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password with forms and if/else statements


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hey everyone. I am a new user here and i hope to helpe and be helped :)
I am having a problem making a web page. When it pops up i want it to show me the banner and a password field below it. This i have. Then i want to make the password, in my case, 123. So when i type 123 in my passfield i get to the index of my page.
This is the form in the index so far:
<form action="home.php"><input type="password" name="password" size="24"><input type="submit" name="enter" value="Enter"></form>
on the top of the index i have:
$password = "password";
Then i have the home.php file, which is very simple, but it doesnt work:
if ( $password == 123 ) {
echo "welcome dahwan";
else {
echo "acces denied";

now, i know this is probably way of, but if you could give me a few reasons why this doesnt work, it would be nice ^^
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First, you want to make sure that you don't asume [color=orange]register_globals[/color] to be set to "On" in PHP on your server. So, when you're submitting data from a form, instead of:
$password = "password";
You should use:
$password = $_POST['password'];
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oh yeah. And allso, after some experimenting i found out that the home.php should be
$password = $_POST['password'];

if ( $password == 123 ) {
echo "welcome dahwan";
else {
echo "acces denied";

Before i had the "$password = $_POST['password'];" part in the index.php file. But its one more thing. I want to be able to be the only one to acces my page with that password. does the mean i have to make EVERYTHING in the "if" statement? cuz that'd be kind of hard. How can i fix on that?
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well, the home.php side contains only this:
$password = $_POST['password'];

if ( $password == 123 ) {
echo "welcome dahwan";
else {
echo "acces denied";

and i was thinking, do i have to have my entire web page in the "if" section of the code? or can i have a code in the "else" section that closes the page? or even better, can i have links in the if or else sections that instantly sends the used to another page.
i need help :P
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hmmm. intresting; i'll have to check that out. But on the path i discovered a new problem. I dont know whats causing it.
<link rel=stylesheet href=styles%5cmain.css>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style='background: black;'>
<param name='movie'

value='graphics\BannerFlash.swf' />

<param name='quality' value='high' />

<param name='bgcolor' value='#ffffff' />

<embed src="graphics%5cBannerFlash.swf" quality='high' bgcolor='#000000'

width='600' height='200'

name='banner' align='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash'



</td align='right'>
<td width='100%'>
link: <-(i trust you guys enough to share my current IPadress)

Now, why doesnt this work? :S
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$password = $_POST['password'];

if ( $password == 123 ) {
echo "welcome dahwan";
else {
echo "<script language=javascript> alert('acces denied'); </script>";
        header("Location: gohereifpasswordisbad");
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<?php include('top.html');
$password = $_POST['password'];

if ( $password == 123 ) {
echo "welcome!";
else {
echo "<script language=javascript> alert('acces denied'); </script>";
header("location: index.php");
error error error it wont work. Know why? :O
go to and write the wrong password and see what happens. why doesnt it work?
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thx! its working. but now the error message wont appear :O
$password = $_POST['password'];

if ( $password == 19111991 ) {
echo "";
else {
echo "<script language=javascript> alert('acces denied'); </script>";
header("Location: index.php");
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Hmm, I am not sure why it isnt working... If you want you could setup a session and set that session like...

$_SESSION['wrong'] = "Incorrect password";

and then near the textbox type

echo $_SESSION['wrong'];
unset $_SESSION['wrong'];
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