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I have created script with a single user login validation within php page. I have tried to use sessions to create a log-out page, but when a user clicks the link to the log-out page and is redirected; if the click the browser back button and click reload, the page will still have them logged in. My script is below, any help would be very gr8t - Thanks


HTML Form Page






<form action="login.php" method="post">
Username:<br><input type="text" name="username" size="25"><br><br>
Password:<br><input type="password" name="password" size="25"><br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Login">




PHP Login Page



@$username = stripslashes($_POST['username']);
@$password = stripslashes($_POST['password']);
$letementer = "ok";

// strcmp = Case Sensitive
// strcasecmp = Not Case Sensitive

if ( strcmp($username, "John") != 0)
$letementer = "notok";

if ( strcmp($password, "Doe") != 0)
$letementer = "notok";

if ($letementer=="notok")
echo "You Do Not Have Premission To View This Page";
if ($letementer=="ok")
echo "<a href=\"logout.php?un=$username\" style=\"float:right\">Log Out</a><br><br><br>You Have Premisson To View This Page";



PHP Log-Out Page



//start the session 

//check to make sure the session variable is registered 

//session variable is registered, the user is ready to logout 
echo "<script>\nalert(\"$un You Have Successfully Been Logged Out\");\n</script>";

//the session variable isn't registered, the user shouldn't even be on this page 
header("Location: login.html");


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best thing'd be to (at the top of your pages you want only logged in users to see have this:


header("Location: pleaselogin.php");


If the user has logged out and trys to go back it will take the user to "pleaselogin.php"


No problem



So I tried to do like jscix said to do and I replaced this:




in the PHP Log-Out Page for this:




but this did not do the trick; when browser back button was clicked and page reloaded; log-in session still existed.


Next I tried Snooble advice and put this:


header("Location: login.html");


in the very top part of my PHP Login Page and then tried to login with the correct username and password, but the script kept on redirecting me back to the html page; even when the username and password is correct.


Does anyone else have any ideas about this?

This is what I have in my secured page called main.php and works fine:


<?php # main.php

// Start the session.

// Check for the session value.
if (isset($_SESSION['username'])) {
echo '<p>Welcome back, '.$_SESSION['username'].'.</p>';
} else {
// Quit the script and redirect to login page.
header ("Location: http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . 
dirname ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "login.php");

session_start(); must be at top of script, very top


use $_SESSION['username'] to declare session vars instead of session_register, register_globals is off by default and on its way out of the php picture


for destroying session, try

$_SESSION = array();



to keep it from relogging in, use

header("Cache-Control: private, no-cache, must-revalidate");



So I tried this below, but I am still having the same problem. Once the user logs out, clicks the browser back button and then reload; they are still logged in. So what do I need to correct?


PHP Login Page


header("Cache-Control: private, no-cache, must-revalidate");

@$username = stripslashes($_POST['username']);
@$password = stripslashes($_POST['password']);
$letementer = "ok";

// strcmp = Case Sensitive
// strcasecmp = Not Case Sensitive

if ( strcmp($username, "John") != 0)
$letementer = "notok";

if ( strcmp($password, "Doe") != 0)
$letementer = "notok";

if ($letementer=="notok")
echo "You Do Not Have Premission To View This Page";
if ($letementer=="ok")
echo "<a href=\"logout.php?un=$username\" style=\"float:right\">Log Out</a><br><br><br>You Have Premisson To View This Page";



PHP Log-Out Page



//start the session 

//check to make sure the session variable is registered 

//session variable is registered, the user is ready to logout 
$_SESSION = array();
echo "<script>\nalert(\"$un You Have Successfully Been Logged Out\");\n</script>";

//the session variable isn't registered, the user shouldn't even be on this page 
header("Location: login.html");


try it all this way ok.

<?php session_start(); 
echo "<script>\nalert(\"$un You Have Successfully Been Logged Out\");\n</script>";
header("Location: login.html");


<?php session_start();
header("Cache-Control: private, no-cache, must-revalidate");

@$username = stripslashes($_POST['username']);
@$password = stripslashes($_POST['password']);
$letementer = "ok";

// strcmp = Case Sensitive
// strcasecmp = Not Case Sensitive

if ( strcmp($username, "John") != 0)
$letementer = "notok";

if ( strcmp($password, "Doe") != 0)
$letementer = "notok";

if ($letementer=="notok")
echo "You Do Not Have Premission To View This Page";
if ($letementer=="ok")


echo "<a href=\"logout.php?un=$username\" style=\"float:right\">Log Out</a><br><br><br>You Have Premisson To View This Page";

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