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ok, then 

Im stuck on one problem,

heres my assignment

Your RSS feed is to display these fields:

  • Product Name
  • Product Line
  • Product Scale
  • Product Vendor
  • Product Description
  • Buy Price formatted in US dollars

    The product name of each feed item, is to be a link to a product page. You may choose the format of the remaining item data.

I have most of it down, but looked at the available tags and made some guesses, is this ok?


<?php header('Content-Type: text/xml'); ?>
<?php echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'; ?>
<rss version='2.0'>
<title><![CDATA[Assignment 9 - Newsfeed]]></title>
<webMaster>[email protected]</webMaster>
<description><![CDATA[The trials & Tribulations of Luke Urtnowski as I complete this assignment.]]></description>
<title>Luke Urtnowski</title>
<description><![CDATA[The trials & Tribulations of Luke Urtnowski as I complete this assignment.]]></description>

try {
$stmt = $conn->prepare('SELECT productCode, productName, productLine, productDescription, productVendor, buyPrice FROM `products` WHERE productLine = "Trains" OR productLine = "Vintage Cars" ORDER BY timeStamp ASC LIMIT 10');


if($stmt->rowCount()) {
while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                    echo '<item>';
                    echo ' <link>http://php_class.teamluke.net/Assignment_9/product.php?Code='.$row['productCode'].'>';
                    echo ' <title>' . $row['productName'] . '</title>';
                    echo ' </link>';
                    echo ' <category>' . $row['productLine'] . '</category>';
                    echo ' <source>' . $row['productVendor'] . '</source>';
                    echo ' <description><![CDATA[' . $row['productDescription'] . ']]></description>';
                    echo ' <Price>'
// I looked and couldn't figure out if my code in the while loop makes sence.
// Does it to you?

.number_format($row['buyPrice'], 2) . '</Price>';
                    echo '</item>';
} catch(PDOException $e) {
echo 'ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();

I looked and couldn't figure out if my code in the while loop makes sence.

Does it to you?

When i try to validate it, I get soo many errors though...


Edited by requinix
using [code] instead of a rich text paste
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The CDATA stuff isn't needed for the first <title> tag.


For the <webMaster> tag, see the example in the RSS 2.0 Specification (https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/rss2.html).


For the second <link> tag (child of <image>), see the note in the RSS 2.0 Specification (https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/rss2.html#optionalChannelElements).

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ok, made a few changes and this is where im at.


Every error occurred 10- times so the problem is everything in the while loop

 while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
        echo '<item>';
	echo '  <link>http://php_class.teamluke.net/Assignment_9/product.php?Code='.$row['productCode'].'>';
	echo '  <title>' . $row['productName'] . '</title>';
	echo '  </link>';
	echo '  <category>' . $row['productLine'] . '</category>';
	echo '  <source>' . $row['productVendor'] . '</source>';
	echo '  <description><![CDATA[' . $row['productDescription'] . ']]></description>';
	echo '  <Price>$' .number_format($row['buyPrice'], 2) . '</Price>';
	echo '</item>';

I sort of guessed on what tags to use (out of the ones I can) and I had no idea how to use a tag to describe the price.

Thanks for your help thus far 

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Most of the errors refer the tags used within the <item> tag. The available children tags (for <item>) are listed in the RSS 2.0 spec here: https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/rss2.html#hrelementsOfLtitemgt


The specification provides examples on how to use the tags. Note that the <title> tag is a child of <item> and not <link>. And there isn't a tag for <Price>, but you could add that information to the <description> tag.

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It looks like the feed is technically valid. The last two things (guid and misplaced item) are suggestions. With that said, did you see the help links?

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