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can we install Manjaro Linux alongside Windows as a dual-boot PC?


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dear fellow php-experts dear fellow linux experts, 

can we install Manjaro Linux alongside Windows as a dual-boot PC?

manjaro Linux is well known as one of the fastest growing Linux distributions derived from Arch Linux. Arch Linux is known for its rock-solid performance and superior light-weight handling features.
However, we have to say that Arch Linux is not an excellent distribution for beginners to Linux.  One has to get into the command-line often to get lots of cool things done. 

That’s where Manjaro Linux fills in and comes into play:  It has a great impact: Since it is a very sophisticated spin-off from the hardcore Arch Linux,  all the users get not only all the cool and nifty and trustworthy Arch Linux features and the tons of commandline tools and stuff.  no he gets even more - he gets also intuitive user interface which is beginner friendly. 

one last question left: how to install Manjaro in a dual-boot configuration alongside Microsoft  Windows 7 or let me say Windows 10 operating system.

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