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I'm starting to use Docker with Laravel, so I installed Laradock inside my existing Laravel project following the documentation, every step until the command
docker-compose up -d nginx mysql

the first time the command works and I can use my application.
Then I've used the command

docker-compose stop
and of course I can't reach my site because the webserver is off

running again
docker-compose up -d nginx mysql

I obtain this error

ERROR: for laradock_mysql_1  Cannot start service mysql: error while creating mount source path '/host_mnt/c/xampp/htdocs/laratest/laradock/mysql/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d': mkdir /host_mnt/c/xampp/htdocs/laratest: file exists

I've already tried
docker-compose down
before to run again the up command, but with no luck

why does this happen?
How do I correctly stop Docker and restart again?

You see the path c/xampp/htdocs, that is where my projects are (until now I was used to use xampp for developing webapps on my local machine), but xampp is now not started, so it doesn't have any effect on Docker.
I'm on a Windows 10 machine

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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