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Hello friends,


I am having problem writing an update statement to modify data in a mysql table named clientlog. Just cant figure out what is wrong with my statement. Pls help me out.


My current code is as follows:


$sql = "update clientlog set unique_id = '$serial', customer_code = '$code', customer_name = '$name', customer_address = '$address', phone = '$phone', customer_email = '$email', service_type = '$service', description = '$description', quote_ammount = '$quote', remarks = '$remark' where unique_id = '$serial'";


$result = mysql_query($sql);

if (!$result)


echo "<center><font color='red'>Query Error</font><br><br> Error Updating Entries !</center>";










echo "<center><br><br> <font color='red'> <b>Update Okay!</b></font> <br><br> Client with serial no $unique_id has been successfully changed.</font>    <br><br></center>";





I always get error updating entries.



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I made a modification which was pointed to me by another forum helper. The result was that I get notified that update is okay. But surprisingly no change is made on the data in the table. Pls help. This is the whole code in the script. Thanx






$code = $HTTP_POST_VARS['customer_code'];

$name = $HTTP_POST_VARS['customer_name'];

$address = $HTTP_POST_VARS['customer_address'];

$phone = $HTTP_POST_VARS['customer_phone'];

$email = $HTTP_POST_VARS['customer_email'];

$service = $HTTP_POST_VARS['service_type'];

$description = $HTTP_POST_VARS['service_description'];

$quote = $HTTP_POST_VARS['quote_ammount'];

$remark = $HTTP_POST_VARS['staff_remark'];



if ($code == "") {echo "<li> Pls, specify Customer Code";  $error = 1;}

if ($name == "") {echo "<li> Pls, specify Customer Name";  $error = 1;}

if ($address == "") {echo "<li> Pls, specify Customer Name";  $error = 1;}

if ($phone == "") {echo "<li> Pls, specify Customer Phone";  $error = 1;}

if ($email == "") {echo "<li> Pls, specify Customer Email Address";  $error = 1;}

if ($service == "") {echo "<li> Pls, select a Service Type";  $error = 1;}

if ($quote == "") {echo "<li> Pls, specify Quote Ammount";  $error = 1;}

if (!eregi("@",$email) or !eregi("\.",$email)) {echo "<li> Pls, specify valid Email Address";  $error = 1;}


if ($error==1)


  echo "<br><br><a href='javascript:history.back(-1)'>Click here</a> to make necessary adjustments as stated above !";







include "connect.php";


$date = date("y-m-d");


$unique_id = $service.$code.$date;




$sql = "update client_log set customer_code = '$code', customer_name = '$name', customer_address = '$address', phone = '$phone', customer_email = '$email', service_type = '$service', description = '$description', quote_ammount = '$quote', remarks = '$remark' where unique_id = '$serial'";


$result = mysql_query($sql);

if (!$result)


echo "<center><font color='red'>Query Error</font><br><br> Error Updating Entries !</center>";











echo "<center><br><br> <font color='red'> <b>Update Okay!</b></font> <br><br> Client with serial no $unique_id has been successfully changed.</font>    <br><br></center>";











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