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identical Php scripts (forms) : one is working another one is not

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I am currently running Xamp or Wamp and now on a few occasions, identical Php scripts sometimes don't respond the same. I am training myself with a Php books the code is from there.

Anyway, how 2 identical Php scripts (about a simple form) one works the other one doesn't?

Did anyone experience that? Has David Copperfield retired because there might be some work left for him  :-\,

echo =---= Pascal
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It might have to do with this register global.

I am not very confortable on how to configure things through Xamp, I find it easier Php, MySql, Apache as standalone modules but my last installation wouldn't work so I had to install Xamp if I didn't want to lose time on this as I am learning Php by writting as many scripts a I can and some scripts from my previous installation are now working on this installation and oddly vice versa.

Here is the line that make my head spin a little:

<form action ="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" method="POST">

should be?

<form action="<?php echo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" method="POST">

Until lately the first one wasn't working and since this eveningn it's working.

I am too tired now to give it more than 2 sec long thoughts//

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Ah, and [b]short tags[/b] might be enabled on one setup and not the other. Code as if register_globals is OFF. Code as if short_tags don't work. Your code will then work on far more server set-ups, and you won't lose sleep or hair :)
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