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MS Access


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There is an access odbc for linux available?

I run MyODBC already


I have no idea how to do ado object in PHP???

All I really need to do is pull a mdb into mysql. 

I just don't know how to get it done in Linux... I've repented of my Windows ways... LOL

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When I transfered my ms access database into mysql I created a ODBC connection to the MySQL database then exported each table from Access out to MySQL. I did this in windows. Load up mysql on the windows box, takes about 2 minutes to do, install the odbc driver for mysql and export away. Once it is exported to mysql on windows you can use phpmyadmin to export everything out and import it into the linux MySQL. I know it seems like alot but it is real easy to export the tables right out of ms access into mysql. It creates the tables for you and puts in the data. You may have to go in and fix the field types but no biggy. And no Coding needed :) It will probably take you longer to write the code than it would to do everything above.

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Thanks, but I did a poor job of explaining myself...

I am very adept at using ODBC with PHP and have written many apps using windows...

I moved to a Linux (LAMP) server and am trying to never use windows again (I know that is not possible... yet)

I am trying to do this entirely in Linux...

I am checking the link above now...

I did find a class called php that someone wrote too
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How do I fix this error?

Fatal error: Class 'COM' not found in /xxxx/xxxx/public_html/aao/mdb.php on line 2

$conn = new COM("ADODB.Connection") or die("Cannot start ADO");

// Microsoft Access connection string.
$conn->Open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=mbl.mdb");

// SQL statement to build recordset.
$rs = $conn->Execute("SELECT * FROM mbl");
echo "<p>Below is a list of values in the MYDB.MDB database, MYABLE table, MYFIELD field.</p>";

// Display all the values in the records set
while (!$rs->EOF) {
    $fv = $rs->Fields("myfield");
    echo "Value: ".$fv->value."<br>\n";
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