result->scope;

            // Only applicable to OpenID token requests
            if (isset($this->result->id_token))
                $this->_id_token = $this->result->id_token;


     *   Request the actual token from the OAuth2 server
    public function get_user_token($code, $redirect_uri) {
        $url = $this->_base_outh_url ."token";

        $params = array('grant_type'   => 'authorization_code',
                        'code'         => $code,
                        'redirect_uri' => $redirect_uri);

        $this->_headers = array();
        $this->_headers[] = 'Authorization: Basic '. base64_encode($this->_app_key .':'. $this->_app_secret);
        $this->_headers[] = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

        $this->_call_api($url, 'POST', $params);

        if ($this->error === FALSE) {
            $this->_access_token = $this->result->access_token;
            $this->_token_type = $this->result->token_type;
            $this->_expires_in = $this->result->expires_in;
            $this->_refresh_token = isset($this->result->refresh_token) ? $this->result->refresh_token : null;
            $this->_scope = $this->result->scope;

            // Only applicable to OpenID token requests
            if (isset($this->result->id_token))
                $this->_id_token = $this->result->id_token;

     *   Get an access token for an application, to perform an API Request
    public function get_app_token($scope, $grant_type='client_credentials', $username='', $password='') {
        $url = $this->_base_outh_url ."token";

        $this->_headers = array();
        $this->_headers[] = 'Authorization: Basic '. base64_encode($this->_app_key .':'. $this->_app_secret);
        $this->_headers[] = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

        $params = array('grant_type' => $grant_type,
                        'scope'      => $scope);

        if ($grant_type == 'password') {
            $params['username'] = $username;
            $params['password'] = $password;

        $this->_scope = $scope;
        $this->_call_api($url, 'POST', $params);

        if ($this->error === FALSE) {
            $this->_access_token = $this->result->access_token;
            $this->_token_type = $this->result->token_type;
            $this->_expires_in = $this->result->expires_in;
            $this->_refresh_token = isset($this->result->refresh_token) ? $this->result->refresh_token : null;

     *   Get access token detail
    public function get_token() {
        $detail = array('access_token'  => $this->_access_token,
                        'token_type'    => $this->_token_type,
                        'expires_in'    => $this->_expires_in,
                        'refresh_token' => $this->_refresh_token,
                        'scope'         => $this->_scope);

        return $detail;

     *   Set access token detail
    public function set_token($detail) {
        $this->_access_token = $detail['access_token'];
        $this->_token_type = $detail['token_type'];
        $this->_expires_in = $detail['expires_in'];
        $this->_refresh_token = $detail['refresh_token'];
        $this->_scope = $detail['scope'];

     *   Validate OpenID token
    public function validate_token() {
        if (isset($this->_id_token)) {
            $token_parts = explode('.', $this->_id_token);

            $header = base64url_decode($token_parts[0]);
            $payload = base64url_decode($token_parts[1]);
            $signature = base64url_decode($token_parts[2]);

            if (is_json($header) && is_json($payload)) {
                $header = json_decode($header);
                $payload = json_decode($payload);

                if ($payload->aud != $this->_app_key)
                    return FALSE;

                // Time zone differences could potentially pose a problem, so disabling for now
                /*if ($payload->exp < time())
                    return FALSE;*/

                return $payload->user_id;
            } else {
                return FALSE;
        } else {
            return FALSE;

     *   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *   The following methods are publicly available (no user authentication) required
     *   so you should use the get_app_token() method when working with them.
     *   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     *   Get the users internally unique UserId for the provided MxitId or LoginName.
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/lookup/{MXITID}
     *   Application Token Required
     *   Required scope: profile/public
    public function get_user_id($login) {
        $this->_check_scope('get_user_id', 'profile/public');

        $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."lookup/". $login;
        $this->_call_api($url, 'GET');

        return $this->result;

     *   Get the status message for the given MXitId.
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/public/statusmessage/{MXITID}
     *   Application Token Required
     *   Required scope: profile/public
    public function get_status($login) {
        $this->_check_scope('get_status', 'profile/public');

        $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."public/statusmessage/". $login;
        $this->_call_api($url, 'GET');

        return $this->result;  

     *   Get the nickname of a MXit user with the given MXitId.
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/public/displayname/{MXITID}
     *   Application Token Required
     *   Required scope: profile/public
    public function get_display_name($login) {
        $this->_check_scope('get_display_name', 'profile/public');

        $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."public/displayname/". $login;
        $this->_call_api($url, 'GET');

        return $this->result;

     *   Download the user avatar image for a MXit user with the given MXitId.
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/public/avatar/{MXITID}
     *   Application Token Required
     *   Required scope: profile/public
    public function get_avatar($login) {
        $this->_check_scope('get_avatar', 'profile/public');

        $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."public/avatar/". $login;
        $this->_call_api($url, 'GET', '', FALSE);

        return $this->result;   

     *   Get the basic profile information for a MXit user with the given UserId.
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/profile/{USERID}
     *   Application Token Required
     *   Required scope: profile/public
     *   NOTE: This method requires the user's mxitid and NOT their login
    public function get_basic_profile($mxitid) {
        $this->_check_scope('get_basic_profile', 'profile/public');

        $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."profile/". $mxitid;
        $this->_call_api($url, 'GET');

        return $this->result;

     *   Send a message to one or more MXit users.
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/message/send/
     *   Application Token Required
     *   Required scope: message/send or message/user
     *   @param string $from
     *   @param string $to
     *   @param string $message
     *   @param boolean $contains_markup
     *   @param array $links array of associative arrays
     *   http://dev.mxit.com/docs/api/messaging/post-message-send
     *   <code>
     *   $links = array(
     *       array(
     *           'CreateTemporaryContact':true,
     *           'TargetService':'Service name',
     *           'Text':'Link text'
     *       );
     *   );
     *   </code>
     *   @param boolean $spool
     *   @param int $spool_timeout 
     *   @return int error code see http://dev.mxit.com/docs/common-error-codes 
     *   for details
    public function send_message($from, $to, $message, $contains_markup=true, $links=array(), $spool=true, $spoolTimeOut=3600) {
        try {
            $this->_check_scope('send_message', 'message/send');
        } catch(Exception $e) {
            $this->_check_scope('send_message', 'message/user');

        $params = array(
            'Body'              => $message,
            'ContainsMarkup'    => $contains_markup,
            'From'              => $from,
            'To'                => $to,
            'Spool'             => $spool,
            'SpoolTimeOut'      => $spoolTimeOut,

        if(count($links) > 0) {
            $params['Links'] = $links;

        $url = $this->_base_messaging_api_url ."send/";
        $this->_call_api($url, 'POST', json_encode($params));

     *   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *   The following methods require authentication with the user's username and password
     *   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     *   Retrieves the full profile including the cellphone number and email address of the userid in the access token.
     *   User Token Required
     *   Required scope: profile/private
    public function get_full_profile($bypass_scope_check=FALSE) {
        if ($bypass_scope_check === FALSE)
            $this->_check_scope('get_full_profile', 'profile/private');

        $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."profile";
        $this->_call_api($url, 'GET');

        return $this->result;

     *   Update the profile information for a MXit user with the given UserId contained in the access token.
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/profile
     *   User Token Required
     *   Required scope: profile/write
    public function update_profile($data) {
        $this->_check_scope('update_profile', 'profile/write');

        $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."profile";
        $this->_call_api($url, 'PUT', json_encode($data));

        return $this->result;

     *   Subscribes the MXit user with the given UserId, contained in the access token, to the
     *   service or sends an invite to another user. If {contact} is a Service, then the service
     *   is added and accepted. If {contact} is a MXitId, then an invite is sent to the other user.
     *   User Token Required
     *   Required scope: contact/invite
     *   NOTE: This method requires the user's mxitid and NOT their login
    public function add_contact($mxitid) {
        $this->_check_scope('add_contact', 'contact/invite');

        $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."socialgraph/contact/". $mxitid;
        $this->_call_api($url, 'PUT');

     *   Get the social graph information for a MXit user with the given UserId contained in the
     *   access token.
     *   Filters: @All, @Friends, @Apps, @Invites, @Connections (Default), @Rejected, @Pending, @Deleted, @Blocked
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/socialgraph/contactlist?filter={FILTER}&skip={SKIP}&count={COUNT}
     *   User Token Required
     *   Required scope: graph/read
     *   NOTE: You might expect count to return 2 items if you specify a value of 2, but it will return 3 items
     *         So you should treat the value similar to an array value, ie specify 1 if you want 2 results
    public function get_contact_list($filter='', $skip=0, $count=0) {
        $this->_check_scope('get_contact_list', 'graph/read');

        $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."socialgraph/contactlist";

        if ($filter != '')
            $url .= '?filter='. $filter;

        if ($skip != 0) {
            $url .= ($filter == '') ? '?' : '&';
            $url .= 'skip='. $skip;

        if ($count != 0) {
            $url .= ($filter == '' && $skip == 0) ? '?' : '&';
            $url .= 'count='. $count;

        $this->_call_api($url, 'GET');

        return $this->result;

     *   Get a list of friends the user might know for a MXit user with the given UserId contained in the access token.
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/socialgraph/suggestions
     *   User Token Required
     *   Required scope: graph/read
     *   FIXME: HTTP status 400 (Bad Request)
    public function get_friend_suggestions() {
        $this->_check_scope('get_friend_suggestions', 'graph/read');

        $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."socialgraph/suggestions";

        $this->_call_api($url, 'GET');

        return $this->result;

     *   Set the status message for a MXit user with the given UserId contained in the access token.
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/statusmessage
     *   User Token Required
     *   Required scope: status/write
    public function set_status($message) {
        $this->_check_scope('set_status', 'status/write');

        $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."statusmessage";

        $this->_call_api($url, 'PUT', json_encode($message));   

     *   Upload or create an avatar image for a MXit user with the given UserId contained in the access token.
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/avatar
     *   User Token Required
     *   Required scope: avatar/write
    public function set_avatar($data, $mime_type='application/octet-stream') {
        $this->_check_scope('set_avatar', 'avatar/write');

        // Base64 encoding is deprecated
        if (is_base64($data)) {
            throw new Exception('Base64 encoding of avatar data is deprecated');
        } else {
            $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."avatar";

            $this->_call_api($url, 'POST', $data);

     *   Delete a avatar image for a MXit user with the given UserId contained in the access token.
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/avatar
     *   User Token Required
     *   Required scope: avatar/write
    public function delete_avatar() {
        $this->_check_scope('delete_avatar', 'avatar/write');

        $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."avatar";
        $this->_call_api($url, 'DELETE');

     *   Get the gallery root information for a MXit user with the given UserId contained in the access token.
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/media/
     *   User Token Required
     *   Required scope: content/read
    public function list_gallery_folders() {
        $this->_check_scope('list_gallery_folders', 'content/read');

        $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."media/";

        $this->_call_api($url, 'GET');

        return $this->result;

     *   Get the list of content in the gallery folder for a user with the given UserId contained in the access token and FolderId.
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/media/list/{FOLDERNAME}?skip={SKIP}&count={COUNT}
     *   User Token Required
     *   Required scope: content/read
    public function list_gallery_items($folder, $skip=0, $count=0) {
        $this->_check_scope('list_gallery_items', 'content/read');

        $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."media/list/". urlencode($folder);

        if ($skip != 0) {
            $url .= '?skip='. $skip;

        if ($count != 0) {
            $url .= ($filter == '' && $skip == 0) ? '?' : '&';
            $url .= 'count='. $count;

        $this->_call_api($url, 'GET');

        return $this->result;

     *   Creates a gallery folder for a MXit user with the given UserId contained in the access token.
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/media/{FOLDERNAME}
     *   User Token Required
     *   Required scope: content/write
    public function create_gallery_folder($folder) {
        $this->_check_scope('create_gallery_folder', 'content/write');

        $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."media/". urlencode($folder);

        $this->_call_api($url, 'POST');

     *   Rename a gallery folder for a MXit user with the given UserId contained in the access token.
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/media/{FOLDERNAME}
     *   User Token Required
     *   Required scope: content/write
    public function rename_gallery_folder($source, $destination) {
        $this->_check_scope('rename_gallery_folder', 'content/write');
        $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."media/". urlencode($source);

        $this->_call_api($url, 'PUT', json_encode($destination));

     *   Delete a gallery folder for a MXit user with the given UserId contained in the access token.
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/media/{FOLDERNAME}
     *   User Token Required
     *   Required scope: content/write
    public function delete_gallery_folder($folder) {
        $this->_check_scope('delete_gallery_folder', 'content/write');
        $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."media/". urlencode($folder);

        $this->_call_api($url, 'DELETE');

     *   Download the content item in the user's gallery for a MXit user with the given UserId contained in the access token and given FileId.
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/media/content/{FILEID}
     *   User Token Required
     *   Required scope: content/read
    public function download_gallery_image($file_id) {
        $this->_check_scope('download_gallery_image', 'content/read');

        $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."media/content/". $file_id;

        $this->_call_api($url, 'GET', '', FALSE);

        return $this->result;

     *   Upload a gallery file for a MXit user with the given UserId contained in the access token.
     *   CURRENT:
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/media/file/{FOLDERNAME}?fileName={FILENAME}
     *   DEPRECATED:
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/media/file/{FOLDERNAME}?fileName={FILENAME}&mimeType={MIMETYPE}
     *   User Token Required
     *   Required scope: content/write
    public function upload_gallery_image($folder, $filename, $mime_type, $data) {
        $this->_check_scope('upload_gallery_image', 'content/write');

        // Base64 encoding is deprecated
        if (is_base64($data)) {
            throw new Exception('Base64 encoding of gallery data is deprecated');
        } else {
            $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."media/file/". urlencode($folder) .'?fileName='. urlencode($filename);
            $this->_call_api($url, 'POST', $data);

     *   Rename a gallery file for a MXit user with the given UserId contained in the access token.
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/media/file/{FILEID}
     *   User Token Required
     *   Required scope: content/write
    public function rename_gallery_image($file_id, $destination) {
        $this->_check_scope('rename_gallery_image', 'content/write');

        $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."media/file/". urlencode($file_id);
        $this->_call_api($url, 'PUT', json_encode($destination));

     *   Rename a gallery file for a MXit user with the given UserId contained in the access token.
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/media/file/{FILEID}
     *   User Token Required
     *   Required scope: content/write
    public function delete_gallery_image($file_id) {
        $this->_check_scope('delete_gallery_image', 'content/write');

        $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."media/file/". urlencode($file_id);
        $this->_call_api($url, 'DELETE');

     *   Upload a file of any type to store and return a FileId once file offer has been sent
     *   CURRENT:
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/media/file/send?fileName={FILENAME}&userId={USERID}
     *   DEPRECATED:
     *   Url: http://api.mxit.com/user/media/file/send?fileName={FILENAME}&mimeType={MIMETYPE}&userId={USERID}
     *   User Token Required
     *   Required scope: content/send
    public function send_file($user_id, $filename, $mime_type, $data) {
        $this->_check_scope('send_file', 'content/send');

        // Base64 encoding is deprecated
        if (is_base64($data)) {
            throw new Exception('Base64 encoding of gallery data is deprecated');
        } else {
            $url = $this->_base_user_api_url ."media/file/send?fileName=". urlencode($filename) .'&userId='. urlencode($user_id);
            $this->_call_api($url, 'POST', $data);



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What version of PHP are you running? json_last_error() was added in 5.3.0. If you create a test.php with the contents below, view the page and it'll tell you what version you're running.


PHP Version 5.2.17 is there a way to fix it without changing the php server setup?

Edited by cobusbo


Perhaps this?

if (!function_exists('is_json')) {
    function is_json($json) {
        $json = json_decode($json);
        if (is_array($json)) {
            return True;
        return False;

This ended up giving me the error 



Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Invalid scope specified for send_message() method, should be: message/user' in /home/a5664480/public_html/chat2/MxitAPI.php:173 Stack trace: #0 /home/a5664480/public_html/chat2/MxitAPI.php(511): MxitAPI->_check_scope('send_message', 'message/user') #1 /home/a5664480/public_html/chat2/page.php(1148): MxitAPI->send_message('spamchat', 'm70141099002,m5...', '#8A2BE2 *The Bo...', 'true') #2 {main} thrown in /home/a5664480/public_html/chat2/MxitAPI.php on line 173


PHP Version 5.2.17 is there a way to fix it without changing the php server setup?

PHP 5.4 reached its end of life support this month. It will no longer receive security updates. 5.2 reached its end of life almost 5 years ago.


It's time to upgrade man.

  • Like 1

PHP 5.4 reached its end of life support this month. It will no longer receive security updates. 5.2 reached its end of life almost 5 years ago.


It's time to upgrade man.

Its free webhost so there isn't much I can change on it since its shared hosting....

Oh, bummer. You can find more by just browsing lowendbox.


DigitalOcean has a $5/month package, and they are a super solid company with excellent services.


Or, you can find shared hosting for around $5/month as well from most of the big players.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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