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[SOLVED] Click Here to print


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No, the print he showed me just makes the print screen come up. It activates the printer on there browser to start up the printer, it does nothing to style the page for printing.  If you want a page that prints right, you need to create a CSS file.  Attach it to the document using the media type "print" it makes it become ignored UNLESS the browser is in print view, and is printing the document.  The point of this is to remove things you don't want part of the printing (hiding certain things).  Or making it look good for black/white only printers by removing clashing colors.  As well as removing unnecessary components that will jsut clutter the printer (navigation, header, footer, whatever else might be obtrusive to simply printing the data).


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Right, the original css file is the original styling.  It is always active.  However when in print mode the print one takes over.  It does not erase the first, but the idea is behidn the "cascading".  It basically overwrites (it takes priority) over any styles in the first one when in print mode.  So you need to always have the print one BELOW any others.  That way it can overwrite anything in the other files, and it makes sure it takes priority.

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