beselabios Posted December 12, 2006 Share Posted December 12, 2006 [url=][/url]go therethen click on a members photou wont be able to see a members profile or any of the "member tabs"how can I make it so i can see that?Thanksits for a client Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
marcus Posted December 12, 2006 Share Posted December 12, 2006 It sure would be helpful if you posted your code. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
beselabios Posted December 12, 2006 Author Share Posted December 12, 2006 [quote author=mgallforever link=topic=118366.msg483607#msg483607 date=1165960911]It sure would be helpful if you posted your code.[/quote]for what file Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
marcus Posted December 12, 2006 Share Posted December 12, 2006 The profile.php Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
beselabios Posted December 12, 2006 Author Share Posted December 12, 2006 profile.php[code]<?php/*=============================================================================|| ##################################################################|| phpFoX $_PHPFOX_VERSION|| ##################################################################|| || ######################|| Key : $_PHPFOX_KEY|| Domain : $_PHPFOX_DOMAIN|| User : $_PHPFOX_USER|| ######################|| || Copyright : (C) 2005 The phpFoX Group a Reality Fox Creation|| Contact : [email protected]|| Support Forum :|||| - phpFoX and all of its source code and files are protected by Copyright Laws. |||| - The license for phpFoX permits you to install this software on a single domain (.com, .org, .net, etc.). |||| - You may also not remove the "Powered By phpFoX" or any copyright screen which shows the copyright information and credits for phpFoX (RealityFOX Creations). |||| - phpFoX is NOT a FREE software -|||| ##################################################################=============================================================================*//* START PHPFOX *//*** Core source to display of all members profiles.*** @package phpFoX* @author natio* @file profile.php* @version $Revision: 1.1 $* @date $Date: 2006/12/08 02:23:52 $*//* ######################################### *//* DEFINE PAGE DETAILS *//* ######################################### */define("PHPFOX_CSS_PROFILE",TRUE);define("PHPFOX_RUNTIME",TRUE);define("PHPFOX_DIR","");define("PHPFOX_SCRIPT","profile");/* ######################################### *//* REQUIRE MAIN PHPFOX LOADER *//* ######################################### */require_once("phpfox_loader.php");/* ######################################### *//* SET ERROR ENVIROMENT *//* ######################################### */error_reporting(PHPFOX_CHECKS);/* ######################################### *//* START THE MAIN SCRIPT *//* ######################################### */if ( !empty($phpfox_config_profile['htaccess_url']) && !empty($_GET['ht_url']) && empty($_GET['user']) ){ include("index.". $phpfox_config['ext'] .""); exit;}$qSelect = " u.user,, u.friends_only ";// Make sure this query is only for the main profile indexif ( $PHPFOX_SUB != 'gallery' AND $PHPFOX_SUB != 'blog' AND $PHPFOX_SUB != 'guestbook' AND $PHPFOX_SUB != 'friends' AND $PHPFOX_SUB != 'favorites' AND $PHPFOX_SUB != 'view_blog' AND $PHPFOX_SUB != 'pic'){ $qSelect = " u.* ";}$qDb = " user AS u ";$qSelect .= " ,t.bg_color, t.bg_img, t.bg_main, t.color_main, t.link_on, t.link_hover, t.username_bg, t.username_color, t.top_menu, t.top_text, t.mainmenu4, t.mainmenu4_txt, t.border2, t.border2_txt, t.bottom, t.bottom_txt, t.nav1_bg, t.nav1_a_bg, t.nav1_a_txt, t.nav1_a2_bg, t.nav1_a2_txt, t.nav2_a_bg, t.nav2_a_txt, t.nav2_a2_bg, t.nav2_a2_txt, t.nav2_sqr, t.cmt_bg, t.cmt_txt, t.cmt2_bg, t.cmt2_txt, t.menu_bg, t.menu_a, t.menu_a_txt, t.menu2_a, t.menu2_a_txt, t.css ";$qDb .= " ,template AS t ";if ( !empty($phpfox_config_profile['htaccess_url']) && !empty($_GET['ht_url']) ){ $qWhere = " WHERE u.user = '". $_GET['user'] ."'"; $qWhere .= " AND t.user = u.user "; define("HT_MODE",TRUE);}else{ if ( $PHPFOX_SUB == 'username' && !empty($_GET['id']) ) { $qWhere = " WHERE u.user = '$_GET[id]' "; } else { $qWhere = " WHERE = '$_GET[id]' "; } $qWhere .= " AND t.user = u.user ";}// Pull out all the members information$a = phpfox_mysql_query("SELECT $qSelect FROM $qDb $qWhere");$b = phpfox_mysql_fetch_array($a);/*** Check if the member is only allowing his or her friends to view their profile*/if ( member_types2($VAR[4]) != '0' ){ if ( $b['user'] != $VAR[4] ) { if ( $b['friends_only'] ) { protect(); $friend1 = phpfox_sql_query("buddy","`id`,`user`","WHERE `user` = '$b[user]' AND `user1` = '$VAR[4]'",TRUE); $friend2 = phpfox_sql_query("buddy","`id`,`user`","WHERE `user` = '$VAR[4]' AND `user1` = '$b[user]'",TRUE); if ( empty($friend1['user']) && empty($friend2['user']) ) { $phpfox_build = array( 'ADS' => html_adds(""), 'LINK_FRIENDS' => phpfox_links("friends","add",$b['id']), ); phpfox_load_template("friends_only",$phpfox_build); exit; } } }}if ( !$b['user'] ){ phpfox_message($phpfox_lang['not_valid_user'],$phpfox_lang['main_error']);}if ( $VAR[4] ){ if ( member_types2($VAR[4]) != '0' ) { $check_block = phpfox_sql_query("block","`id`,`user1`","WHERE `user1` = '$b[user]' AND `user2` = '$VAR[4]'",TRUE); if ( $check_block['user1'] ) { phpfox_message($phpfox_lang['profle_block_text'],$phpfox_lang['main_error']); } }}define("MEMBERS_ID",$b['id']);$phpfox_build = array( 'MEMBERNAME' => ucfirst($b['user']), 'LINK_PROFILE' => !empty($phpfox_config_profile['htaccess_url']) ? ''. $VAR[0] .'/'. $b['user'] .'/' : phpfox_links(PHPFOX_SCRIPT,"home",MEMBERS_ID), 'LINK_GALLERY' => !empty($phpfox_config_profile['htaccess_url']) ? ''. $VAR[0] .'/'. $b['user'] .'/gallery/' : phpfox_links(PHPFOX_SCRIPT,"gallery",MEMBERS_ID), 'LINK_BLOG' => !empty($phpfox_config_profile['htaccess_url']) ? ''. $VAR[0] .'/'. $b['user'] .'/blog/' : phpfox_links(PHPFOX_SCRIPT,"blog",MEMBERS_ID), 'LINK_GUESTBOOK' => !empty($phpfox_config_profile['htaccess_url']) ? ''. $VAR[0] .'/'. $b['user'] .'/guestbook/' : phpfox_links(PHPFOX_SCRIPT,"guestbook",MEMBERS_ID), 'LINK_FRIENDS' => !empty($phpfox_config_profile['htaccess_url']) ? ''. $VAR[0] .'/'. $b['user'] .'/friends/' : phpfox_links(PHPFOX_SCRIPT,"friends",MEMBERS_ID), 'LINK_FAVORITES' => !empty($phpfox_config_profile['htaccess_url']) ? ''. $VAR[0] .'/'. $b['user'] .'/favorites/' : phpfox_links(PHPFOX_SCRIPT,"favorites",MEMBERS_ID), 'SITE_NAME' => $VAR[14], 'LARGE_ADS' => html_adds(2), );$phpfox_replace = array( 'member_view' => $VAR[4] == $b['user'] ? 1 : 0, 'profile_view' => $VAR[4] != $b['user'] ? 1 : 0, 'profile_mode' => 0, );switch ( $PHPFOX_SUB ){ ############################ case 'favorites': $phpfox_page_title = sprintf($phpfox_lang['title_profile_favorites'],$b['user']); if ( $phpfox_config_profile['htaccess_url'] && !defined("HT_MODE") ) { if ( !is_dir("". $b['user'] ."") ) { header("Location: ". $VAR[0] ."/". $b['user'] ."/favorites/". $PHPFOX_SUB_ID ."/"); exit; } } $phpfox_replace['LINK_FAVORITES'] = TRUE; $phpfox_replace['profile_favorites'] = TRUE; $mysql_query = "WHERE `user1` = '$b[user]'"; require_once "inc/function/phpfox_listing.php"; $phpfox_page_total = 9; $fav_total = phpfox_sql_total("id","favorite",$mysql_query); if ( $fav_total ) { list($num,$phpfox_replace_main,$phpfox_build_main) = phpfox_listing($fav_total,array(PHPFOX_SCRIPT,"favorites",MEMBERS_ID)); $fav_query = phpfox_sql_query("favorite","*","$mysql_query ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT $num,$phpfox_page_total"); $phpfox_build_main['AD'] = html_adds(""); $phpfox_build_main['LINK_EDIT'] = phpfox_links("favorites","edit"); $phpfox_replace_main['user_viewing'] = $VAR[4] == $b['user'] ? 1 : 0; $phpfox_replace_main['profile_favorites'] = ""; $phpfox_replace_main['favorites'] = TRUE; $i = 0; $fav_load = phpfox_load_while("profile_favorites"); while( $fav_list = phpfox_sql_fetch( $fav_query ) ) { $i++; $phpfox_replace_main['profile_favorites'] .= phpfox_while($fav_load, array( 'FAVORITES_IMAGE' => uimage($fav_list['user'],"75","",""), 'NAME' => ulink($fav_list['user']), ), array( 'fav_tr' => $i == 3 || $i == 6 || $i == 9 ? 1: 0, ) ); } phpfox_sql_free($fav_query); } else { $phpfox_build_main['AD'] = html_adds(""); $phpfox_build_main['VIEW_LIST'] = ""; $phpfox_replace_main['no_add'] = TRUE; } phpfox_template("profile_favorites",$phpfox_build_main); break; ############################ case 'friends': $phpfox_page_title = sprintf($phpfox_lang['title_profile_friends'],$b['user']); if ( $phpfox_config_profile['htaccess_url'] && !defined("HT_MODE") ) { if ( !is_dir("". $b['user'] ."") ) { header("Location: ". $VAR[0] ."/". $b['user'] ."/friends/". $PHPFOX_SUB_ID ."/"); exit; } } $phpfox_replace['LINK_FRIENDS'] = TRUE; $phpfox_replace['profile_friends'] = TRUE; $mysql_query = "WHERE `user` = '$b[user]' OR `user1` = '$b[user]'"; require_once "inc/function/phpfox_listing.php"; $phpfox_page_total = 9; $buddy_total = phpfox_sql_total("id","buddy",$mysql_query); if ( $buddy_total ) { list($num,$phpfox_replace_main,$phpfox_build_main) = phpfox_listing($buddy_total,array(PHPFOX_SCRIPT,"friends",MEMBERS_ID)); $friends_query = phpfox_sql_query("buddy","*","$mysql_query ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT $num,$phpfox_page_total"); $phpfox_build_main['AD'] = html_adds(""); $phpfox_build_main['LINK_EDIT'] = phpfox_links("friends","edit"); $phpfox_replace_main['hide_friends'] = TRUE; $phpfox_replace_main['user_viewing'] = $VAR[4] == $b['user'] ? 1 : 0; $phpfox_replace_main['profile_friends'] = ""; $phpfox_replace_main['friends'] = TRUE; $friends_load = phpfox_load_while("profile_friends"); while( $friends_list[] = phpfox_sql_fetch( $friends_query ) ); for ( $i = 0; $i < (count($friends_list)-1); $i++ ) { if ($friends_list[$i]['user'] == $b['user']) { $buddy = $friends_list[$i]['buddy']; } elseif ($friends_list[$i]['user1'] == $b['user']) { $buddy = $friends_list[$i]['buddy1']; } $phpfox_replace_main['profile_friends'] .= phpfox_while($friends_load, array( 'FRIENDS_IMAGE' => uimage($buddy,"75","",""), 'NAME' => ulink($buddy), ), array( 'friends_tr' => $i == 2 || $i == 5 || $i == 8 ? 1: 0, ) ); } phpfox_sql_free($friends_query); } else { $phpfox_build_main['AD'] = html_adds(""); $phpfox_build_main['VIEW_LIST'] = ""; $phpfox_replace_main['no_add'] = TRUE; } phpfox_template("profile_friends",$phpfox_build_main); break; ############################ case 'guestbook': $phpfox_page_title = sprintf($phpfox_lang['title_profile_guestbook'],$b['user']); if ( $phpfox_config_profile['htaccess_url'] && !defined("HT_MODE") ) { if ( !is_dir("". $b['user'] ."") ) { header("Location: ". $VAR[0] ."/". $b['user'] ."/guestbook/". $PHPFOX_SUB_ID ."/"); exit; } } $phpfox_replace['LINK_GUESTBOOK'] = TRUE; $phpfox_replace['profile_guestbook'] = TRUE; require_once "inc/function/phpfox_listing.php"; $phpfox_page_total = 10; $comment_total = phpfox_sql_total("id","comment","WHERE main = 'gb' AND gbuser = '$b[user]'"); require_once "". sprintf($phpfox_config['function_file'],"smile") .""; if ( $comment_total ) { list($num,$phpfox_replace_main,$phpfox_build_main) = phpfox_listing($comment_total,array(PHPFOX_SCRIPT,"guestbook",MEMBERS_ID)); $phpfox_build_main['AD'] = html_adds(""); $phpfox_build_main['FORM_COMMENT'] = phpfox_links("comment"); $phpfox_build_main['USER'] = $b['user']; $phpfox_build_main['EMOTICONS'] = $emo; $phpfox_build_main['LINK_EMO'] = phpfox_links("emoticons"); $comment_query = phpfox_mysql_query("SELECT ". comment_preloader(3) ." FROM comment AS c, user AS u WHERE c.main = 'gb' AND c.gbuser = '$b[user]' AND c.user = u.user ORDER BY c.time DESC LIMIT $num,$phpfox_page_total"); $display_comment = ""; $phpfox_replace_main['main_comment'] = ""; $comment_load = phpfox_load_while("main_comment"); $phpfox_build_main['LINK_GUESTBOOK'] = phpfox_links(PHPFOX_SCRIPT,"guestbook",MEMBERS_ID); while ( $GLOBAL_COMMENTS = phpfox_sql_fetch( $comment_query ) ) { $phpfox_replace_main['main_comment'] .= phpfox_while($comment_load, comment_preloader(1), comment_preloader(2) ); } $phpfox_replace_main['hide_comments'] = 1; phpfox_sql_free($comment_query); } else { $phpfox_build_main['FORM_COMMENT'] = phpfox_links("comment"); $phpfox_build_main['USER'] = $b['user']; $phpfox_build_main['AD'] = html_adds(""); $phpfox_build_main['VIEW_LIST'] = ""; $phpfox_replace_main['no_add'] = TRUE; $phpfox_build_main['EMOTICONS'] = $emo; $phpfox_build_main['LINK_EMO'] = phpfox_links("emoticons"); } phpfox_template("profile_guestbook",$phpfox_build_main); break; ############################ case 'view_blog': if ( $phpfox_config_profile['htaccess_url'] && !defined("HT_MODE") ) { if ( !is_dir("". $b['user'] ."") ) { header("Location: ". $VAR[0] ."/". $b['user'] ."/view_blog/". $PHPFOX_SUB_ID ."/"); exit; } } $phpfox_replace['LINK_BLOG'] = TRUE; $phpfox_replace['profile_blog_view'] = TRUE; $blogs = phpfox_sql_query("journal","`id`,`text`,`time`,`jmood`,`title`","WHERE `id` = '$PHPFOX_SUB_ID'",TRUE); if ( !$blogs['id'] ) { if ( defined("load_phpfox_globals") ) { if (!@include("phpfox_global.php")) { die("<b>Fatal Error:</b> Cant Load phpfox_global.php"); } } phpfox_message($phpfox_lang['not_found_text'],$phpfox_lang['not_found_title']); } $phpfox_page_title = strip_tags($blogs['title']); $comment_query = phpfox_mysql_query("SELECT ". comment_preloader(3) ." FROM comment AS c, user AS u WHERE c.cid = '$blogs[id]' AND c.main = 'journal' AND c.user = u.user ORDER BY c.time DESC LIMIT 0,$phpfox_config[total_page_comments]"); if ( phpfox_sql_count( $comment_query ) ) { $phpfox_replace_main['main_comment'] = ""; $comment_load = phpfox_load_while("main_comment"); while ( $GLOBAL_COMMENTS = phpfox_sql_fetch( $comment_query ) ) { $phpfox_replace_main['main_comment'] .= phpfox_while($comment_load, comment_preloader(1), comment_preloader(2) ); } $phpfox_replace_main['hide_comments'] = 1; } phpfox_sql_free($comment_query); $phpfox_build_main = array( 'AD' => html_adds(""), 'DATE' => date($phpfox_config['time_layout'],$blogs['time']), 'MOOD' => ucfirst($blogs['jmood']), 'TEXT' => code($blogs['text'],"","60"), 'FORM_COMMENT' => phpfox_links("comment"), 'ID' => $blogs['id'], ); phpfox_template("profile_blog_view",$phpfox_build_main); break; ############################ case 'blog': if ( $phpfox_config_profile['htaccess_url'] && !defined("HT_MODE") ) { if ( !is_dir("". $b['user'] ."") ) { header("Location: ". $VAR[0] ."/". $b['user'] ."/blog/". $PHPFOX_SUB_ID ."/"); exit; } } if ( !empty( $phpfox_config_section['BLOGS'] ) ) { phpfox_message($phpfox_lang['section_closed'],$phpfox_lang['notice']); } $phpfox_page_title = sprintf($phpfox_lang['title_profile_blog'],$b['user']); $phpfox_replace['LINK_BLOG'] = TRUE; $phpfox_replace['profile_blog'] = TRUE; $mysql_query = "WHERE `user` = '$b[user]'"; require_once "inc/function/phpfox_listing.php"; $phpfox_page_total = 10; $blog_total = phpfox_sql_total("id","journal",$mysql_query); if ( $blog_total ) { list($num,$phpfox_replace_main,$phpfox_build_main) = phpfox_listing($blog_total,array(PHPFOX_SCRIPT,"blog",MEMBERS_ID)); $phpfox_build_main['AD'] = html_adds(""); $phpfox_replace_main['blogs'] = TRUE; $blogs_query = phpfox_sql_query("journal","`id`,`title`,`time`,`text`,`jmood`","WHERE `user` = '$b[user]' ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT $num,$phpfox_page_total"); if ( phpfox_sql_count( $blogs_query ) ) { $phpfox_replace_main['profile_blog'] = ""; $load_blogs = phpfox_load_while("profile_blog"); $phpfox_build_main['LINK_BLOG'] = phpfox_links(PHPFOX_SCRIPT,"blog",MEMBERS_ID); while ($blogs = phpfox_sql_fetch( $blogs_query )) { $phpfox_replace_main['profile_blog'] .= phpfox_while($load_blogs, array( 'BLOG_LINK' => phpfox_links("profile","blog",MEMBERS_ID,$blogs['id']), 'BLOG_TTILE' => $blogs['title'], 'BLOG_TIME' => date($phpfox_config['time_layout'],$blogs['time']), 'BLOG_TEXT' => code($blogs['text'],"","60"), 'BLOG_MOOD' => ucfirst($blogs['jmood']), 'LINK_BLOG' => !empty($phpfox_config_profile['htaccess_url']) ? ''. $VAR[0] .'/'. $b['user'] .'/view_blog/'. $blogs['id'] .'/' : phpfox_links(PHPFOX_SCRIPT,"view_blog",MEMBERS_ID,$blogs['id']), ) ); } } phpfox_sql_free($blogs_query); } else { $phpfox_build_main = ""; $phpfox_replace_main['no_add'] = TRUE; } phpfox_template("profile_blog",$phpfox_build_main); break; ############################ case 'pic': $phpfox_replace['LINK_GALLERY'] = 1; $phpfox_replace['profile_pic'] = 1; $image = phpfox_sql_query("main","`id`,`text`,`img`,`user`,`text`","WHERE `id` = '$PHPFOX_SUB_ID'",TRUE); if ( !$image['id'] ) { phpfox_message($phpfox_lang['not_found_text'],$phpfox_lang['not_found_title']); } $phpfox_page_title = empty($image['text']) ? sprintf($phpfox_lang['title_profile_gallery'],$b['user']) : strip_tags($image['text']); $comment_query = phpfox_mysql_query("SELECT ". comment_preloader(3) ." FROM comment AS c, user AS u WHERE c.main = '$image[id]' AND c.user = u.user ORDER BY c.time DESC LIMIT 0,$phpfox_config[total_page_comments]"); if ( phpfox_sql_count( $comment_query ) ) { $phpfox_replace_main['main_comment'] = ""; $comment_load = phpfox_load_while("main_comment"); $phpfox_build_main['LINK_GUESTBOOK'] = phpfox_links(PHPFOX_SCRIPT,"guestbook",MEMBERS_ID); while ( $GLOBAL_COMMENTS = phpfox_sql_fetch( $comment_query ) ) { $phpfox_replace_main['main_comment'] .= phpfox_while($comment_load, comment_preloader(1), comment_preloader(2) ); } $phpfox_replace_main['hide_comments'] = 1; } phpfox_sql_free($comment_query); $phpfox_build_main = array( 'MAINIMAGE' => image("600","600","$VAR[0]/gallery/$image[img]/$image[id].jpg",""), 'TEXT' => strip_tags($image['text']), 'IMAGE_ID' => $image['id'], 'USER' => $image['user'], 'FORM_COMMENT' => phpfox_links("comment"), 'LINK_GALLERY' => phpfox_links(PHPFOX_SCRIPT,"gallery",MEMBERS_ID), ); $nextpic = phpfox_sql_query("main","`id`","WHERE `user` = '$b[user]' AND `id` < '$image[id]' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 0,1",TRUE); if ( $nextpic['id'] ) { $phpfox_replace_main['next_pic'] = TRUE; $phpfox_build_main['LINK_NEXT_PIC'] = !empty($phpfox_config_profile['htaccess_url']) ? ''. $VAR[0] .'/'. $b['user'] .'/pic/'. $nextpic['id'] .'/' : phpfox_links(PHPFOX_SCRIPT,"pic",MEMBERS_ID,$nextpic['id']); } $prevpic = phpfox_sql_query("main","`id`","WHERE `user` = '$b[user]' AND `id` > '$image[id]' ORDER BY `id` LIMIT 0,1",TRUE); if ( $prevpic['id'] ) { $phpfox_replace_main['prev_pic'] = TRUE; $phpfox_build_main['LINK_PREV_PIC'] = !empty($phpfox_config_profile['htaccess_url']) ? ''. $VAR[0] .'/'. $b['user'] .'/pic/'. $prevpic['id'] .'/' : phpfox_links(PHPFOX_SCRIPT,"pic",MEMBERS_ID,$prevpic['id']); } phpfox_template("profile_pic",$phpfox_build_main); break; ############################ case 'gallery': if ( $phpfox_config_profile['htaccess_url'] && !defined("HT_MODE") ) { if ( !is_dir("". $b['user'] ."") ) { header("Location: ". $VAR[0] ."/". $b['user'] ."/gallery/". $PHPFOX_SUB_ID ."/"); exit; } } if ( !empty( $phpfox_config_section['GALLERY'] ) ) { phpfox_message($phpfox_lang['section_closed'],$phpfox_lang['notice']); } $phpfox_page_title = sprintf($phpfox_lang['title_profile_gallery'],$b['user']); $phpfox_build_main = array(); $phpfox_replace['LINK_GALLERY'] = 1; $phpfox_replace['profile_gallery'] = 1; $mysql_query = "WHERE `user` = '$b[user]' AND `allow` != '1'"; require_once "inc/function/phpfox_listing.php"; $phpfox_page_total = 9; $gallary_total = phpfox_sql_total("id","main",$mysql_query); if ( $gallary_total ) { list($num,$phpfox_replace_main,$phpfox_build_main) = phpfox_listing($gallary_total,array(PHPFOX_SCRIPT,"gallery",MEMBERS_ID)); $phpfox_replace_main['gallery'] = TRUE; $gallery_query = phpfox_sql_query("main","`img`,`id`","". $mysql_query ." ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT $num,$phpfox_page_total"); if ( phpfox_sql_count( $gallery_query ) ) { $gallery_count = 0; $phpfox_replace_main['profile_index_gallery'] = ""; $load_gallery = phpfox_load_while("profile_index_gallery"); while ($gallery = phpfox_sql_fetch( $gallery_query )) { $gallery_count++; $phpfox_replace_main['profile_index_gallery'] .= phpfox_while($load_gallery, array( 'gallery_IMAGE' => phpfox_gallery_thumb($gallery['img'],$gallery['id']), 'LINK_VIEW_IMAGE' => !empty($phpfox_config_profile['htaccess_url']) ? ''. $VAR[0] .'/'. $b['user'] .'/pic/'. $gallery['id'] .'/' : phpfox_links("profile","pic",MEMBERS_ID,$gallery['id']), ), array( 'gallery_tr' => $gallery_count == 3 || $gallery_count == 6 || $gallery_count == 12 ? 1: 0, ) ); } } phpfox_sql_free($gallery_query); } else { $phpfox_replace_main['no_add'] = TRUE; } phpfox_template("profile_gallery",$phpfox_build_main); break; ############################ default: $phpfox_page_title = sprintf($phpfox_lang['title_profile'],$b['user']); if ( $phpfox_config_profile['htaccess_url'] && !defined("HT_MODE") ) { if ( !is_dir("". $b['user'] ."") ) { header("Location: ". $VAR[0] ."/". $b['user'] ."/"); exit; } } if ($VAR[4] && $VAR[4] != $b['user']) { $profile_viewed = phpfox_sql_query("session","`user`,`id`","WHERE `user` = '$VAR[4]' AND `viewing` = '$b[user]'",TRUE); if ( $profile_viewed['user'] ) { phpfox_sql_update("session","SET `time` = '". time() ."' WHERE `id` = '$profile_viewed[id]'"); } else { phpfox_sql_insert("session","`user`,`viewing`,`time`","'$VAR[4]','$b[user]','". time() ."'"); } } $phpfox_replace['LINK_PROFILE'] = 1; $phpfox_replace['profile_index'] = TRUE; $profile = $b; $check_block_user = phpfox_sql_query("block","`id`","WHERE `user2` = '$b[user]' AND `user1` = '$VAR[4]'",TRUE); $phpfox_replace_main['no_blocked'] = empty($check_block_user['id']) ? 1 : 0; $phpfox_replace_main['yes_blocked'] = !empty($check_block_user['id']) ? 1 : 0; unset($fields); require_once "". $VAR[5] ."/inc/cache/phpfox_fields.php"; $phpfox_replace_main['profile_index_block_right'] = ""; $load_blocks_right = phpfox_load_while("profile_index_block_right"); $phpfox_replace_main['profile_index_block_left'] = ""; $load_blocks_left = phpfox_load_while("profile_index_block_left"); $phpfox_replace_main['profile_index_panel'] = ""; $load_blocks_panel = phpfox_load_while("profile_index_panel"); foreach($fields as $item => $detail) { if ( $detail['type'] == 'text' ) { if ( !empty($profile[$detail['db_title']]) ) { if ( $detail['location'] == 'right' ) { $phpfox_replace_main['profile_index_block_right'] .= phpfox_while($load_blocks_right,array( 'title' => ucfirst($detail['title']), 'content' => code($profile[$detail['db_title']],"","60"), ) ); } elseif ( $detail['location'] == 'left' ) { $phpfox_replace_main['profile_index_block_left'] .= phpfox_while($load_blocks_left,array( 'title' => ucfirst($detail['title']), 'content' => code($profile[$detail['db_title']],"","60"), ) ); } } } elseif ( $detail['type'] == 'drop' ) { $phpfox_replace_main['profile_index_panel'] .= phpfox_while($load_blocks_panel,array( 'title' => ucfirst($detail['title']), 'content' => empty($profile[$detail['db_title']]) ? $phpfox_lang['n_a'] : $profile[$detail['db_title']], ) ); } } $phpfox_build_main = array( 'user_location' => $profile['location'], 'user_gender' => ucfirst($profile['gender']), 'user_signup' => date($phpfox_config['time_layout'],$profile['signup']), 'user_last_login' => date($phpfox_config['time_layout'],$profile['login']), 'user_starsign' => starsign($profile['day'],$profile['month'],""), 'user_birthday' => bday($profile['day'],$profile['month'],$profile['year']), 'RSS_LINK' => !empty($phpfox_config_profile['htaccess_url']) ? 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AND o.online_session_time > '". $phpfox_config['user_max_online'] ."'"; $checkQuery = phpfox_mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM online_session AS o $DATABASE"); $checkFetch = phpfox_mysql_fetch_array($checkQuery); if ( $checkFetch['count'] ) { $phpfox_build_main['USER_ONLINE'] = '<span style="color:green;">'. $phpfox_lang['ONLINE'] .'</span>'; } else { if ( empty($phpfox_config_profile['show_offline_status']) ) { $phpfox_build_main['USER_ONLINE'] = '<span style="color:red;">'. $phpfox_lang['OFFLINE'] .'</span>'; } } $phpfox_replace_main['USER_HEADLINE'] = !empty( $profile['headline'] ) ? 1 : 0; $phpfox_replace_main['HIDE_STATE'] = !empty( $profile['state'] ) || !empty( $profile['city'] ) ? 1 : 0; $phpfox_replace_main['DISPLAY_BLOG'] = $phpfox_config_profile['pI_display_blog'] ? 0 : 1; $phpfox_replace_main['DISPLAY_MEDIA'] = $phpfox_config_profile['pI_display_music'] ? 0 : 1; $phpfox_replace_main['DISPLAY_COMMENT'] = $phpfox_config_profile['pI_display_comment'] ? 0 : 1; $phpfox_replace_main['DISPLAY_POINTS'] = $phpfox_config_profile['pI_display_points'] ? 0 : 1; $phpfox_replace_main['DISPLAY_VIDEO'] = FALSE; $phpfox_replace_main['not_user'] = $VAR[4] != $profile['user'] ? 1 : 0; $phpfox_replace_main['hide_crush'] = empty($phpfox_config_section['CRUSH']) ? 1 : 0; $phpfox_build_main['LINK_GALLERY'] = phpfox_links(PHPFOX_SCRIPT,"gallery",MEMBERS_ID); if ( !empty( $profile['music_video'] ) && empty( $phpfox_config_section['MUSIC'] ) ) { $phpfox_replace_main['DISPLAY_VIDEO'] = TRUE; $phpfox_replace_main['HIDE_USER_VIEW'] = $VAR[4] == $profile['user'] ? 1 : 0; $phpfox_build_main['LINK_VIDEO_REMOVE'] = phpfox_links("music","remove"); $phpfox_build_main['LINK_VIDEO'] = phpfox_links("music_player","display",$profile['music_video']); } if ( $phpfox_config_profile['pI_hide_visitors'] ) { $visitors_query = phpfox_sql_query("session","`user`,`viewing`,`id`","WHERE `viewing` = '$profile[user]' ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 0,6"); if ( phpfox_sql_count( $visitors_query ) ) { $phpfox_replace_main['hide_visitors'] = 1; $visitor_count = 0; $phpfox_replace_main['profile_index_visitors'] = ""; $load_visitors = phpfox_load_while("profile_index_visitors"); while ($visitors = phpfox_sql_fetch( $visitors_query )) { $visitor_count++; $phpfox_replace_main['profile_index_visitors'] .= phpfox_while($load_visitors, array( 'VISITORS_IMAGE' => uimage($visitors['user'],"75","",""), ), array( 'visitors_tr' => $visitor_count == 3 || $visitor_count == 6 ? 1: 0, ) ); } } phpfox_sql_free($visitors_query); } $friends_query = phpfox_sql_query("buddy","*","WHERE `user` = '$profile[user]' OR `user1` = '$profile[user]' ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 0,6"); if ( phpfox_sql_count( $friends_query ) ) { $total_friends = phpfox_sql_total("id","buddy","WHERE `user` = '$profile[user]' OR `user1` = '$profile[user]'"); $phpfox_build_main['profile_total_friends'] = sprintf($phpfox_lang['profile_total_friends'],$profile['user'],$total_friends); $phpfox_build_main['LINK_FRIENDS'] = phpfox_links(PHPFOX_SCRIPT,"friends",MEMBERS_ID); $phpfox_replace_main['hide_friends'] = 1; $phpfox_replace_main['profile_index_friends'] = ""; $friends_load = phpfox_load_while("profile_index_friends"); while( $friends_list[] = phpfox_sql_fetch( $friends_query ) ); for ( $i = 0; $i < (count( $friends_list )-1); $i++ ) { if ($friends_list[$i]['user'] == $profile['user']) { $buddy = $friends_list[$i]['buddy']; } elseif ($friends_list[$i]['user1'] == $profile['user']) { $buddy = $friends_list[$i]['buddy1']; } $phpfox_replace_main['profile_index_friends'] .= phpfox_while($friends_load, array( 'FRIENDS_IMAGE' => uimage($buddy,"75","",""), ), array( 'friends_tr' => $i == 2 ? 1: 0, ) ); } } phpfox_sql_free($friends_query); if ( empty( $phpfox_config_section['BLOGS'] ) ) { $phpfox_replace_main['hide_blogs'] = 0; $blog_total = empty($phpfox_config_profile['profileI_blog_total']) ? 5 : $phpfox_config_profile['profileI_blog_total']; $blogs_query = phpfox_sql_query("journal","`id`,`title`,`time`","WHERE `user` = '$profile[user]' ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 0,$blog_total"); if ( phpfox_sql_count( $blogs_query ) ) { $phpfox_replace_main['hide_blogs'] = 1; $blog_count = 0; $phpfox_replace_main['profile_index_blogs'] = ""; $load_blogs = phpfox_load_while("profile_index_blogs"); $phpfox_build_main['LINK_BLOG'] = phpfox_links(PHPFOX_SCRIPT,"blog",MEMBERS_ID); while ($blogs = phpfox_sql_fetch( $blogs_query )) { $blog_count++; $phpfox_replace_main['profile_index_blogs'] .= phpfox_while($load_blogs, array( 'BLOG_LINK' => !empty($phpfox_config_profile['htaccess_url']) ? ''. $VAR[0] .'/'. $b['user'] .'/view_blog/'. $blogs['id'] .'/' : phpfox_links("profile","view_blog",MEMBERS_ID,$blogs['id']), 'BLOG_TTILE' => $blogs['title'], 'BLOG_TIME' => date($phpfox_config['time_layout'],$blogs['time']), ), array( 'blog_class' => $blog_count == 2 ? 1: 0, ) ); } } phpfox_sql_free($blogs_query); } $gb_total = empty($phpfox_config_profile['profileI_gb_total']) ? 10 : $phpfox_config_profile['profileI_gb_total']; $comment_query = phpfox_mysql_query("SELECT ". comment_preloader(3) ." 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AND = p.group_id"); if ( phpfox_sql_count( $group_query ) ) { $phpfox_build_main['LINK_GROUPS'] = phpfox_links("groups","user",MEMBERS_ID); $phpfox_replace_main['hide_groups'] = TRUE; $group_count = 0; $phpfox_replace_main['profile_index_groups'] = ""; $load_gallery = phpfox_load_while("profile_index_groups"); while ($group_info = phpfox_mysql_fetch_array($group_query)) { $group_count++; $phpfox_replace_main['profile_index_groups'] .= phpfox_while($load_gallery, array( 'NAME' => strip_tags($group_info['title']), 'GROUP_LINK' => phpfox_links("groups","view",$group_info['id']), ), array( 'find_one' => $group_count != 1 ? 1 : 0, ) ); } phpfox_sql_free($group_query); } } break;}if ( !$phpfox_config['allow_css_edit'] ){ $profile_css_count = 0; if ( $b['id'] ) { foreach ($b as $css_db => $css_nam) { if (eregi("[a-z]",$css_db)) { if ( $css_db != 'id' && $css_db != 'user' ) { if ( !empty( $b[$css_db] ) ) { $profile_css_count++; $phpfox_replace_main[$css_db] = !empty( $b[$css_db] ) ? 1 : 0; if ( $css_db == 'bg_img' ) { $phpfox_build_main['bg_img'] = $b['user']; } else { $phpfox_build_main[$css_db] = strip_tags(code($b[$css_db],"","")); } } } } } } else { phpfox_sql_insert("template","`user`","'$profile[user]'"); } $phpfox_replace_main['PROFILE_CSS'] = $profile_css_count != 0 ? 1 : 0;}phpfox_template("profile_css","");if ( @$phpfox_config_profile['profile_mode'] ){ $phpfox_replace['profile_mode'] = TRUE; $phpfox_top_replace_loader['profile_hack'] = false; phpfox_load_template("profile_template",$phpfox_build);}else{ phpfox_load_template("profile_template",$phpfox_build);}/* END PHPFOX *//*======================================================================*\|| ####################################################################|| # Version RunTime: $_PHPFOX_RUNTIME || Script FileName: $_PHPFOX_FILENAME || ####################################################################\*======================================================================*/?>[/code] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
beselabios Posted December 12, 2006 Author Share Posted December 12, 2006 anyone know what to do? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trq Posted December 12, 2006 Share Posted December 12, 2006 Just the relevent code please. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
beselabios Posted December 12, 2006 Author Share Posted December 12, 2006 i dont know what code is needed! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trq Posted December 12, 2006 Share Posted December 12, 2006 [quote]i dont know what code is needed![/quote]Yet this is for a client? Don't meen to be harsh but why don't you tell your client to hire a developer?Really, if you don't know whats going on with your code then you expect us to fix your problem, thats not the purpose of the board. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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