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Hi Barand,

I am seeking you help to make an appropriate query to fetch data from monthly fee table of mysql db, whereby data is stored in such a way that each row stores the data of a student for one month, there are several rows per student.

I want to fetch the data such that the result set should have the one row per student with multiple columns for months, each column showing the status of fee, paid or not.

I have created the following query but the problem is that it is showing only one month which is '2020-03-01'.


SELECT DISTINCT name, month, paid from mfee WHERE month >= '2020-03-01' GROUP BY name order by name



Edited by JDevOnline

Easiest way I know is first to store your query data in an array that has the same structure as your required output

$start = '2020-03-01';

// Query to get column headings
$res = $conn->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT
                              month(month)     as mno
                            , monthname(month) as mname
                       FROM fee
                       WHERE month >= ?
                       ORDER BY mno    
$heads = [];
foreach ($res as $row) {
    $heads[$row['mno']]  = $row['mname'];
$empty_array = array_fill_keys(array_keys($heads), '');

//  now process the fee data and store in an array
$data = [];
$res = $conn->prepare("SELECT name
                            , month(month) as mno
                            , paid
                       FROM fee
                       WHERE month >= ? 
                       ORDER BY name, month
foreach ($res as $row) {
    if (!isset($data[$row['name']])) {
        $data[$row['name']] = $empty_array;
    $data[$row['name']][$row['mno']] = $row['paid'];

//  now output the array
$theads = "<tr><th>Name</th><th>" . join('</th><th>', $heads) . "</th></tr>\n";
$tdata = '';
foreach ($data as $name => $paid_arr) {
    $tdata .= "<tr><td>$name</td><td>" . join('</td><td>', $paid_arr) . "</td></tr>\n";
<style type="text/css">
     body, table {
         font-family: verdana, sans-serif;
         font-size: 11pt;
     table {
         width: 400px;
     th {
         background-color: black;
         color: white;
     td {
         text-align: center;


Barand thank you very much for the prompt reply. After make 2 changes to your code I saved the code into a php file and called it into the browser, but it is showing few errors, kindly let me know how to remove these errors.


Table name changed to "mfee" at both the occurrences.

In both the queries "WHERE month >= ?" is changed to "WHERE month >= '$start'"




Hello Barand,

I've tried to change the code you mentioned as below but it is still now working. Please help me modify the code to achieve the desired results:

if($paid_arr == 'Y'){$cls='class="hilite"';}else{$cls='class="centex"';}
echo "<tr><td class='centex'>$index</td><td>$name</td><td $cls>" . join("</td><td $cls>", $paid_arr) . "</td></tr>\n";


foreach ($data as $name => $paid_arr) {
    $tdata .= "<tr><td>$name</td>";
    foreach ($paid_arr as $p) {
        $cls = $p=='N' ? 'hilite' : '';
        $tdata .= "<td class='$cls'>$p</td>";
    $tdata .= "</tr>\n";


Hi Barand,

I now want to extract the details of students who have paid all 2 months, i.e. march, april and may. I have written the following query but it is not bringing any records, however there are many students who have paid all 3 months.


SELECT nroll.id as id, nroll.sname, nroll.ctclass, parents.memail, parents.femail FROM nroll 
INNER JOIN parents on nroll.id=parents.id 
INNER JOIN mfee on nroll.id=mfee.sid 
WHERE nroll.ctstudent = 'Y' and nroll.ctclass='1 Reception-1' and nroll.shift='1' and 
(mfee.month='2020-01-01' and mfee.month='2020-02-01') 
ORDER BY nroll.sname


3 hours ago, JDevOnline said:

who have paid all 2 months, i.e. march, april and may.

Ah yes , the three types of programmer, those who can count and those who can't

Use a table subquery to find those who paid all two and match against it with a join

	, month(month) as mno
	, paid
FROM fee
     JOIN (
            SELECT name
                 , count(*)
            FROM fee
            WHERE month(month) IN (3,4,5) AND paid = 'Y'
            GROUP BY name
            HAVING count(*) = 3
          ) paid3 USING (name)
WHERE month >= '2020-03-01' 
ORDER BY name, month


4 hours ago, JDevOnline said:

How can we show just one row per student's name and only two columns, name and "Y"

In a very to similar manner to the code already given.

     , 'Y' as paid
FROM fee
WHERE month(month) IN (3,4,5) AND paid = 'Y'
HAVING count(*) = 3;


Edited by Barand
  • 1 month later...
On 5/28/2020 at 1:48 PM, Barand said:

foreach ($data as $name => $paid_arr) {
    $tdata .= "<tr><td>$name</td>";
    foreach ($paid_arr as $p) {
        $cls = $p=='N' ? 'hilite' : '';
        $tdata .= "<td class='$cls'>$p</td>";
    $tdata .= "</tr>\n";


Hi Barand,

I want to insert one more value to the above table after "Name", like email or phone number. Please tell me how can that value be put inside your loops?


Change your query to retrieve the extra item and restructure the $data array to store it.

$data = [];
$res = $conn->prepare("SELECT name
                            , email                             -- extra item
                            , month(month) as mno
                            , paid
                       FROM fee
                       WHERE month >= ? 
                       ORDER BY name, month
foreach ($res as $row) {
    if (!isset($data[$row['name']])) {
        $data[$row['name']] = [ 'email' => $row['email'], 
                                'pays' => $empty_array ];
    $data[$row['name']]['pays'][$row['mno']] = $row['paid'];


  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/2/2020 at 12:54 PM, Barand said:

Ah yes , the three types of programmer, those who can count and those who can't

Use a table subquery to find those who paid all two and match against it with a join

	, month(month) as mno
	, paid
FROM fee
     JOIN (
            SELECT name
                 , count(*)
            FROM fee
            WHERE month(month) IN (3,4,5) AND paid = 'Y'
            GROUP BY name
            HAVING count(*) = 3
          ) paid3 USING (name)
WHERE month >= '2020-03-01' 
ORDER BY name, month


Hi Barand, hope you are well,

Can you please suggest the edit to this sql query to fetch only the rows in which any month (from January to May) is not paid but at the same time keep showing all the columns of months. Doing it by using the quoted query, it removes the columns in which the fee is paid, thanks.

That query is looking at March to May only, so that needs changing. Also it looks for those who paid; you now want those who didin't pay. In addition, you are looking for any occurence, not when there are 3.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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