techker Posted April 30, 2018 Share Posted April 30, 2018 (edited) Hey guy's , I have been searching the net to find a solution to parse an M3u extended file and extract what i need.. i found a script that works only with m3u not the plus(ads Logo and more information this works great for : #EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1,A&E TV but on m3u plus #EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="A&E TV" tvg-logo="" group-title="USA ENTERTAINMENT",A&E TV i get a long string.. TV" tvg-name="beIN tvg-logo="" tvg-name="Zootopia Swim" tvg-name="ZNS (US)" tvg-name="You're HEROES tvg-name="You TV" tvg-name="You America" error_reporting(E_ALL); /** * @desc Set the time limit (seconds) */ set_time_limit(15); class m3uParser { /* * Private Variables */ private $m3uFile; private $m3uFile_SongLengths; private $m3uFile_SongTitles; private $m3uFile_SongLocations; /** * @desc Load the M3u file and initiate it for parsing */ public function __construct($m3uFile) { /** * @desc Load the file into an array **/ if(file_exists($m3uFile)) $this -> m3uFile = file($m3uFile); else die("Unable to locate '$m3uFile'"); /** * @desc "Loosely" check that the file is an m3u file **/ if(strtoupper(trim($this -> m3uFile[0])) != "#EXTM3U") die("The file specified {$this -> m3uFileLocation} is not a valid M3U playlist."); /** * @desc Remove extra empty lines */ $buffer = array(); foreach($this -> m3uFile as $line) { if($line != "\n" || $line != "\r" || $line != "\r\n" || $line != "\n\r") $buffer[] = $line; } $this -> m3uFile = $buffer; /** * @desc Shift the first line "#EXTM3U" off the array **/ array_shift($this -> m3uFile); /** * @desc Start parsing the m3u file */ $this -> _init(); } /** * @desc Hopefully free some memory (though not yet proven to work as thought) */ public function __destruct() { unset($this); } /** * @desc Initiate each array storing the Song Lengths, Titles and Locations */ private function _init() { foreach($this -> m3uFile as $key => $line) { if(strtoupper(substr($line, 0, ) == "#EXTINF:") { $line = substr_replace($line, "", 0, ; $line = explode(",", $line, 4); $this -> m3uFile_SongLengths[] = $line[0]; $this -> m3uFile_SongTitles[] = $line[1]; $this -> m3uFile_SongLocations[] = $this -> m3uFile[$key + 1]; } } } /** * @desc Single or Multi case[in]sensitive searching * @return array Returns array such as ["search string"] => "result[s]" */ public function searchTitles($search, $caseSensitive = false) { $results = array(); if(is_array($search)) { foreach($search as $terms) { foreach($this -> m3uFile_SongTitles as $songTitle) { $_search = $caseSensitive ? strstr($songTitle, $terms) : stristr($songTitle, $terms); if($_search) $results[$terms][] = $songTitle; } } } else { foreach($this -> m3uFile_SongTitles as $songTitle) { $_search = $caseSensitive ? strstr($songTitle, $search) : stristr($songTitle, $search); if($_search) $results[] = $songTitle; } } return $results; } /** * @desc Single or Multi case[in]sensitive searching * @return array Returns array such as ["search string"] => "result[s]" */ public function searchLocations($search, $ignoreDirectorySeperator = true, $caseSensitive = false) { $results = array(); if(is_array($search)) { foreach($search as $terms) { foreach($this -> m3uFile_SongLocations as $songLocation) { if($ignoreDirectorySeperator) $_search = $caseSensitive ? strstr(str_replace(array("/", "\\"), "", $songLocation), $terms) : stristr(str_replace(array("/", "\\"), "", $songLocation), $terms); else $_search = $caseSensitive ? strstr($songLocation, $terms) : stristr($songLocation, $terms); if($_search) $results[$terms][] = $songLocation; } } } else { foreach($this -> m3uFile_SongLocations as $songLocation) { if($ignoreDirectorySeperator) $_search = $caseSensitive ? strstr(str_replace(array("/", "\\"), "", $songLocation), $search) : stristr(str_replace(array("/", "\\"), "", $songLocation), $search); else $_search = $caseSensitive ? strstr($songLocation, $terms) : stristr($songLocation, $terms); if($_search) $results[] = $songLocation; } } return $results; } /** * @desc Search song lengths by equal length, less than length, less than or equal to length, greater than length, greater than or equal to length or in between [start, end]. * @return array Returns array such as ["length"] => "title[s]" */ public function searchLengths($type, $start, $end = null) { $results = array(); foreach($this -> m3uFile_SongLengths as $key => $length) { switch($type) { // Find lengths that equal to $start case 0: { if(!is_array($start)) { if($length == $start) $results[] = array($length => $this -> m3uFile_SongTitles[$key]); } else { foreach($start as $sLength) { if($sLength == $length) $results[] = array($sLength => $this -> m3uFile_SongTitles[$key]); } } } break; // Find lengths that are less than $start case 1: { if(!is_array($start)) { if($start < $length) $results[] = array($length => $this -> m3uFile_SongTitles[$key]); } else { foreach($start as $length) { if($sLength < $sLength) $results[] = array($sLength => $this -> m3uFile_SongTitles[$key]); } } } break; // Find lengths that are less than or equal to $start case 2: { if(!is_array($start)) { if($start <= $length) $results[] = array($length => $this -> m3uFile_SongTitles[$key]); } else { foreach($start as $sLength) { if($sLength <= $length) $results[] = array($sLength => $this -> m3uFile_SongTitles[$key]); } } } break; // Find lengths that are longer than $start case 3: { if(!is_array($start)) { if($start > $length) $results[] = array($length => $this -> m3uFile_SongTitles[$key]); } else { foreach($start as $sLength) { if($sLength > $length) $results[] = array($sLength => $this -> m3uFile_SongTitles[$key]); } } } break; // Find lengths that are longer or equal to $start case 4: { if(!is_array($start)) { if($start >= $length) $results[] = array($length => $this -> m3uFile_SongTitles[$key]); } else { foreach($start as $sLength) { if($sLength >= $length) $results[] = array($sLength => $this -> m3uFile_SongTitles[$key]); } } } break; // Find lengths between $start and $end case 5: { if(!is_array($start) && !is_array($end)) { if($length >= $start && $length <= $end) $results[] = array($length => $this -> m3uFile_SongTitles[$key]); } else { foreach($start as $sLength) { if($sLength >= $start[$key] && $sLength <= $end[$key]) $results[] = array($sLength => $this -> m3uFile_SongTitles[$key]); } } } break; } } return $results; } /** * @desc Output the m3u in a human-readable format (includes table-output) * @return string The buffer for output */ public function prettyOutput($sortWhat = "songTitle", $sortDirection = "asc", $drawTable = false, $tableWidth = 700, $table_cellSpacing = 0, $table_cellPadding = 0, $table_tableBorder = 0, $table_params = null) { $buffer = ""; // Get statistics $totalSongs = number_format(count($this -> m3uFile_SongTitles)); $totalPlayTime = 0; foreach($this -> m3uFile_SongLengths as $length) $totalPlayTime += $length; $totalPlayTime = $this -> formatPlayTime($totalPlayTime); // Output if($drawTable) { $buffer .= "<table width=\"{$tableWidth}\" cellspacing=\"{$table_cellSpacing}\" cellpadding=\"{$table_cellPadding}\" border=\"{$table_tableBorder}\" {$table_params}>\n"; $buffer .= "<tr>\n"; if($sortWhat == "songTitle") { if($sortDirection == "asc") $buffer .= " <td align=\"center\" {$table_params}>[ASC] <u><strong>Title</strong></u></td>\n"; else $buffer .= " <td align=\"center\" {$table_params}>[DESC] <u><strong>Title</strong></u></td>\n"; } else { $buffer .= " <td align=\"center\" {$table_params}><strong>Title</strong></td>\n"; } if($sortWhat == "songLocation") { if($sortDirection == "asc") $buffer .= " <td align=\"center\" {$table_params}>[ASC] <u><strong>Location</strong></u></td>\n"; else $buffer .= " <td align=\"center\" {$table_params}>[DESC] <u><strong>Location</strong></u></td>\n"; } else { $buffer .= " <td align=\"center\" {$table_params}><strong>Location</strong></td>\n"; } if($sortWhat == "songLength") { if($sortDirection == "asc") $buffer .= " <td align=\"center\" {$table_params}>[ASC] <u><strong>Length (secs)</strong></u></td>\n"; else $buffer .= " <td align=\"center\" {$table_params}>[DESC] <u><strong>Length (secs)</strong></u></td>\n"; } else { $buffer .= " <td align=\"center\" {$table_params}><strong>Length (secs)</strong></td>\n"; } $buffer .= "</tr>\n"; switch($sortWhat) { // Sort by song title (using $sortDirection) -- this is the default sorting method case "songTitle": { $songTitles = $this -> m3uFile_SongTitles; natcasesort($songTitles); if($sortDirection == "desc") $songTitles = array_reverse($songTitles); foreach($songTitles as $key => $title) { $title = trim($title); $location = trim($this -> m3uFile_SongLocations[$key]); $length = trim($this -> m3uFile_SongLengths[$key]); $buffer .= "<tr>\n"; $buffer .= " <td {$table_params}>{$title}</td>\n"; $buffer .= " <td {$table_params}>{$location}</td>\n"; $buffer .= " <td {$table_params}>{$length}</td>\n"; $buffer .= "</tr>\n"; } } break; // Sort by song location (using $sortDirection) case "songLocation": { $songLocations = $this -> m3uFile_SongLocations; natcasesort($songLocations); if($sortDirection == "desc") $songLocations = array_reverse($songLocations); foreach($songLocations as $key => $location) { $title = trim($this -> m3uFile_SongTitles[$key]); $location = trim($location); $length = trim($this -> m3uFile_SongLengths[$key]); $buffer .= "<tr>\n"; $buffer .= " <td {$table_params}>{$title}</td>\n"; $buffer .= " <td {$table_params}>{$location}</td>\n"; $buffer .= " <td {$table_params}>{$length}</td>\n"; $buffer .= "</tr>\n"; } } break; // Sort by song length (using $sortDirection) case "songLength": { $songLengths = $this -> m3uFile_SongLengths; natsort($songLengths); if($sortDirection == "desc") $songLengths = array_reverse($songLengths); foreach($songLengths as $key => $length) { $title = trim($this -> m3uFile_SongTitles[$key]); $location = trim($this -> m3uFile_SongLocations[$key]); $length = trim($length); $buffer .= "<tr>\n"; $buffer .= " <td {$table_params}>{$title}</td>\n"; $buffer .= " <td {$table_params}>{$location}</td>\n"; $buffer .= " <td {$table_params}>{$length}</td>\n"; $buffer .= "</tr>\n"; } } break; } // Vertical table Break $buffer .= "<tr>\n"; $buffer .= " <td colspan=\"3\" {$table_params}> </td>\n"; $buffer .= "</tr>\n"; // Stats $buffer .= "<tr>\n"; $buffer .= " <td colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\" {$table_params}>There are {$totalSongs} songs</td>\n"; $buffer .= "</tr>\n"; $buffer .= "<tr>\n"; $buffer .= " <td colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\" {$table_params}>Combined play time of {$totalPlayTime}.</td>\n"; $buffer .= "</tr>\n"; $buffer .= "</table>\n"; } else { foreach($this -> m3uFile_SongTitles as $key => $title) { $location = $this -> m3uFile_SongLocations[$key]; $length = $this -> m3uFile_SongLengths[$key]; $buffer .= "Song Title: {$title} - Song Location: {$location} - Song Length: {$length} seconds\n<br />\n"; } $buffer .= "There are a total of {$totalSongs} with a combined play time of {$totalPlayTime}."; } return $buffer; } /** * @desc Format a human-readable length time * @return string Returns a formatted, human-readable play time length */ public function formatPlayTime($seconds) { $return = ""; $hours = intval(intval($seconds) / 3600); if($hours > 0) $return .= "$hours hours, "; $minutes = (intval($seconds) / 60) % 60; if($hours > 0 || $minutes > 0) $return .= "$minutes minutes, and "; $seconds = intval($seconds) % 60; $return .= "$seconds seconds"; return $return; } /** * @desc Prints each array (Song Lengths, Song Titles, Song Locations) */ public function debug() { echo "<pre>"; print_r($this -> m3uFile_SongLengths); print_r($this -> m3uFile_SongTitles); print_r($this -> m3uFile_SongLocations); echo "</pre>"; } } # Initiate the m3u parser class using "Skillet.m3u" $m3uParser = new m3uParser("tv_channels_M.m3u"); # Debug/print all records (Song lengths, Song Titles, Song Locations) # Note: Each element in an array will be the same key across all three arrays #$m3uParser -> debug(); # Output m3u information in a human-readable format # Acceptable parameter for 1st parameter: "songTitle" "songLocation" and "songLength" # Acceptable parameter for 2nd parameter: "asc" or "desc" - lowercase echo $m3uParser -> prettyOutput("songLength", "desc", true, "100%", 5, 5, 1, "center", "style=\"border: 1px solid #000;border-collapse: collapse;\""); # Search titles for (string)"STRING" or (array)array("string1", "string2", "string3", "etc") #print_r($m3uParser -> searchTitles(array("s", "k", "omg"))); # Search locations for (string)"STRING" or (array)array("string1", "string2", "string3", "etc") #print_r($m3uParser -> searchLocations(array("DEMO", "mu"))); # Search song lengths less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to, in between $start and $end #print_r($m3uParser -> searchLengths(0, array(331, 293, 271))); Edited April 30, 2018 by techker Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gizmola Posted April 30, 2018 Share Posted April 30, 2018 m3u was created to create playlists of audio files. As media players have improved and become more genralized, people have extended the .m3u it to be useful for other media. Since these are apparently video clips or streams, you need a parser that has been extended to support video/TV. Here's one that has this support: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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