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reconfiguring PhP (FreeBSD)

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I run FreeBSD with Apache2 Webserver and MySQL 5.1. When I first installed PhP, I did it through the ports collection and did not really think much of configuring it (at that time I think it was version 5.1). When I went to go setup some modules for the server I found that I did not have GD or Zlib (and a few others) enabled. I was not really sure how to setup a configuration within the ports setup so I did a make deinstall, then downloaded the newest version of PhP (5.2) from their website, and did a ./configure --with-gd --with-zlib --with.... etc. However, this did not work. PhP was still working on my server, but it was still under version 5.1 and with the default ports collection configuration. I have installed the extension modules (php5-gd-5.2.0 and php5-zlib-5.2.0), and restarted everything I could think of, but it just doesn't seem to reconfigure.

The configure that I am looking for would be something like:
[code]./configure --with-gd --with-zlib-dir=/usr/local/lib --with-mysql --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs[/code]
If you think that other important configurations needed to be added please let me know. I was just going for something basic that worked for me. As of now, though, no configurations are going though, so the first thing that I need help with is getting it to work.

here is a link to my [url=http://www.nathanallen.net/php_info.php]phpinfo()[/url]

--I am quite new to the configure and setup processes, but I do the best I can. Any help or instructions would be very useful.
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IMO you would be much better off getting an understanding of how ports work. Ive never used BSD but I use Gentoo which I believe uses a simular system. In Gentoo I just add php specific [i]use flags[/i] to my /etc/portage/package.use file, or I could also add them globally within /etc/make.conf and then re[i]emerge[/i] dev-lang/php.

Im not sure how simular ports is to Gentoo's portage (I believe they are based on the same concepts) but you might want to try reading the manual.

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Well, I guess I should say that I know how to setup configures, but it just that the package is not reconfiguring. I installed it once back in September, not really knowing what I was doing, and then realized that I need some other options. So I went back to change it and the recompile didn't do anything. What I found was odd was that when i did a make deinstall and reinstall I found that the pkg_info brought up that my version was 5.2, but phpinfo() shows version 5.1 with the same configuration. Unless they are one in the same, something seems to not be replacing the previous version. Which is why the reconfigure is not doing anything; the old program is not getting overwritten. Again, if anyone has any comments or helpful clues for me please let me know.
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I would assume thats because you installed the earlier one using ports. Like I said, learn how to use ports and your life would be much easier. At least uninstall the version you installed with ports by using the ports uninstall method.
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