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[SOLVED] using input id instead of name when calculating forms

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Hi there,

I have this javascript code to calculate form elements:


function calc()


document.calcform.total1.value = (document.calcform.price1.value)*(document.calcform.quantity1.value)





the .total1. is the 'name' of the input (text) tag


but i would like to use the 'id' of the input tag because i am using the 'name' for something else.


Could i just replace the .total1. with the 'id' and it will still work?

the name of the select is a php variable using data from mysql, so I can remember the selection if the user cancels order processing and edits the form.


On the form I want to keep running totals for item quantity*price etc...


the quantity is a select tag and the price is a readonly input "text" tag.


for each item row i would like total cost


but i do not know how many item rows there are because the script is built so that i can add more items through mysql.


so i need javascript to go through the elements and create the total, i am thinking maybe element by tag name or something??

Here is something I am working on:


function calc()


for (var num=0;num<getElementByTagName("select").length;num++)


document.formname.elements[num+2].value = (document.formname.elements[num+1].value) * (document.formname.elements[num].value)


// total (3rd element in the row) = price (2nd) * qty (1st)





would this work??

Hi Fenway,


Wonder if you could help me with this please, below is part of the php that creates the form (named order), I am trying to write some javascript that will multiple the price with the selected qty onblur but cannot seem to find the elements as you know, thanks for your help.


// get product records in order of brand then range

$sqlqry_getwsi = "select * from tbl_wsi order by wsi_brand, wsi_range";

$sqlres_getwsi = mysql_query($sqlqry_getwsi) or die ("Could not execute getwsi query");


// for each row fetched

while($row_getwsi = mysql_fetch_array($sqlres_getwsi))




      // print row of items

      echo "<tr><td><img src='$wsi_tn' /></td>




                    <td><input type = 'text' value = '$wsi_price' readonly='readonly' /></td> // item price

                    <td><select name='$wsi_id'>"; // item qty ordered, name contains VA001, VB002, VE001, LR005 etc...


                    // create options


                    for($selectcnt=0;$selectcnt<=$wsi_qty;$selectcnt++) // loop till stock qty exceeded


                        echo"<option value='$selectcnt'";


                      // remember qty selected if user needs to edit order form



                          echo "selected='selected'";

                        } // end if



                        } // end for


                    echo "</select></td>

                            <td><input type = 'text' /></td>";


          } // end while


I assume you want to put the total in the last input?


You need to name your inputs with a $wsi_id prefix, like name='quantity_$wsi_id', name='price_$wsi_id', name='total_$wsi_id'... then you can have a general function that simply takes the $wsi_id as a parameter, such as:


function gogo( obj, wsi_id ) {
obj.form.elements['total_'+wsi_id].value = obj.form.elements['quantity_'+wsi_id].value * obj.form.elements['price_'+wsi_id].value;


And add an onchange='gogo(this, \'$wsi_id\' )' to your select.

Sorry for delay, T'Interent down at home, Only access during working hours (GMT).




function calc(obj, wsi_id)


obj.form.elements['total_'+wsi_id].value = obj.form.elements['qty_'+wsi_id].value * obj.form.elements['price_'+wsi_id].value;






same as before only:


<input type = 'text' name = 'price_$wsi_id' value = '$wsi_price' readonly='readonly' />

<select name='qty_$wsi_id' onchange='calc(this, \'$wsi_id\')'>

<input type = 'text' name = 'total_$wsi_id' readonly='readonly' />






Hi there Fenway,


I take it 'obj' holds 'this' which means this 'document'?


And when the select input changes it then reads the function and adds the total of the sum to the input box total.


Should there be any brackets around the sum?


Should there be a semi-colon after the sum?


Should there be <!-- --> in the <script>?


Maybe I will run the script through FireFox instead of IE and see what happens.


It looks like it should work? I cannot see any reason to suggest otherwise?


Hi there,


I have recreated this problem in static HTML to see if I can find any problems. The problem I am now getting at the moment is onchange the total is calculated to 0 every time, here is the code:



function gogo (obj)


obj.form.elements['total_VB001'].value = (obj.form.elements['price_VB001'].value) * (obj.form.elements['qty_VB001'].value);





<form id="orderform" name="orderform" method="post" action="">


  <input type="text" name="price_VB001" value="122.99" readonly="readonly" /></td><td>

  <select name="qty_VB001" onchange="gogo(this)">

    <option selected="selected">0</option>







  <input type="text" name="total_VB001" readonly="readonly" /></td></tr>





Any ideas what is wrong with this? Thanks.

Hi there again Fenway,


Problem solved - what i have do is changed the onchange = 'calc(this, \'$wsi_id\')'  TO onchange = 'calc(this, \"$wsi_id\")'


And it likes it, don't know why but it does??


Thanks for your time.

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