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need some quick variable help.







Those are the variable we will be working with. basicaly, for every 25 points I want someone to allowed a new loan.


So lets say $points = 110 and $loans_open = 1.


That means you have 110 points, which allows for 4 loans.


Then you 1 current loan open, so you can purchase 3 more.


I'm not realy sure how to get the $loans_max variable.


Sure I could go $points / 25, but that would give me 4.4


How do I make it so 4.4 rounds down to 4? Thanks.

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The only problem is that 4.5 to 4.9999999 would round UP.


Remember that a number is treated as a string in PHP.  Use that to your advantage:


$nums = explode(".", $decimal);//  <--This will split the decimal number into an array.  Element #0 will be the whole number portion and element #1 will be the decimal portion.
$wholeNum = $nums[0];


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It doesn't really matter- they both will give the same result.


You can maybe say that using floor() is more clear, but it doesn't matter.

From the other side, I think using casting (using (int)) will be a little bit faster, but even if it is- the difference will be ridiculously small.



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