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Hi All,
I am using, document.getElement by id, to load large version of a thumbnail image on click. The data in the MySQL table as follows: <img src=images_large/r_price_lg1b.jpg> This has served me well when using ASP now into PHP and the only way I can get this to work is to put the full url of the image into the database ie
img src=http://www.mysite.com/images_large/name_lg1b.jpg for every image. Is there an easier way? The thumbnails use <img src=images_small/r_price_sm1b.jpg title='Richard Price - Heaven and Earth'> and work ok so its something to do with the document.getElement by id. Any clues!


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Unfortunately, I do not have any answer for this, but I do have a similar question.  I created a form to upload documents and images to a Mysql table.  The files appear to upload properly, but when I attempt to display them in a web page, only the file name is displayed ie. "image.jpg", but not the actual document or image.  I have used the img src tag plus the variable that returns the document name.  I would appreciate guidance as to how to have images called from a Mysql db displayed on a web page.  Since I am new to this forum, I am  not sure if this is the way to submit this question, or if starting another topic would have been more appropriate.  Guidance with that would also be appreciated. Thanks.
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Thank you for your quick response.  I am using this with a web-enabled database where users are recording anecdotes in a text field and then have the opportunity to upload a document or graphic as an artifact.  I don't really want to provide FTP access to all of the users.  Your suggestion leads me think that I should use PHP to move the file to the my web folders rather than the database.  I am not sure how to do that, but I believe that it is possible.  I do know how to use the database to link to other resources, as I have done that in the past.  If you, or anyone else, has other suggestions, I would appreciate hearing them.  Thanks.

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