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Maria DB JSON field insert/update

Go to solution Solved by Barand,

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Hi All,

I have asked a similar question to this which i will link below.

The reason for the new post is due to me using mariaDB.

I have a form with the following fileds

Name, Icon, Link , Paragraph, order.

I am wanting to store these in a JSON field in a MariaDB.

The function that i am using that is puttnig data in the database is:

function addHeroCard($pdo, $cardName, $iconSelection, $linkLocation, $paragraph, $order)
	$portalId = $_GET['portalId'];
	$sql = "UPDATE portal_content SET hero_cards = :hero_cards WHERE portal_attachment_id = :portalId";
	$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
	$hero_cards["card"][$order] = [
		'cardName' => $cardName,
		'iconSelection' => $iconSelection,
		'linkLocation' => $linkLocation,
		'paragraph' => $paragraph
	$hero_cards = json_encode($hero_cards);
		':hero_cards' => $hero_cards,
		':portalId' => $portalId
	return "Hero Card Added";

As the order value will only be 1,2,3,4 i want to know how i either insert new date or update existing data depending on the order value.

If order 1 exists it should be overwritten if not it should be added.

The data that is being put into the database is currently looking like this.

  "card": {
    "4": {
      "cardName": "This is a card",
      "iconSelection": "1",
      "linkLocation": "5",
      "paragraph": "This is para"


Edited by Adamhumbug
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  • Solution

Took a fair bit of experimenting to get the right incantations for the update, but...


SELECT * FROM json_test;
| id | jstuff                                                                                                                        |
|  1 | {"card": {"4": {"cardName": "This is a card", "iconSelection": "1", "linkLocation": "5", "paragraph": "This is para"}}}       |


UPDATE json_test 
SET jstuff = JSON_SET(jstuff, '$."card".4."cardName"', 'This is a different card')
WHERE id = 1;


SELECT * FROM json_test;
| id | jstuff                                                                                                                            |
|  1 | {"card": {"4": {"cardName": "This is a different card", "iconSelection": "1", "linkLocation": "5", "paragraph": "This is para"}}} |


  • 2 weeks later...

I am having some trouble with this.

I have a column called portal_content_json with the content

"{'Portal Content':{'Colours':{'Primary':'String','Secondary':'String','Tertiary':'String','Quaternary':'String'}}}"

and i am trying to update the primary colour through phpMyAdmin with the following:

UPDATE portal_content SET portal_content_json = JSON_SET(portal_content_json, '$.PortalContent.Colours.Primary', 'Green') where `portal_attachment_id` = 25

I am getting no errors but nothing is happening.

Is there something obvious that is wrong here?

Edited by Adamhumbug

UPDATE portal_content SET portal_content_json = JSON_SET(portal_content_json, '$."Portal Content"."Colours"."Primary"', 'Green') where `portal_attachment_id` = 25


This worked in the end - typo my side

Edited by Adamhumbug
2 minutes ago, Barand said:

Yes, JSON is picky when it comes to single and double quotes preferring "" inside the JSON.

Is that going to be an issue in the php

$sql ="UPDATE portal_content SET portal_content_json = JSON_SET(portal_content_json, "$.'Portal Content'.'Colours'.'Primary'", 'Green') where `portal_attachment_id` = 25";
	$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);

im not going to be able to have the double and single quotes inside the sql in php right?

This is the update example from my earlier post

UPDATE json_test 
SET jstuff = JSON_SET(jstuff, '$."card".4."cardName"', 'This is a different card')
WHERE id = 1;

Note use of ' and " .


5 minutes ago, Adamhumbug said:

how would i go about updating multiple parts of the JSON in one go

I'll need to experiment further. One way would be to  update all colors in one JSON_SET

UPDATE portal_content 
SET portal_content_json = JSON_SET(portal_content_json, '$."Portal Content"."Colours"', '{"primary":"limegreen", "secondary":"hotpink", "tertiary":"orange", "quaternary":"lavender"}') 
WHERE `portal_attachment_id` = 25;



UPDATE portal_content 
SET portal_content_json = JSON_SET(portal_content_json, 
                                  '$."Portal Content"."Colours"."primary"', 'limegreen', 
                                  '$."Portal Content"."Colours"."secondary"', 'hotpink'), 
                                  '$."Portal Content"."Colours"."tertiary"', 'orange') 
WHERE `portal_attachment_id` = 25 ;   

When all else fails...


9 hours ago, Barand said:


UPDATE portal_content 
SET portal_content_json = JSON_SET(portal_content_json, 
                                  '$."Portal Content"."Colours"."primary"', 'limegreen', 
                                  '$."Portal Content"."Colours"."secondary"', 'hotpink'), 
                                  '$."Portal Content"."Colours"."tertiary"', 'orange') 
WHERE `portal_attachment_id` = 25 ;   

When all else fails...


So this works great putting it directly into phpmyadmin but when trying to put this into php as a prepared statement and put the variables in, i run into an issue with the quotes used.

I have tried combinations of single, double and backticks but cannot get this to run from php.

This is my current function for reference.


function savePortalOptions($pdo, $defaultColour, $primaryColour, $secondaryColour)
	$portalId = $_GET['portalId'];
	$sql = "UPDATE portal_content 
			SET portal_content_json = JSON_SET(portal_content_json, 
									  '$."Portal Content"."Colours"."Primary"', :primaryColour, 
									  '$."Portal Content"."Colours"."Secondary"', :secondaryColour, 
									  '$."Portal Content"."Colours"."Default"', :defaultColour,)
			WHERE portal_attachment_id = :portalId";
	$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
		':defaultColour' => $defaultColour,
		':primaryColour' => $primaryColour,
		':secondaryColour' => $secondaryColour,
		':portalId' => $portalId
	return "Portal Options Updated";


Escaping seemed to work here

function savePortalOptions($pdo, $defaultColour, $primaryColour, $secondaryColour)
	$portalId = $_GET['portalId'];

	$sql = "UPDATE portal_content 
			SET portal_content_json = JSON_SET(portal_content_json, 
									  '$.\"Portal Content\".\"Colours\".\"Primary\"', :primaryColour, 
									  '$.\"Portal Content\".\"Colours\".\"Secondary\"', :secondaryColour, 
									  '$.\"Portal Content\".\"Colours\".\"Default\"', :defaultColour)
			WHERE portal_attachment_id = :portalId";
	$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
		':defaultColour' => $defaultColour,
		':primaryColour' => $primaryColour,
		':secondaryColour' => $secondaryColour,
		':portalId' => $portalId
	return "Portal Options Updated";


Edited by Adamhumbug

Yes, you can't put double quotes inside a double-quoted string without excaping them.

mysql> select * from json_test where id = 2;
| id | jstuff                                                                                                                |
|  2 | {"Portal Content": {"Colours": {"Primary": "Red", "Secondary": "Green", "Tertiary": "Blue", "Quaternary": "String"}}} |
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE json_test 
                        SET jstuff = JSON_SET(jstuff, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
                        WHERE id = ?
$stmt->execute([ '$."Portal Content"."Colours"."Primary"', 
                 '$."Portal Content"."Colours"."Secondary"', 
                 '$."Portal Content"."Colours"."Tertiary"', 
                 '$."Portal Content"."Colours"."Quaternary"', 
mysql> select * from json_test where id = 2;
| id | jstuff                                                                                                                            |
|  2 | {"Portal Content": {"Colours": {"Primary": "Orange", "Secondary": "Limegreen", "Tertiary": "Hotpink", "Quaternary": "Cornsilk"}}} |


2 hours ago, Barand said:

Yes, you can't put double quotes inside a double-quoted string without excaping them.

mysql> select * from json_test where id = 2;
| id | jstuff                                                                                                                |
|  2 | {"Portal Content": {"Colours": {"Primary": "Red", "Secondary": "Green", "Tertiary": "Blue", "Quaternary": "String"}}} |
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE json_test 
                        SET jstuff = JSON_SET(jstuff, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
                        WHERE id = ?
$stmt->execute([ '$."Portal Content"."Colours"."Primary"', 
                 '$."Portal Content"."Colours"."Secondary"', 
                 '$."Portal Content"."Colours"."Tertiary"', 
                 '$."Portal Content"."Colours"."Quaternary"', 
mysql> select * from json_test where id = 2;
| id | jstuff                                                                                                                            |
|  2 | {"Portal Content": {"Colours": {"Primary": "Orange", "Secondary": "Limegreen", "Tertiary": "Hotpink", "Quaternary": "Cornsilk"}}} |


Ok, this is really helpful i have been able to put some data in and get some data out so progress is being made and i am thankful to you for that.

My next question, which maybe should be its own thread is that if i am getting data from the database like this:

json_extract(portal_content_json, '$."Portal Content"."Pages"."Home"."Hero"."Hero Cards"')
FROM portal_content where portal_attachment_id = 43

and the data that is selected with that query looks like this:

  "Card 1": {
    "Name": "Card 1",
    "Paragraph": "This is the first card",
    "Icon": "1"
  "Card 2": {
    "Name": "Card 2",
    "Paragraph": "This is the second card",
    "Icon": "2"
  "Card 3": {
    "Name": "Card 3",
    "Paragraph": "This is the third card",
    "Icon": "3"
  "Card 4": {
    "Name": "Card 4",
    "Paragraph": "This is the fourth card",
    "Icon": "4"

how do i then in php loop through each of these cards and build an element to return to the page?

To process json data in php, json_decode() it to get an array.

$jsonData = '{
  "Card 1": {
    "Name": "Card 1",
    "Paragraph": "This is the first card",
    "Icon": "1"
  "Card 2": {
    "Name": "Card 2",
    "Paragraph": "This is the second card",
    "Icon": "2"
  "Card 3": {
    "Name": "Card 3",
    "Paragraph": "This is the third card",
    "Icon": "3"
  "Card 4": {
    "Name": "Card 4",
    "Paragraph": "This is the fourth card",
    "Icon": "4"
$data = json_decode($jsonData, 1);
echo '<pre>' . print_r($data, 1) . '</pre>';
    [Card 1] => Array
            [Name] => Card 1
            [Paragraph] => This is the first card
            [Icon] => 1

    [Card 2] => Array
            [Name] => Card 2
            [Paragraph] => This is the second card
            [Icon] => 2

    [Card 3] => Array
            [Name] => Card 3
            [Paragraph] => This is the third card
            [Icon] => 3

    [Card 4] => Array
            [Name] => Card 4
            [Paragraph] => This is the fourth card
            [Icon] => 4



7 minutes ago, Barand said:

To process json data in php, json_decode() it to get an array.

$jsonData = '{
  "Card 1": {
    "Name": "Card 1",
    "Paragraph": "This is the first card",
    "Icon": "1"
  "Card 2": {
    "Name": "Card 2",
    "Paragraph": "This is the second card",
    "Icon": "2"
  "Card 3": {
    "Name": "Card 3",
    "Paragraph": "This is the third card",
    "Icon": "3"
  "Card 4": {
    "Name": "Card 4",
    "Paragraph": "This is the fourth card",
    "Icon": "4"
$data = json_decode($jsonData, 1);
echo '<pre>' . print_r($data, 1) . '</pre>';
    [Card 1] => Array
            [Name] => Card 1
            [Paragraph] => This is the first card
            [Icon] => 1

    [Card 2] => Array
            [Name] => Card 2
            [Paragraph] => This is the second card
            [Icon] => 2

    [Card 3] => Array
            [Name] => Card 3
            [Paragraph] => This is the third card
            [Icon] => 3

    [Card 4] => Array
            [Name] => Card 4
            [Paragraph] => This is the fourth card
            [Icon] => 4



i tried that and got the following error


Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: json_decode(): Argument #1 ($json) must be of type string


I am getting the values from $data = $stmt->fetch();

Insuffucient context. You may as well ask how long a piece of string is.

  • How are you sending the result to the page?
  • What type of element do you want to build?
  • Are you planning on building it with php or javascript?
3 minutes ago, Barand said:

Insuffucient context. You may as well ask how long a piece of string is.

  • How are you sending the result to the page?
  • What type of element do you want to build?
  • Are you planning on building it with php or javascript?

Right now, this is part of the function that is getting the data - and the current output showing on the page is:

{"Card 1": {"Name": "Card 1", "Paragraph": "This is the first card", "Icon": "1"}, "Card 2": {"Name": "Card 2", "Paragraph": "This is the second card", "Icon": "2"}, "Card 3": {"Name": "Card 3", "Paragraph": "This is the third card", "Icon": "3"}, "Card 4": {"Name": "Card 4", "Paragraph": "This is the fourth card", "Icon": "4"}}

function getHeroCardsByPortalId($pdo)

	$sql = "SELECT 
			json_extract(portal_content_json, '$.\"Portal Content\".\"Pages\".\"Home\".\"Hero\".\"Hero Cards\"') as cards
			FROM portal_content where portal_attachment_id = :portalId";
	$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
		':portalId' => $_GET['portalId']
	$count = $stmt->rowCount();
	$data = $stmt->fetch();

	foreach ($data as $cards) {

I am going to be turning each card from the json into a card in bottstrap shown on the page.

something like this

	// foreach ($data as $row) {
	// 	$out .= "<div class='$size mb-3'>
	// 				<div class='card editHeroCard' data-card-id='$row[id]'>
	// 					<div class='card-body'>
	// 						<div class='text-center card-title'>
	// 							<i class='$row[iconCode] fa-2xl'></i>
	// 						</div>
	// 						<div class='card-text text-center my-3 fw-bold'>$row[name]</div>
	// 						<div class='card-text text-center'>$row[paragraph]</div>
	// 					</div>
	// 				</div>
	// 				<div class='handle text-center'>GRAB</div>
	// 			</div>";
	// }

This will all be built in php and i plan on returning $out from this function.

Ok, i think i am making progress - i have got out what i expected.

I dont know if this is the most clean solution - probably not, but it is working as expected.

function getHeroCardsByPortalId($pdo)
	$sql = "SELECT 
			json_extract(portal_content_json, '$.\"Portal Content\".\"Pages\".\"Home\".\"Hero\".\"Hero Cards\"') as cards
			FROM portal_content where portal_attachment_id = :portalId";
	$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
		':portalId' => $_GET['portalId']

	$data = $stmt->fetch();
	if (!$data) {
		return "<div class='col-12'>No hero cards available!</div>";

	foreach ($data as $cards => $row) {

		$cards = json_decode($row, true);
		$count = sizeof($cards);
		$out = '';
		if ($count == 4) {
			$size = "col-xl-3 col-md-6";
		} else if ($count == 3) {
			$size = "col-xl-4 col-md-4";
		} else if ($count == 2) {
			$size = "col-xl-6 col-md-6";
		} else if ($count == 1) {
			$size = "col-12";
		foreach ($cards as $card) {
			$out .= "<div class='$size mb-3'>
						<div class='card editHeroCard'>
							<div class='card-body'>
								<div class='text-center card-title'>
									<i class='$card[Icon] fa-2xl'></i>
								<div class='card-text text-center my-3 fw-bold'>$card[Name]</div>
								<div class='card-text text-center'>$card[Paragraph]</div>
						<div class='handle text-center'>GRAB</div>
	return $out;


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