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Hello people,


Just a quick one (Hopefully)...


I want to have a list of songs to appear on a page in which the user can order them by:


Last added




Do i use MySQL? I know how to print results from mysql but i'd need help with creating a loop that printed the results until there were none left, also, while printing i need them to be put into a table.


But the main objective is to learn how to sort the information on the users page.






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ok, what would i link to... for example table looks like:


Song Title       | Size      |  Date Added   |     Download Link
I'm an elephant| 2.3mb   |     20.2.07      |      Download    


When i click song title it orders in alphabetical... so... Order by (name of field)


Got it, but how do i link to that command? 2 ways i think of, one... linking to a different .php file with the sql in it. two. sql injection... SELECT * FROM (tablename) ORDER BY (fieldname)...


Best way?


Snooble (Thank you)


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Just make your links pass the order by clause through the url. eg;


<a href="display.php?orderby=title">Song Title</a>


Then, on display.php have something like.


  if (isset($_GET['orderby'])) {
    $order = $_GET['orderby'];
  $sql = "SELECT * FROM songs ORDER BY $order";


Of course you would need to setup defaults and sanitize the input, but yeah, should give you the idea.

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There is a great way to do this using mod_rewrites.


It appears complicated at first but its weel woth the effort.


1.You construct your usrls, based on the information that you want in your queries.


ie mysite.com/artist/album/track.


2. You construct the mod_rewrite to read the url and transfer it into good ol fashined url's


ie mysite.com/find.php?artiste=this&album=&track=thenext


3. Then you build your SELECT Statement with this information


4. Bobs your uncle you have a user firendly, search engine friendly site with nice clean urls.




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htmlentities will do wont it?


Not at all. You'll want to prevent sql injection, the easiest way (in this case) is to limit the order by clauses available. eg;



  $valid = array('title','date','size');
  if (isset($_GET['orderby'])) {
    $order = in_array($_GET['orderby'],$valid) ? $_GET['orderby'] : 'title';
  } else {
    $order = 'title';



this will also impliment the default order by to be by title.

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thank you, i'll change title to date and then it'll show the last uploaded ;)


thank you... will post again when i have the table and that running...


So far i have www.wezzsmusic.ifastnet.com/WM/music.php


i want it to add cells to the table printing the song title etc in each cell...


I just need an example for a loop that will pull the information from the mysql table and into the seperate cells (creating a new one)...



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