NotionCommotion Posted May 8, 2018 Share Posted May 8, 2018 I typically implement slim as follows: <?php use \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request; use \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as Response; require '../vendor/autoload.php'; function getConfig() { //... return $config; } $c = new \Slim\Container(['settings' => array_merge([ 'displayErrorDetails'=>true, // set to false in production 'addContentLengthHeader'=>false, // Allow the web server to send the content-length header 'determineRouteBeforeAppMiddleware'=>true ],getConfig())] ); $c['view'] = function ($c) { $view = new \Slim\Views\Twig(__DIR__.'/../src/templates', [ //'cache' => 'path/to/cache' // See auto_reload option 'debug' => true, 'strict_variables'=> true ]); $view->addExtension(new \Slim\Views\TwigExtension( $c['router'], $c['request']->getUri() )); $view->addExtension(new \Twig_Extension_Debug()); //$view->getEnvironment()->addGlobal('path', $uri->getPath()); //If desired on all pages return $view; }; $c['someClass'] = function($c) { return new \SomeClass($c['settings']['server']); }; $c['someOtherClass'] = function($c) { return new \SomeOtherClass(); }; $app = new \Slim\App($c); $app->post('/someEndpoint', function (Request $request, Response $response) { $rsp=$this->get('someClass')->someMethod([]); //Returns array with content and HTTP status code. return $response->withJson($rsp[0],$rsp[1]); }); $app->get('/someEndpoint', function (Request $request, Response $response) {/*...*/}); $app->get('/someOtherEndpoint', function (Request $request, Response $response) {/*...*/}); $app->add(function(Request $request, Response $response, $next) { //Add middleware }); $app->run(); I know need an endpoint which based on a ContentType parameter will either render a page which contains text obtained from another API or will download a file based on this other API, and am using the following: $app->get('/guids/{guid}/logs/{id:[0-9]+}', function (Request $request, Response $response, $args) { switch($request->getQueryParam('ContentType')) { case 'text': return $this->view->render($response, 'log.html', [ 'server'=>$this->get('base')->getServer(), 'menu_main'=>$this->get('base')->getMenu('/guids'), 'backupDate'=>$this->get('base')->restApi('get', _VER_.'/backup')[0], 'content'=>$this->get('base')->restApi('get', _VER_."/guids/$args[guid]/logs/$args[id]",['ContentType'=>'text'])[0], ]); break; case 'file': $config=$this->get('settings')['server']; $query=$request->getUri()->getQuery(); $query=$query?"?$query":null; $url=$config['ip']._VER_."/guids/$args[guid]/logs/$args[id]$query"; $context = stream_context_create(['http'=>['header'=>'X-User-Key: '.$config['key']]]); $fh = fopen($url, 'rb', false, $context); //r or rb? $stream = new \Slim\Http\Stream($fh); $headers = $stream->getMetadata()['wrapper_data']; $forwardHeader=[ 'Content-Description'=>'File Transfer', 'Content-Type'=>'application/octet-stream', 'Content-Transfer-Encoding'=>'binary', 'Content-Disposition'=>'attachment; filename="replaced_name"', 'Expires'=>0, 'Cache-Control'=>'must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0', 'Pragma'=>'public', 'Content-Length'=>false, //Possible to get stream length? ]; foreach ($headers as $header) { $header=explode(':',$header); if($header && count($header)==2 && isset($forwardHeader[$header[0]])){ //Should I really be modifying the $response? $response=$response->withHeader($header[0],trim($header[1])); unset($forwardHeader[$header[0]]); } } //Is this necessary? foreach ($forwardHeader as $key=>$value) { if($value!==false){ $response=$response->withHeader($key,$value); } } return $response->withBody($stream); break; default: return $response->withJson('Invalid requested content type',422); } }); To improve readability, I desire my endpoint scripts to be very concise as shown in my previous script, and perhaps I need need to use this script for other endpoints, so I wish to more it to a separate method. I guess I could (and maybe should) make a separate class with a single method, but I was trying to move it to another function in the container instead and am having issues. I was thinking of something like the following: $c['ContentType'] = function ($c) { return function($request, $response, $args) { switch($request->getQueryParam('ContentType')) { case 'text': return $this->view->render($response, 'log.html', [ //.... ]); break; case 'file': //.... return $response->withBody($stream); break; default: return $response->withJson('Invalid requested content type',422); } }; }; $app->get('/guids/{guid}/logs/{id:[0-9]+}', function (Request $request, Response $response, $args) { return $this->ContentType($request, $response, $args); }); However, no matter what I tried, I either find that ContentType is not a valid method or that I am trying to pass one parameter instead of the expected three to it. How can this be implemented? Thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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