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[SOLVED] multiple tables in one php file???


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i have a real wierd prob :'(

i have one file working.php  which creates a database, selects it and then creates a table.another file drop.php drop that particular database.

first when i executed the working.php file, the database and table were created.then i dropped the database using drop.php.

then i made a few changes in working.php to create two more table. but now the same file wont give any output.

i am viewing the files in internet explorer.it gives absolutly no output. ???running drop.php gives the error

Error dropping database: Can't drop database 'mydatabase'; database doesn't exist

it makes sense since working.php is not working but wht should i do





$con = mysql_connect("","root","12345");

if (!$con)


  echo "Could not connect: ' . mysql_error();




if (mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE mydatabase",$con))


  echo 'Database created  ';




  echo "Error creating database: " . mysql_error();






die('Could not select database: mydatabase ' . mysql_error());



echo "Database selected    ";


if (mysql_query("CREATE TABLE customer

                            (f_name VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,

                              l_name VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,

                              phone  VARCHAR(11) ,

                              account INT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY)")



  echo 'table created';




  echo "  Error creating table customer: " . mysql_error();


if (mysql_query("CREATE TABLE account

                              (account2 INT(7) UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY,

      password VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL,

                              balance  FLOAT(3) ,

                              valid_till DATE YYYY-MM-DD)")



echo "created account table";




echo "account nt created  " .mysql_error();



if (mysql_query("CREATE TABLE Transaction

                              (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,

      source INT(7) UNSIGNED,

                              destination  INT(7) UNSIGNED,

                              amount INT(3) NOT NULL,

                              date DATE YYYY-MM-DD,

      strt_time TIME 00:00:00,

                              end_time  TIME 00:00:00 ,

                              status ENUM("TRUE","FALSE") NOT NULL)")



echo("created transaction table";




echo "tran nt created  " .mysql_error();









$con = mysql_connect("","root","12345");

if (!$con)


  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());



echo '1  ';


if (mysql_query("DROP DATABASE mydatabase",$con))


  echo 'Database dropped  ';




echo "Error dropping database: " . mysql_error();




any idea what to do?im completely new and now lost

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i executed this code


echo '1  ';

$con = mysql_connect("","root","12345");

if (!$con)


  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());



echo '1  ';




gives the output

1 1

so a simple connection works fine.but still ahving problem with the working.php file ???

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i pasted each block ,one by one.first two tables are created successfully :) the prob is in

if (mysql_query("CREATE TABLE transaction

                              (id INT(4) AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,

      source INT(7) UNSIGNED,

                              destination  INT(7) UNSIGNED,

                              amount INT(3) NOT NULL,

                              date DATE ,

      strt_time TIME ,

                              end_time  TIME ,

                              status ENUM("TRUE","FALSE") NOT NULL)")



echo("created transaction table";




echo "-tran nt created-  " .mysql_error();


when i include this block of code no output is given  ???

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problem solved!!! ;D

the solution was

if (mysql_query("CREATE TABLE transaction


      source INT(7) UNSIGNED,

                              destination  INT(7) UNSIGNED,

                              amount INT(3) NOT NULL,

                              date DATE ,

      strt_time TIME ,

                              end_time  TIME ,

                              status ENUM(\"TRUE\",\"FALSE\") NOT NULL)")




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