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Help Needed to become a Programmer!!!!!!


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I am Honey and I need some advice from you. I am new to PHP and MYSQL.I have a big problem with me. Whenever I start something (Programming) I learn the basics (Syntax etc.) then I cant able to implement it to the fullest. I started to learn C, C++. Learnt it and then left. Then I started to learn Dreamweaver (Web Design) and after sometime I left it. Same with Visual Basic and Databases.


The problem now is this that I have started to learn PHP few months back. Now I have learnt the basics. I know how to install PHP, MYSQL and PHPmyAdmin till now. Now again I am feeling like it is too difficult for me to go into the depth so that I can also develop applications like my friends do. Its my dream that one day I too become programmer. But I cant able to handle it. It may seem like that I am talking like mad but I need your help. Kindly advice how I too can go into the depth and become a good professional in PHP. I too have some plans to develop a full fledged site for a plan that I have like EBay etc.I need some guidelines to follow. Some good and simple tutorails to follow.


Kindly Advice.




Honey ???


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Sounds like a case of 'EasilyBoredAndFrustrated' syndrome - some of the symtoms which can be found here


If you have a specific goal (ie, an ebay type site) then you need to break it down into managable pieces. Having a goal with no knowledge of how to get there can be very frustrating and cause you to give up or lose track. But as your goal will probably have specific elements, you need to look up tutorials based on specific things.


If I took a quick look at ebay and wanted to make a simple version, then i might look at:

1, user authentication / login scripts

2, shopping carts

3, paypal integration


Obviously don't expect results overnight - as with everything, it takes time as well as much trial and error to get things the way you want - but it IS important to break it down so that you can see that your huge project is actually achievable.


The tutorials on the main phpfreaks site may start you off.


I've also come across various packages that support crafting your own auction sites, written in PHP. A handful of them are only a Google away.


Good luck!

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