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The following code is in a handling form,, but my query does not recognise the variable $x and outputs it on the screen wen the forms submitted as "array" when it should have a number in it...?


ArrayUnknown column 'Array' in 'where clause'


ne 1 help me is a STAR!!



 if ($_POST['sel_item_id'] != null) 
  echo $x = $_POST['sel_item_id'];

$get_iteminfo = "select productName from product where productId = $x"; 

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thanks for that ,, makes some sense, but if its non existent, how do i get the value from the post array ($_POST['sel_item_id']) and use it in my sql query to equal the product id? p.s. the value $_POST['sel_item_id'] is coming from the hidden value from a button being pressed...

okay erm let me try and show how the hidden input value is being used on the buttons im creating


for( $x=0; $x < $hidenval[$i]; $x++ ){

echo '<form method = post action="addtocart.php">';									

echo'<INPUT TYPE ="submit" name = "submit" value = "Add to Cart" maxlength "50">
<input type="hidden" name="sel_item_id[]" value="'.$hidenval[$i].'">';

:) SORRY IV JUST NOTICED A PROBLEM IN THIS LOOP - the value in the hidden input needs to be of the variable "$x"  not

value="'.$hidenval[$i].'">';  SO THE CORRECT LOOP NOW IM USING IS  but stil with an error

ArrayUnknown column 'Array' in 'where clause' in my sql query im using to check equality with product id>>HOPE THIS HELPS IM ONLINE NOW SO ASK ME NETHIN IL REPLY ASAP!


for( $x=0; $x < $hidenval[$i]; $x++ ){


echo '<form method = post action="addtocart.php">';


echo'<INPUT TYPE ="submit" name = "submit" value = "Add to Cart" maxlength "50">

<input type="hidden" name="sel_item_id[]" value="'.$x.'">';


OKAY I THINK IM SOLVING THIS MYSELF WITHOUT NE HELP BUT I THINK I STIL NEED HELP....Now from the changes iv made its working but not fully. Well no errors, before i was using a loop to make buttons but using the name to be an array to avoid re-writing of the name of the button...

<input type="hidden" name="sel_item_id[]" value="'.$x.'">';


This gives the error  "ArrayUnknown column 'Array' in 'where clause'"  in the handling form code where im using the query which is


if ($_POST['sel_item_id'] != null) 
   $x = $_POST['sel_item_id'];

$get_iteminfo = "select productName from product where productId = $x";
$get_iteminfo_res = mysql_query($get_iteminfo) or die(mysql_error());



but if i change the name to just a normal string as


<input type="hidden" name="sel_item_id" value="'.$x.'">';


the last value of the for loop is saved and so its re-writing which im trying to avoid it doing....is that better guys?  :'( :'( :'(

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