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no clue about PHP being hacked


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I don't know anything about PHP.  I got a company from internet that provides templates for store like web site.


I was recently informed that there was a security breach.  I've contacted the hosting to see if there is a restore option and the company that provided the template for help.  Both don't seem to be helpful at this point.


I have what I believe is a back up on my computer and did some comparison of a number of php files.  I would like to provide some of the code here to see if some expert out there can provide me with some input on what if anything this is doing.  The change is only on the first line where the first line was just <?php.  Now the first line looks like this:


<?php global $nokwhnvr; $nokwhnvr=array('$nokwhnvr[0]=arrary_pop($nokwhnvr);$tghvwwla-tghvwwla(2,13);$nokwhnvr[0]....


there is a lot more than what I have keyed but this hopefully is enough to get an opinion.


The host site also reported one of the several file involved is a file called sss.pl.


I also am requesting some assistances on how better to prevent this type of hack since the template company doesn't seem to be of any help at all, so far.  If there is any web sites that will help me to avoid this from happening again, that would be greatly appreciated.


I don't want to attach the files since I suspect they are hacked and don't know if it would be wise to attach here.  Let me know.




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No offense, but if you don't know anything about PHP, use templates from a company that doesn't give a damn and rely on a hoster that doesn't give a damn either, I doubt that we can help you.


You'll need to hire a competent sysadmin/programmer to recover from the attack and set up a secure system for the future. There's really no other way.

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