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Masking URL without Mod_ReWrite in PHP


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I would have to say yes, I do think it's possible.  Whatever path you choose has to point to a valid script and within that script you can just use $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] to get the full requested URI.


You'd end up with URLs that look like this though:




I've never tried it so I could be wrong though.


(EDIT) NM. The server will just think script.php is a directory and give you a 404.  You'd need to use something like



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that would work; but what I am trying to do is hide the query sting and just be able to set a url of my choice to display in the address bar; no matter what page someone goes to. I read a little bit about mod_rewrite, but I am not sure if my web host allows their server to have the htaccess file changed. I know that it does not show up any where in my file manager and so far, I have not found a way to view it. Plus I want to do this for one sub-directory only and the rest of my sub-directories would follow the nomal domain path hierarchy.


what I would like to do is to be able to have something like this:




too replace this type of query string that is attached to root domain path




I do not know if there is a way to do this just with PHP Script by itself; that is what I am wondering.

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Are some files not hidden from public view in a file manager. I think I tried to create a .htaccess file one time and tried to upload it; but my file manger said that this type of file was not allowed. I even typed the file name just like this ".htaccess"; that was the right way, isn't it? Even if I could create,upload,modify this type of file; will that not change all of my sub-directory files? I do not want all of my sub-directories pages to be masked; I only want one. I just hope I can find a way to do this with a php script and maybe use an include in all of the pages in my sub-directory, that I want the domain masked.

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