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Unwanted HTML Codes in text file.


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I am attempting to write data out to a text file from a MySql database. The data in the db field is clean with no html codes (I can verify this). When I retrieve the data and then write it out to a text file in a directory under 'Apache/htdocs' all my single and double quotes have been converted to HTML Codes.


Here is the code I am using to write to the directory:


    $bs = fopen(".//downloads//" .$fileName, "w");

    fwrite($bs, $licenseFile, strlen($licenseFile));



I have even used str_replace() immediately before the fopen() call to search the $licenseFile for HTML codes and replace them with the proper characters but to no avail. Because this is a license file I cannot have errant characters reproduced in it. 


Thank you for any insight into what I am doing wrong.


Milton S.


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maybe try html_entity_decode() before writing to the file?




Thank you for the reply. htm_entity_decode() did work. I used it as:


    $bs = fopen(".//downloads//" .$fileName, "w");

    fwrite($bs, html_entity_decode($licenseFile,ENT_QUOTES), strlen($licenseFile));




I would really like to know how the html codes are getting into my string? Is there a php.ini setting that should be configured differently?


Again thank you for the response.


Milton S.

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I got the names backwards. Thanks to genericnumber1 for a solution, and to simcoweb, yes somewhere after I get the string out of the database the single and double quotes are being converted to html codes.


Milton S.

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