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server logs: PHP Warning: session_start(): Cannot find save handler 'mm'


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good evening dear experts, hello dear PHP-Freaks,



i have got some issues with a server where a wordpress - installation runs.



if i have a closer look at the error-logs i see a lot of :

 server logs: PHP Warning:  session_start(): Cannot find save handler 'mm'

any idea what i can  do here  note : i am on PHP version 5xy



love to hear from you:



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update; see the following data:

PHP Warning:  session_start(): Cannot find save handler 'mm' - session startup failed in /sites

Cannot find save handler 'mm': save handler: see :

If you compile PHP using the --with-mm configuration, you can set the session module to mm.
This module uses shared memory for storing sessions. If you wish to implement your own handler in PI IP,
see the session_set save handler function. string session_name(string naine) The session_name function returns


see here some more about the topic: save handler mm:

....Can the absence of the "mm sqlite" stop PHP sessions from working when shifting from development to production?

taken from http://devzone.zend.com/article/141

There are a couple built-in options for storing session data. The session handler is set in the php.ini under the directive named


sqlite Optionally, you can store session data in an sqlite database. To do so, use a configuration such as:

session.save_handler = sqlite
session.save_path = /tmp/phpsess.db

mm For high-performance session storage, you can store session data in memory with the mm shared-memory module. You'll need to compile php with the mm module support. Here is a tutorial to configure session handling with mm ( http://www.zend.com/tips/tips.php?id=164&single=1 ). Note that since session date is stored in RAM, you should consider it volatile data, and it's lost with power outage or a reboot.


Note: the linkin the above tutorial is outdated. You can retrieve the mm module from the OSSP.org website.

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the wordpress configuration is trying to store the session data using something other than the default session data file handler.


since, there are very few real cases where you need to use a different session data handler, set the wordpress configuration to use the default php session data file handler.


if you are running this on shared web hosting, you should create a folder within your hosting directory tree, outside of the document root folder to hold the session data, then set the session.save_path setting to match this folder.

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hello dear Mac_gyver


many thanks for the quick reply. Great to hear from you.


Well i run this on a root  server which is adminstrated by a friend of mine.



question: What would you do here - in this situation? What should i tell him now.

BTW: does the thread here on stackoverflow fit  the issues i have: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3740791/php-configuration-to-enable-sessions


there some guys explain mm as a configurations-option:


mm For high-performance session storage, you can store session data in memory with the mm shared-memory module. You'll need to compile php with the mm module support. Here is a tutorial to configure session handling with mm ( http://www.zend.com/tips/tips.php?id=164&single=1 ). Note that since session date is stored in RAM, you should consider it volatile data, and it's lost with power outage or a reboot.





Well - i would be more than happy to shed a light on this issue.


I need to debug the system and need to have a closer look at the behaviour of some plugins... : see here this thread: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/e-mail-notification-mails-to-admin-and-subscriber-do-not-work/

for more details:



love to hear from you again



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hello again


here my current settings


see some data out of the php-configuration – not sure if they help here;

Session Support     enabled
Registered save handlers     files user
Registered serializer handlers     php_serialize php php_binary
Directive    Local Value    Master Value
session.auto_start    Off    Off
session.cache_expire    180    180
session.cache_limiter    nocache    nocache
session.cookie_domain    no value    no value
session.cookie_httponly    Off    Off
session.cookie_lifetime    3600    3600
session.cookie_path    /    /
session.cookie_secure    Off    Off
session.entropy_file    /dev/urandom    /dev/urandom
session.entropy_length    32    32
session.gc_divisor    1000    1000
session.gc_maxlifetime    3600    3600
session.gc_probability    1    1
session.hash_bits_per_character    5    5
session.hash_function    0    0
session.name    PHPSESSID    PHPSESSID
session.referer_check    no value    no value
session.save_handler    mm    mm
session.save_path    no value    no value
session.serialize_handler    php    php
session.upload_progress.cleanup    On    On
session.upload_progress.enabled    On    On
session.upload_progress.freq    1%    1%
session.upload_progress.min_freq    1    1
session.upload_progress.prefix    upload_progress_    upload_progress_
session.use_cookies    On    On
session.use_only_cookies    On    On
session.use_strict_mode    Off    Off
session.use_trans_sid    0    0



what can i do now?


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some more investigations

This error means that our session can not be saved by our session save handler. As we see  i am  using mm session save handler which stands for Shared Memory.
From php.net: To use shared memory allocation (mm) for session storage configure PHP --with-mm[=DIR] .

we  probably need to install php Shared Memory extension to use this kind of session handler: http://php.net/manual/en/book.shmop.php
Default php session handler is file handler which store your session in files on file system. This handler do not need any additional extension.

see sessions:


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