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How would i code posting the submition form onto my forums?


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I am trying to make it so when the user submits their information here:[url=http://overdriveguild.com/apply.php]http://overdriveguild.com/apply.php[/url]

It posts Here: [url=http://overdriveguild.com/phpBB2/index.php?c=5]http://overdriveguild.com/phpBB2/index.php?c=5[/url]

Here is my register1.php code:
$data = "
<br>Char name - $char_name
<br>Char level - $char_level
<br>Char race - $char_race
<br>Char class - $char_class
<br>Char prof - $char_prof
<br>Char prof lvl - $char_prof_lvl
<br>Char prof2 - $char_prof2
<br>Char prof2 lvl - $char_prof2_lvl
<br>Player name - $player_name
<br>Player age - $player_age
<br>Player gender - $player_gender
<br>Player location - $player_location
<br>Player type - $player_type
<br>Why OverDrive - $why_dl
<br>Good addition - $good_addition
<br>Guild history - $history";

$char_name = $_POST['char_name'];
$char_level = $_POST['char_level'];
$char_race = $_POST['char_race'];
$char_class = $_POST['char_class'];
$char_prof = $_POST['char_prof'];
$char_prof_lvl = $_POST['char_prof_lvl'];
$char_prof2 = $_POST['char_prof2'];
$char_prof2_lvl = $_POST['char_prof2_lvl'];
$player_name = $_POST['player_name'];
$player_age = $_POST['player_age'];
$player_gender = $_POST['player_gender'];
$player_location = $_POST['player_location'];
$player_type = $_POST['player_type'];
$why_dl = $_POST['why_dl'];
$good_addition = $_POST['good_addition'];
$history = $_POST['history'];

$filename = "applicants/$char_class.html";
$fp = fopen("$filename","a");
fwrite($fp, $data);


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:-\ thought so lol.

I am trying to make it so when the user submits their information it makes a post on the forums. under the correct class name e.g. Druid

basically i want $char_class to be posted as a post subject on the forums, or even $char_name a lvl $char_level $char_class as the post subject (which would look like Wtfsmd a lvl 60 Druid).

and [code]<?php
$data = "
<br>Char name - $char_name
<br>Char level - $char_level
<br>Char race - $char_race
<br>Char class - $char_class
<br>Char prof - $char_prof
<br>Char prof lvl - $char_prof_lvl
<br>Char prof2 - $char_prof2
<br>Char prof2 lvl - $char_prof2_lvl
<br>Player name - $player_name
<br>Player age - $player_age
<br>Player gender - $player_gender
<br>Player location - $player_location
<br>Player type - $player_type
<br>Why OverDrive - $why_dl
<br>Good addition - $good_addition
<br>Guild history - $history";
to be in the post so like in the post body would be:
Char name - Wtfsmd
Char level - 60
Char race - Human

instead the way i have it now, is i make it a html file like[code]$filename = "applicants/$char_class.html";
$fp = fopen("$filename","a");
fwrite($fp, $data);

and i [code]<?php include (.'/warlock.php') ?>[/code]
it looks like this [url=http://overdriveguild.com/warlock.php]http://overdriveguild.com/warlock.php[/url]

and the problem with that is it gets way too cluttered up when multiple people post, its simply inefficient.

Do you get what i am trying to do, or did i not explain it good enough ???
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I'd say you're right. I don't see how a script could magically surf to the proper page and category and start/create a new thread. But, you could have the results of the form dumped into all the necessary fields of the 'posts' database quite easily with a simple query than runs when the form is submitted. That is, as long as you have all the necessary info.
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