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How would I display results in multi-column table?


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I'm creating a classifieds system and need to list the categories in  say a 3 column layout. I know how to 'while' loop through an array to display rows. In this case, however, I need to display the categories in a table where each cell is a separate item instead of the row constituting a record/row from the database.


Should look like:


Category 1 Category 2 Category 3

Category 4Category 5Category 6

Category 7Category 8Category 9


etc. There would also be some sub-cats displayed in each cell as well.


What i'm looking for is the coding that would create a table row when needed and how it would place the results starting left-to-right for as many cells/rows as needed.

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Quick write up:


$totalColumns = 5;
$i = 1;
echo '<table border="1">';
for ($b=0;$b<15;$b++)
if ($i == 1)
	echo '<tr>';

echo '<td>';
echo 'item' ,$i;
echo '</td>';

if ($i == $totalColumns)
	echo '</tr>';
	$i = 0;

echo '</table>';

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Xinil, thanks for that example. I can understand it as it applies to incrementing the number of cells needed per column. I see you have, in your example, $totalColumns set to 5. I'd probably change that to 3 and I don't see anywhere else in your example where that would affect anything.


Ted, i'm looking at whatever works best. If I made the columns a fixed number then i'd like to see the code snippet that would display it that way. Could you please?


Thanks to both of you :)

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