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I'm trying to download everything from a directory using the script below, but it just the IF statement keeps coming up false, take a look


$LocalDirectory = $LocalDirectory . $Type;
$FtpConnect = ftp_connect($Server);
$Login = ftp_login($FtpConnect, $Username, $Password);

ftp_chdir($FtpConnect, $Directory);
echo ftp_pwd($FtpConnect);
echo "</br>";
$array = ftp_rawlist($FtpConnect, '/CDR');
$Files = GetFiles($array);

function GetFiles( $array ) {

   for ( $i = 1; $i < count($array); $i++ ) {

       $current = $array[$i];
       $structure[$i]['perms']  = substr($current, 0, 10);
       $structure[$i]['number'] = trim(substr($current, 11, 3));
       $structure[$i]['owner']  = trim(substr($current, 15, );
       $structure[$i]['group']  = trim(substr($current, 24, );
       $structure[$i]['size']  = trim(substr($current, 33, );
       $structure[$i]['month']  = trim(substr($current, 42, 3));
       $structure[$i]['day']    = trim(substr($current, 46, 2));
       $structure[$i]['time']  = substr($current, 49, 5);
       $structure[$i]['name']  = substr($current, 55, strlen($current) - 55);


   return $structure;

echo "<br><br>";
foreach($Files as $f) {
$Remote = $f[name];
$Local = "CDRS/Raw/$f[name]";

if (ftp_get($FtpConnect, $Local, $Remote, FTP_BINARY)) {
   echo "Successfully written to $Local\n";
} else {
   echo "There was a problem\n";


The FTP connection is successful everything is fine till the get statement

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$LocalDirectory = $LocalDirectory . $Type;
$FtpConnect = ftp_connect($Server);
$Login = ftp_login($FtpConnect, $Username, $Password);

ftp_chdir($FtpConnect, $Directory);
echo ftp_pwd($FtpConnect);
$Files = ftp_nlist($FtpConnect, ".");

foreach($Files as $f) {
$Remote = $f;
$Local = "CDRS/Raw/$f";
if (ftp_get($FtpConnect, $Local, $Remote, FTP_BINARY)) {
   echo "Successfully written to $Local\n";
} else {
   echo "There was a problem\n";


Sure it's more organized now but it still doesn't download any files

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i dont man it says



The local file path (will be overwritten if the file already exists).



also well ftp_fget  function exists too



ftp_fget -- Downloads a file from the FTP server and saves to an open file

ftp_fget() retrieves remote_file from the FTP server, and writes it to the given file pointer.


so if its a pointer you can assign it to  fopen()  php functions and save it to whatever path you want and check if it exists and other stuff


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Well I think that $local thing is just the filename of the local want you want to rename the file


the files should all save around the php script it self  if you make $local = f;


I think the true why to set the paths would be to fiddle with the php.ini ftp saving paths etc... if you cant access them use ini_set()

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im just saying maybe $local is just a filename not path  like the old windows ftp.exe program you would just specify the file you wanted to download and the filename you wanted to rename it to IF you wanted to rename it that is.. it would download to desktop

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$LocalDirectory = $LocalDirectory . $Type;
$FtpConnect = ftp_connect($Server);
$Login = ftp_login($FtpConnect, $Username, $Password);

ftp_chdir($FtpConnect, $Directory);
echo ftp_pwd($FtpConnect);
$Files = ftp_nlist($FtpConnect, ".");
foreach($Files as $f) {
$Remote = "/$Directory/$f";
$Local = "$f";
echo "File: $Remote is being written as $Local<br>";
if(ftp_fget($FtpConnect, $Local, $Remote, FTP_BINARY)) {
	echo "File: $Remote was downloaded successfully";
} else {
	echo "File: $Remote was not downloaded";



The file path is now /CDR/"file", which is the exact path that it should be and still nothing

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confused it doesn't go up to line 27 and   that link you posted is just listing files as



File: blah.cdr is being written as blah.cdr

File: blah.cdr was not downloaded



maybe change FTP_BINARY To  FTP_ASCII



ok i see the not downloaded part is related to


ftp_fget($FtpConnect, $Local, $Remote, FTP_BINARY


its all that thats messed up  I dont know I see no error there  maybe on remote


$Remote  replace to  '$Remote'  on the ftp_fget line

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In my script it registers all the variables thats what the extra lines are but thats mostly FTP information thats not needed here



FTP_ASCII doesn't work either, this is quite confusing, is their a log file or anything that I can look through, this is my server I can absolutely anything on

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well  try


ftp_fget($FtpConnect, $Local, '$Remote', FTP_BINARY) 


with quotes   I seen that off a php.net site a hour ago


Confusing yes.. try some simple scripts that are proven to work maybe its a bad php configuration


Example 360. Download a file and write it out 

$ftpStream = ftp_connect('my.ftp.server');
$loginResult = ftp_login($ftpStream, 'username', 'password');
if ($loginResult) {
            //local file location is in the same directory as the PHP file
            $destination = 'local.txt.';

            //open a file pointer for writing in the same directory as the PHP file
   $fp = fopen($destination, 'w');

            //retrieve the file from the FTP server and write it to the file pointer 
   ftp_fget($ftpStream, $fp, 'remote.txt', FTP_ASCII);
            //close the file stream

            //print out the contents of the file to the screen and close the file
            $fp = fopen($destination, 'r');

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than it has to be a php.ini problem says here on a FTP readme for some script that


allow large file uploads and transfers, you may have to change these settings:

in the file php.ini (directory C:\windows or /etc): upload_max_filesize, post_max_size, max_execution_time, memory_limit

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