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[SOLVED] Holding Array in Session Array


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Hi All, I'm trying to hold bits of info as they become accessible to the script, but when the script finishes it seems to overwrite, or lose it.  How would I make it keep the data sent before without overwriting it.  Here's what I have to start with :

function saleLoad()
	global $data_array, $product, $prodId, $template;

	if (!isset($_SESSION['SALE']))
		$_SESSION['SALE'] = $data_array = array();

	if (isset($_POST['custId']))
		global $data_array;
		$custId = $_POST['custId'];
		$company = $this->selectRecord('company', 'customers', 'custId', $custId);
		$push_array = array('custId' => $custId, 'company' => $company);
		$this->array_push_associative($data_array, $push_array);

	if (isset($_POST['clientId']))
		global $data_array;
		$clientId = $_POST['clientId'];
		$name = $this->selectRecord('name', 'client', 'clientId', $clientId);
		$push_array = array('clientId' => $clientId, 'name' => $name);
		$this->array_push_associative($data_array, $push_array);




As you will probably work out, selectRecord, just selects the record and array_push_associative, adds the second array to the first.


I'm trying to put an array into the session data, is that possible?  And how do I do it without it overwriting itself each time.  Thanks in advance

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i'm not sure, i'd need more information about your script, and probably more code to go off of to say for sure, but i believe your problem is here:

if (!isset($_SESSION['SALE']))
	$_SESSION['SALE'] = $data_array = array();


try this instead:

if (empty($_SESSION['SALE']))
                $data_array = array();
	$_SESSION['SALE'] = $data_array;


see what happens. also, post the output of $_SESSION['SALE'], before and after the revision.

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Hi, No that didn't do anything.


I was in a bit of a rush yesterday so didn't write it clearly.  What I am doing is passing data from the user via selection boxes.  Each time its sent this script is called but is sent different bits of data.  But I want it to hold the data that was sent b4.  Until it has done what it needs to do with it.


I have amended the script as above and below is my html :

if (isset($data_array['clientId']) && isset($data_array['company'])) {
<form name="clientAdmin" action='home.php' method='POST'>
<input type='hidden' name='content' value='sale' />
<div class='l'>
<label for='company' class='labelL'>Company :</label>
<input type='text' id='company' value='<?php echo $data_array['company'] ?>' name='company' size='25%' class='required labelL' readonly />
<div class='r'>
<label for='clientId' class='labelL'>Client :</label>
<input type='text' id='clientId' value='<?php echo $data_array['clientId'] ?>' name='clientId' size='25%' class='required labelL' readonly />
} elseif (isset($data_array['company']) && isset($data_array['custId']) && $_REQUEST['select'] == 'Select Company') {
<form name="clientSelect" action='home.php' method='POST'>
<input type='hidden' name='content' value='sale' />
<div class='l'>
<label for='company' class='labelL'>Company :</label>
<input type='text' id='company' value='<?php echo $data_array['company'] ?>' name='company' width='22%' class='required labelL' readonly />
<div class='r'>
<label for='clientId'>Client ID :</label>
<?php Template::selectWhereMenu('clientId', 'name', 'client', 'custId', $data_array['custId'], '1'); ?>
<input type='submit' name='select' id='select' value='Select Client' class='btn' onmouseover="this.className='btn btnhov'" onmouseout="this.className='btn'" />
} else {
<form name="custSelect" action='home.php' method='POST'>
<input type='hidden' name='content' value='sale' />
<label for='custId' class='labelL'>Company :</label>
<?php Template::selectSpecificMenu('custId', 'company', 'customers', '1'); ?>
<input type='submit' name='select' id='select' value='Select Company' class='btn' onmouseover="this.className='btn btnhov'" onmouseout="this.className='btn'" />


The rest is the rest of my form.  Any ideas, how I can do this?

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This is my array_push_assoc() if anyone want's it or think it may help unravelling my problem, thanks.

function array_push_associative(&$arr)
   		$args = func_get_args();
   		foreach ($args as $arg)
       		if (is_array($arg))
           		foreach ($arg as $key => $value)
               		$arr[$key] = $value;
       		} else {
           		$arr[$arg] = "";

   		//return $ret;

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thought $GLOBALS might hold the answer, but that pushed me to work out how I could keep all the info I wanted, script looks a bit like this now :

	global $data_array, $product, $prodId, $template;

	$data_array = $_POST;

	if (isset($data_array['custId']) && empty($data_array['company']))
		$data_array['company'] = $this->selectRecord('company', 'customers', 'custId', $data_array['custId']);

	if (isset($data_array['clientId']) && empty($data_array['name']))
		$data_array['name'] = $this->selectRecord('name', 'client', 'clientId', $data_array['clientId']);


And my template still looks the same.  Thanks anyway ;)

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Back to this problem, sorry.  I will need to use $_SESSION array as I want to hold some other data too, and this isn't working for some reason.  This script is run three times;


1st - Without any data sent - the form is just called.

2nd - With 'custId' sent - this data is then returned to the form.

3rd -With 'company' and 'clientId' sent - then back to the rest of the form.


What I want is all of that data stored as it comes available.  Seems simple enough, until I try it.  So what I have created is a $_SESSION var for each piece of data to make it simple;


$_SESSION['scustId'] = $custId,

$_SESSION['scompany'] = $company,

$_SESSION['sclientId'] = $clientId,

$_SESSION['sclient'] = $client.


Then further down I produce a printout of the $_SESSION data:

foreach($_SESSION as $key => $value){
	echo "<strong>".$key." : </strong>".$value."<br>";

This holds all my $_SESSION vars from other pages in my script, but when it comes to this particular function, it works in a peculiar way.


1st execution - Prints out all previous $_SESSION data.

2nd execution - Prints out previous and 'scustId' + 'scompany', so far so good.

3rd execution - Prints out previous and 'sclientId' + 'sclient, 'scustId' + 'scompany' are gone!


What could be unsetting this data?  Here's the complete code :

function saleLoad() {
global $data_array;

$data_array = $_POST;

if (isset($data_array['custId']) && empty($data_array['company'])) {
	$_SESSION['scustId'] = $data_array['custId'];
	$_SESSION['scompany'] = $this->selectRecord('company', 'customers', 'custId', $data_array['custId']);

if (isset($data_array['clientId']) && empty($data_array['name'])) {
	$_SESSION['sclientId'] = $data_array['clientId'];
	$_SESSION['sclient'] = $this->selectRecord('name', 'client', 'clientId', $data_array['clientId']);

foreach($_SESSION as $key => $value){
	echo "<strong>".$key." : </strong>".$value."<br>";

if (!empty($_SESSION['scustId']) && !empty($_SESSION['sclientId'])) {




Thanks for your help.

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