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i am fairly new to php and i got a real estate web template from a site and i really like the visual aspects

the only thing is that it wont allow me to change the footer


here is the little bit of code

<?php echo $SystemInfo->CreateCopyright("PHP RealEstate", 'txt_content01'); ?>

if i delete that line the website works fine just a notification box pops up and shows on every page

i dont want to delete the file i just want to change what it says


currently it says "Powered by Built2Go PHP RealEstate v1.4.4 © Big Resources, Inc."


ive looked in the language file and the func.php and nothing comes up


i would be more then glad to give the script to someone if they want to play with it

what are the possibilities of just changing what the actual footer says like Site Created by Me


any help would be greatly appreciated

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If there ar template files, check there. If not that is located in the SystemInfo class under the Copyright function. If it is encrypted than you cannot change it without doing some manipulation, but if it is not encrypted look for the class Systeminfo (or whatever that variable was instantiated to.)



You can always do something like this:


<?php echo 
$copyRight = str_replace("<a href=\"theirsite.com\">Link Here</a>", "Link Title Here", $SystemInfo->CreateCopyright("PHP RealEstate", 'txt_content01'));

print $copyRight;



On that note, this should not be used to remove copyright fully and if in the template it may check that string against the original so it may not work.





$SystemInfo->CreateCopyright("PHP RealEstate", 'txt_content01');
$copyRight = ob_get_contents();

print str_replace("<a href=\"theirsite.com\">Link Here</a>", "Link Title Here", $copyRight);



Like I said I do not condone removing copyright fully at all, this is strictly to help you remove the link back.



This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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