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[SOLVED] strip out . get left/right into variables.


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I have a string like this



or it could be 5.Disabled


It's a number, with a status beside it as shown.


If the number was 8 it would be either 8.Enabled 8.Disabled.  How can I (in all of these situations), split the id, and the wording on the right.  That way I know what number it is in one variable, and whether it's Enabled or Disabled in another variable.

I want to trap for instance


I want it take that string and get

$number = 8;

$status = "Enabled";

basically that type of setup, how would I go about doing that.

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Is the format always consistent, or do you require more validation?

$tests = array(

foreach ($tests as $test) {
	list ($num, $state) = explode('.', $test, 2);
	printf("Num: %-10s State: %-10s<br>", $num, $state);

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I need a more universal way to get it.


it's always the same, I am formatting the information myself from a pre-determined data structure so they are always going to be the same.  I am going to need to do it in a foreach

Basically I have an array called


This id array simply has values (no keys that have actually been set).  It's a bunch of numbers formatted like that.  I am going to need to go through and check all that are enabled, and use them.  I need to basically cycle through an array.  Say OK id number 3 is disabled so ignore it.  number 4 is disabled (ignore it).  number 5 is enabled (ok pull it aside, database it properly and move forward), number 6 is disabled (ignore it) number 7 is enabled (ok pull it aside, database it properly and move forward).


That is basically the situation I need to get, so right now, I need a way to take the 8.Enabled, and simply get 2 variables (one for the number, one for the status), then do something with it, unset the 2 variables, and repeat the process.  Right now I just need to get the 2 variables.

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Basically part of what you showed would have worked

$test = 8.Enabled

list ($num, $state) = explode('.', $test, 2);

That would basically work, but I have had bad experiences with list, if I can't think of another way, that will work.  is there another way, or is that pretty much the only logical way.

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