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No result. What's going on?


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I'm working on a dual arena for my site where users can fight against the computer. This is the page that does all the calculations and stuff then updates the data in the database and goes to another page based on results. It's kind of hard to explain. All my echos are coming back as 0 and it's not re-directing to another page, anyone know what's wrong?

include ("config.php");
$session = session_id();

$db_name = "db175253437";

$conn = mysql_connect("db491.perfora.net", "****" ,"****", true) or die("Couldn't connect");

mysql_select_db($db_name, $conn) or die("Couldn't select Database1.");

$SQL = "SELECT * FROM CurrentFights WHERE userID = '".$_POST['preuserID']."'";
$result = mysql_query($SQL, $connection) or die("Error: ".mysql_error()."");
$numberF = mysql_num_rows($result);
$query_data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$turn = $query_data['turn'];
$petID2 = $query_data['petID'];
$cID2 = $query_data['cID'];

$SQL = "SELECT * FROM LastRound WHERE userID = 'preuserID'";
$result = mysql_query($SQL, $connection) or die("Error: ".mysql_error()."");
$numberF = mysql_num_rows($result);
$query_data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$pLDmg = $query_data['pDmg'];
$cLDmg = $query_data['cDmg'];

$SQL = "SELECT * FROM chibifriendspets WHERE monopetID = '".$_POST['monopetID']."'";
$result = mysql_query($SQL, $connection) or die("Error: ".mysql_error()."");
$query_data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$hp = $query_data['hp'];
$totalHP = $query_data['totalHP'];
$lvl = $query_data['monopetLevel'];
$xp = $query_data['xp'];
$petName = $query_data['monopetName'];

$SQL = "SELECT * FROM myitemschibi WHERE itemID = '".$_POST['itemID']."'";
$result = mysql_query($SQL, $connection) or die("Error: ".mysql_error()."");
$query_data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$atkValue = $query_data['atkValue'];
$defValue = $query_data['defValue'];
$itemName = $query_data['itemName'];

$SQL = "SELECT * FROM Challengers WHERE cID = '".$_POST['cID']."'";
$result = mysql_query($SQL, $connection) or die("Error: ".mysql_error()."");
$query_data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$cHP = $query_data['cHP'];
$cLvl = $query_data['cLvl'];
$cName = $query_data['cName'];
$cWepVal = $query_data['cWepVal'];

$SQL = "SELECT * FROM CurrentFights WHERE userID = 'preuserID'";
$result = mysql_query($SQL, $connection) or die("Error: ".mysql_error()."");
$numberF = mysql_num_rows($result);
$query_data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$cCurHP = $query_data['cHP'];

//Get the damage ammount
$max = $lvl+$atkValue;
$dmg1 = rand(0, $max);
$dmg2 = rand(0, $max);
echo "Max: $max<br>dmg1: $dmg1<br>dmg2: $dmg2";
//What kind of attack are they doing - figure out their damage
if ($atkType == "Fierce")
$dmg = $dmg1 + $dmg2;
elseif ($atkType == "Cautious")
if ($dmg1 > $dmg2)
$dmg = $dmg1;
elseif ($dmg1 < $dmg2)
$dmg = $dmg2;
elseif ($dmg1 == $dmg2)
$dmg = $dmg1;
$def = $lvl;
elseif ($atkType == "Defensive")
if ($dmg1 > $dmg2)
$dmg = $dmg1-$dmg2;
elseif ($dmg1 < $dmg2)
$dmg = $dmg2-$dmg1;
elseif ($dmg1 == $dmg2)
$dmg = 0;
$def = $lvl*2;
echo "Error: Invalid attack type";
echo "dmg: $dmg<br>def: $def";

//Opponent's dmg
$max2 = $cLvl+$cWepVal;
$Cdmg1 = rand(0, $max2);
$Cdmg2 = rand(0, $max2);
$CType = rand(1, 3);
echo "max2: $max2<br>cdmg1: $Cdmg1<br>cdmg2: $Cdmg2<br>ctype: $ctype";

if ($CType == "3")
$Cdmg = $Cdmg1 + $Cdmg2;
elseif ($CType == "2")
if ($Cdmg1 > $Cdmg2)
$Cdmg = $dCmg1;
elseif ($Cdmg1 < $Cdmg2)
$Cdmg = $Cdmg2;
elseif ($Cdmg1 == $Cdmg2)
$Cdmg = $Cdmg1;
$Cdef = $cLvl;
elseif ($CType == "1")
if ($Cdmg1 > $Cdmg2)
$Cdmg = $Cdmg1-$Cdmg2;
elseif ($Cdmg1 < $Cdmg2)
$Cdmg = $Cdmg2-$Cdmg1;
elseif ($Cdmg1 == $Cdmg2)
$Cdmg = 0;
$Cdef = $cLvl*2;
echo "Error: Invalid attack type for opponent";

echo "Cdmg: $Cdmg<br>Cdef: $Cdef";
//find out the final result
if ($dmg > $Cdef)
$Pdmg = rand($Cdef, $dmg);
elseif ($dmg < $Cdef)
$Pdmg = rand($dmg, $Cdef);
elseif ($dmg == $Cdef)
$Pdmg = $dmg;

if ($Cdmg > $def)
$Ctdmg = rand($def, $Cdmg);
elseif ($Cdmg < $def)
$Ctdmg = rand($Cdmg, $def);
elseif ($Cdmg == $def)
$Ctdmg = $Cdmg;

$newHP = $hp-$Ctdmg;
$cnewHP = $cCurHP-$Pdmg;
if ($newHP > 0 and $cnewHP > 0)
mysql_query("UPDATE CurrentFights SET turn = '$turn' WHERE userID = '$preuserID'");
mysql_query("UPDATE CurrentFights SET cHP = '$cnewHP' WHERE userID = '$preuserID'");
mysql_query("UPDATE chibifriendspets SET hp = '$newHP' WHERE monopetID = '$monopetID'");
mysql_query("UPDATE LastRound SET pDmg = '$Pdmg' WHERE userID = '$preuserID'");
mysql_query("UPDATE LastRound SET cDmg = '$Ctdmg' WHERE userID = '$preuserID'");

elseif ($newHP <= 0 and $cnewHP <= 0)
$fight = "Draw";
elseif ($newHP <= 0 and $cnewHP > 0)
$fight = "Lose";
elseif ($newHP > 0 and $cnewHP <= 0)
$fight = "Win";
?> [/code]
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[quote]It's kind of hard to explain.[/quote]

Then its kinda hard to help. Your code is pretty hard to follow and are you sure you want to be running multiple queries like that?

Narrow your problem down some and please give us a better decription of your exect problem.
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