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Me and a partner of mine are getting ready to launch a FREE domain provider website. So all we ask in return is to have our ads on your website, however while we were planning to use frames and just put our ads on top and bottom of the website, we encounter the problem that the user can use javascript to get out of them.


Does anyone know a code that won't let this happen?



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Then you didn't search hard enough --- basically, on the page that is supposed to be framed, you simply check to see if the the self object is the parent object (i.e. _not_ framed), and if so, send them back to the frameset url.

What users are you talking about breaking out the frames? are you talking about visitors to the sites? or people that use your free hosting for a site? as if its the second why can't you just write in the terms & conditions that they will have the site withdrawn if they tamper with the frame layout?

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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