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Problems Searching Directories


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I'm trying to build a basic site to store files. I'm currently working on a directory search using the code below. If i place by 'browse.php' doc in the root directory it works fine, if I place it in a subfolder (such as 'UploadedFiles) then it works fine, however if I keep the doc in the root folder and try to search a subfolder (such as Uploaded Files), then it finds nothing. I'm using Apache on Mac OSX. All files/folders have my ownership, and everyone else can also read and write them.

// set the directory name and open it

$search_dir = '.'; // fullstop represents the current directory and works! if I use 'UploadedFiles' INSTEAD then it doesn't work?!?!

//$search_dir = 'UploadedFiles';
$dp = opendir ($search_dir);

// now list the directories of this directory

echo '<p>Directories:</p>';
while ($item = readdir ($dp) ) {
if ( (is_dir ($item)) AND (substr ($item, 0, 1) != '.') ) {
echo "$item<br />";
rewinddir ($dp);

echo '<p>Files:</p>';

echo '<p><table cellpadding="5"><tr>';
echo '<td>File Name</td>';
echo '<td>File Size</td>';
echo '<td>Last Modified</td>';
echo '</tr>';

while ($item = readdir ($dp) ) {
if ( (is_file ($item)) AND (substr ($item, 0, 1) != '.') ) {
$fs = filesize ($item);
$lm = date('F j, Y', filemtime ($item)); //RESOLVE!!!!
//$lm = filetime ($item); //RESOLVE!!!!
echo "<tr><td>$item</td><td>$fs bytes</td><td>$lm</td></tr>";

echo '</table>';
closedir ($dp);

Help would be great!
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I'm coming up blank. The only things I can think of are:

1) Double check your spelling and capitalization. Unix based systems are case sensitive.
2) Double check your permissions. '777' on the folder to be updated specifically. Even though the files or folders have your ownership, it's the server user (usually 'apache') that's trying to write to the folder, and unless they're part of your ownership group, sometimes that can cause an error.

I know you already said that all folders had open permissions, but I figured I'd just throw in that little piece of advice... otherwise, I'm stumped :(
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I've checked spelling over and over and unfortunately that's not it. I'm using OSX to change the permissions (via 'Get Info). I've tried changing owndership and group, always allowing everyone to read and write the files/directories but still nothing. Thanks for your help so far but any other ideas would be great, I've come to a complete standstill on this project.  ???
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  • 2 weeks later...
It was definitely worth a try but I can't get that to work, the path doesn't seem right. These are the path's I'm trying to search the current folder:

$directory01 = '.'; // This works!
$directory02 = './'; // This works!
$directory03 = '/Users/edward/Sites/BeatProgress/Clients/002_Sholl/Storage'; // This works!
$directory04 = '/Users/edward/Sites/BeatProgress/Clients/002_Sholl/Storage/files'; // This doesn't work?!
$directory05 = 'Macintosh HD:Users:edward:Sites:BeatProgress:Clients:002_Sholl:Storage'; // This doesn't work - it thinks I'm entering a relative subfolder, how do I get around this?

I'm using OSX and running this site from my personal Sites folder. Please help, it must be possible!

PS I've also tried on hosted webspace and I have similar problems, I can search the current directory but not a specified subdirectory:
/home/user/public_html/sholl/storage/ // this works
/home/user/public_html/sholl/storage/uploaded_files/ // this doesn't
Permissions for the subdirectory are rwxr-w-rw
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This is the code I'm using:


echo 'You are here: '.getcwd();

$directory01 = '.';

$directory02 = 'Files';

echo '<p><a href="'.$directory01.'">'.$directory01.'</a></p>';

echo '<p><a href="'.$directory02.'">'.$directory02.'</a></p>';

echo '<hr />';

// set the directory name and open it

$search_dir = "$directory01"; // fullstop represents the current directory

$dp = opendir ($search_dir);

// now list the directories of this directory

echo '<p>Directories in '.$search_dir.'</p>';

while ($item = readdir ($dp) ) {

if ( (is_dir ($item)) AND (substr ($item, 0, 1) != '.') ) {

echo "$item<br />";



rewinddir ($dp);

echo '<p>Files:</p>';

echo '<p><table cellpadding="5"><tr>';
echo '<td>File Name</td>';
echo '<td>File Size</td>';
echo '<td>Last Modified</td>';
echo '<td>File Owner</td>';
echo '<td>File Permissions</td>';
echo '</tr>';

while ($item = readdir ($dp) ) {

if ( (is_file ($item)) AND (substr ($item, 0, 1) != '.') ) {

$fs = filesize ($item);
$lm = date('F j, Y', filemtime ($item)); //RESOLVE!!!!
//$lm = filetime ($item); //RESOLVE!!!!
echo "<tr><td>$item</td><td>$fs bytes</td><td>$lm</td><td>".fileowner($item).'</td><td>'.fileperms($item).'</td></tr>';


echo '</table>';

closedir ($dp);

echo '<hr />';

// set the directory name and open it

$search_dir = "$directory02"; // fullstop represents the current directory

$dp = opendir ($search_dir);

// now list the directories of this directory

echo '<p>Directories in '.$search_dir.'</p>';

while ($item = readdir ($dp) ) {

if ( (is_dir ($item)) AND (substr ($item, 0, 1) != '.') ) {

echo "$item<br />";



rewinddir ($dp);

echo '<p>Files:</p>';

echo '<p><table cellpadding="5"><tr>';
echo '<td>File Name</td>';
echo '<td>File Size</td>';
echo '<td>Last Modified</td>';
echo '</tr>';

while ($item = readdir ($dp) ) {

if ( (is_file ($item)) AND (substr ($item, 0, 1) != '.') ) {

$fs = filesize ($item);
$lm = date('F j, Y', filemtime ($item)); //RESOLVE!!!!
//$lm = filetime ($item); //RESOLVE!!!!
echo "<tr><td>$item</td><td>$fs bytes</td><td>$lm</td></tr>";


echo '</table>';

closedir ($dp);


Directory01 works, directory02 doesn't.

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