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[SOLVED] how to store checkbox values to an array?


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For my application I need to allow the user to select multiple mysql records via an html form checkbox.  On submission of the form I would like to store these values in an array for either multiple record deletion or creating a list of records.


Here is what the form code looks like:


/* loop throgh user's mp3s and create html table row for each */
for($i=0; $i<$num_results; $i++)
	$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
	echo "<tr>";
	echo "<td><input type='checkbox' name='track[]' value='". $row['id'] ."'></td> \n"; // radio value is mp3.id
	echo "<td><a href='" . $row['file'] . "'>" . $row['song'] . "</a></td> \n"; //link is mp3 file
	echo "<td>" . $row['artist'] . "</td> \n";
	echo "<td><a href=\"javascript:popUp('myupdate.php?id=". $row['id'] ."&uid=". $uid ."')\">Update</a></td> \n";
	//echo "<td>" . $row['genre'] . "</td> \n" ;
	//echo "<td>" . $row['playtime'] . "</td> \n";
	//echo "<td>" . $row['playlist'] . "</td>";
	echo "</tr> \n";
	echo "</table> \n";


Here is where the array code needs to be:


	if (isset($_POST['submit']))

		$queryTrack = "SELECT * FROM mp3 WHERE id='$_POST[track]'";
		$delTrack = mysqli_query($db, $queryTrack);

		while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($delTrack))
			$file = $row['file'] ."<br/>";
			$fullpath = $docroot . $row['file'];

		$queryID = "DELETE FROM mp3 WHERE id='$_POST[track]'";
		$idResult = mysqli_query($db, $queryID);


For the life of me I cannot figure out how to do this.  I've tried the following type stuff just to get a hang of it, but I get an error like Invalid argument supplied for foreach()


foreach($track as $tid)
     echo $tid;

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Okay I gave up on myself to early once again.  Here's the solution.


You still need to post your checkbox form data so php knows what your talking about.  In my case I would write the following near the top of my code with the rest of my variables:


$track = $_POST["track"];


That's how I got it too work.  My that's simple!

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