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PHP 5->8 Conversion

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Hi all,  need some help converting some old code I ran years ago

This is the class I am calling:-

class template
public static $vars = array();

public static function show($tpl_path)
extract(self::$vars, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
include $tpl_path;
$cont = ob_get_contents();
return $cont;

This is it being called

# new template instance
$basetemplate = new template();

$m1 = 'frontpage';
$m2 = 'index';

$content = template::show($m1::$m2());

Standard error i'm getting is Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Non-static method


Changing $content = $basetemplate->show($m1::$m2()); doesn't solve it.


Any thoughts or suggestions?  Many thanks all

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n PHP, to call a static method, you should use the class name directly followed by ::, like ClassName::method(). Non-static methods are called on an instance of the class using the arrow operator (->).

Since show() is a static method, you should call it directly from the class without creating an instance of the template class. So your call should look like this:


$content = template::show($m1::$m2());

However, your error suggests that $m1::$m2() is not returning a valid class name. Ensure that $m1 is a class name and $m2 is a static method of that class. If you intend to call a static method of a class stored in a variable, you can use call_user_func() or call_user_func_array() like this:

$content = call_user_func(array($m1, $m2));

Or directly:

$content = $m1::$m2();

Make sure that $m1 holds the name of a class and $m2 holds the name of a static method of that class.

Best Regard

Danish hafeez | QA Assistant



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