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Hello all,

I need help with these error messages below.

[b]Warning: require_once(adodb/adodb.inc.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/microfix/conf/conf.main.php on line 12

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'adodb/adodb.inc.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php') in /home/microfix/conf/conf.main.php on line 12[/b]

I have uploaded ADODB files onto the web server, but I still get the error. Should I put them into the public_html folder. Below is my index.php code and my conf.main.php code.


* This file serves as the home page for the public website
* @package Web
* @subpackage Public


/* Include configuration file */

/* Force browser out of SSL for non-secure pages */

$page_tpl = new XiTemplate($CONFIG['paths']['templates'].'/index.tpl');
configureTemplate($page_tpl, $CONFIG);

$page = new WebPage($db, $page_tpl);

if (!$page->isHome() && file_exists($CONFIG['paths']['templates'].'/inner.tpl'))

$content_tpl = new XiTemplate($CONFIG['paths']['templates'].'/content.tpl');
$page_tpl->assign('content', $content_tpl->text('main'));


parseMenu($page_tpl, $db, 'Main Menu');
$page_tpl->assign('submenu', Html::stripAttribute($submenu, 'id'));


//$page_tpl->assign('header_graphic', 'images/homepagegraphic.jpg');

$news = $db->execute('SELECT body_text FROM WebPages WHERE page_id = 18');
$page_tpl->assign('news_text', $news->fields['body_text']);

/* Send the output */



<?php /**
* This is the main website configuration file
* @package System
* @subpackage Config

define('DB_USER', 'turningm');
define('DB_PASS', 'mgninrut');


$dbReadOnly = masterConnect();
$db = connect();

$CONFIG = loadConfig($db);

if (strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '~'))
define('URL_MODIFIER', 1);
define('URL_MODIFIER', 0);

define('URL_TARGET', 1);

ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path').':'.$CONFIG['paths']['base']);


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I understand you on the newness!  So am I hehe

What I mean is this

In Index.php, you are including a file (conf.main.php) that resides in a directory different than index.php, right?

Next, in conf.main.php, you are including another file (adodb.inc.php).  Now, when you're including adodb.inc.php, the directory it resides in is also different from the directory of both previous files (conf.main.php and index.php).  Because of the way includes work, you need to make sure that


points to the file relative to index.php.

What I mean is this: If index.php is in a folder called public_html, then if you preserve the code from conf.main.php, the file adodb.inc.php needs to be in the folder adodb.  The folder adodb needs to be in the public_html folder.  So using the code you've supplied, the file heirarchy would need to look something like this:

public_html (folder)
|--index.php (file in public_html)
|--adodb (a folder in public_html)
    | --adodb.inc.php (a file in adodb)

Or it could look like this for another view of it:


That would need to be the folder setup according to your script, I believe.  Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Understand?  I guess it was a bit wordy and not to clear...

Edited for a little more clarity.
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I put the ADODB folder into the public_html folder, so now im getting the error:

[b]"Fatal error: Unable to connect to site database. in /home/microfix/include/functions/site.php on line 39"[/b]

Heres Line 39 in site.php


trigger_error('Unable to connect to site database.', E_USER_ERROR);[/b]

I restored the databases, what am i doing wrong?

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