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Help please - it's doing my head in!


i'm probably missing something here but have searched for an answer to no avail.


i'm using folder names on the server as links in a menu - to display thumbnail pics in chosen folder.


works fine as long as the folder name is in this format - 'abc_def_ghi_jkl' but not in this format 'abc def ghi jkl'.


the array $darr[] holds the folder name and will show it ok as a link but in the code shown $dirchoice only contains the folder name as far as the first space - ie. abc


Any ideas please?

<li><a href=<?php echo("$PHP_SELF?dirchoice=" . $darr[$x]) ?> ><?php echo($darr[$x]);?></a></li>


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You need to put quotes around the URL in the "href"

<li><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?dirchoice=' . $darr[$x]) . '"><' . $darr[$x];?></a></li>


Actually, I would just echo the entire HTML string from within PHP:

echo '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?dirchoice=' . $darr[$x]) . '"><' . $darr[$x] . '</a></li>';



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Thanks for the reply - tried both versions but for some reason they screwed up my menu formatting in a big way.


Anyway, a bit rushed so i went for the easy route and used str-replace to replace the underscores from the folder names with spaces - it looks better in the menu list.


when 've more time i'll have another look at this and see why it messed up the css formatting.


Thanks again -


Regards from Doug. aka Micky1955



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