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I need help.. I designed my site on my local pc testing my php with xampp... Everything was working fine but now that i have uploaded my site it get the following error message...

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource

the code is as follows...

// Get database connection
include 'db.php';

// Create variables from URL.
$refer_id = $_REQUEST['id'];

//If domain is visited without a refer the site uses the following
if ($refer_id == "")
{  $refer_id = 75645361;

//retrieves information from database...
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tblFriends WHERE myspace_id='$refer_id'");

$data = mysql_fetch_array($sql); -->Line that is causing the problem

//adds array information to a variable
$friend_1 = $data[friend_1];
$friend_2 = $data[friend_2];
$friend_3 = $data[friend_3];
$friend_4 = $data[friend_4];
$friend_5 = $data[friend_5];
$friend_6 = $data[friend_6];

/* Let's strip some slashes in case the user entered
any escaped characters. */
$friend_id = stripslashes($friend_id);
$friend_1 = stripslashes($friend_1);
$friend_2 = stripslashes($friend_2);
$friend_3 = stripslashes($friend_3);
$friend_4 = stripslashes($friend_4);
$friend_5 = stripslashes($friend_5);
$friend_6 = stripslashes($friend_6);

hope someone ccan help me...

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If you are getting that error then there is a problem with your query:
[code]//retrieves information from database...
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tblFriends WHERE myspace_id='$refer_id'");

$data = mysql_fetch_array($sql); -->Line that is causing the problem[/code]
add an or die clause after the query in order to see whats wrong with your query:
[code]//retrieves information from database...
$qry = "SELECT * FROM tblFriends WHERE myspace_id='$refer_id'";
$sql = mysql_query($qry) or die("An internal error has occured!<br />Unable to run the following query:<br /><pre>" . $qry. "</pre><br /><br />" . mysql_error());

$data = mysql_fetch_array($sql);[/code]
Post the error you get now.
yeah you have to watch out for typos. When ever you are dealing with databases always add the or die caluse to the end of mysql_query so you can easily catch the errors with your queries. Otherwise you'll be sat there for a while wondering what the hells going on. After you finished developing your scripts you should take the or die clauses out. Just for security.
This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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