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query question


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i'm trying to arrange a counter by the person id, i want who ever counter is greater to be on top first..and from there on the rest..

i did something like this but it doesn't seen to be workin.

$sel=mysql_query("SELECT artist_id FROM tra_music_top10 WHERE counter>counter")or die(mysql_error());
echo $ar['artist_id'];
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that worked fine but i tried getting the artist name with the id and i think i'm doing something wrong

$sel=mysql_query("SELECT artist_id FROM tra_music_top10 WHERE counter>counter")or die(mysql_error());
$slna=mysql_query("SELECT name FROM tra_music_artist WHERE artist_id=".$ar['artist_id']);

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$query = "SELECT artist_id, artist_name FROM tra_music_top10 ORDER BY counter DESC";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$len = mysql_num_rows($result);

for( $i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i )
  $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
  $artist_id = $row[0];
  $artist_name = $row[1];
  echo "<tr>\n";
    echo "<td>ArtistID: $artist_id</td>\n";
    echo "<td>ArtistName: $artist_name</td>\n";
  echo "</tr>\n";
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what i'm having problem right now is with this code is a mess.. it update every counter in the table..

[code] <?php

$getcounter=mysql_query("SELECT counter FROM tra_music_top10 WHERE artist_id='$a_t_id'")or die(mysql_error());


echo $i;


$update=mysql_query("UPDATE tra_music_top10 SET counter='$voted' WHERE artist_id='$a_t_id'")or die(mysql_error());



thanx for the help dbo
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You want to update all counters? On only specific counters? If so which ones do you want to update?

Let's talk through it high level in normal terms and get an understanding for what we want to accomplish. After that we'll write the code that does it for us.
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another way to do all that code would bew to do something like this
mysql_query("UPDATE tra_music_top10 SET counter=(counter+1) WHERE artist_id='$a_t_id'")or die(mysql_error());
as to why it is updating all the entries in the table, is the $a_t_id=$artist['artist_id']; being set correctly?

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when i insert a new artist i give this artist a counter of 0.

so in the query i bring out that 0

and when someone vote for this artist the counter goes from 0 to 1 and every time someone vote for this artist the counter keeps adding up..
right now what i have working is inserting the artist and the 0 value..

after that i got the value querying out..

where my code is going wrong is when someone votes and the counter has to update to add up with whatever is already in the counter..

the problem i'm having is that every counter of every artist is adding up instaed of just the one select.
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