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[SOLVED] syntax error


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ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
ini_set('log_errors', 'Off');
/* ########### CONFIGURE THESE VARIABLES ########### */
  $recipient = 'asdfsdfsdf';  // Email Address 
  $domain = '';   // Your domain Address LOWERCASE!!!
  $description ='Thank you for contacting us'; // Email subject line for person who has applyed 
  $description2 ='New Charity Application'; // Email subject line for admin notification 
  $autoresponder = 'yes'; // yes to use autoresponder or no will skip the autoresponder feature 
/* ########### FORM VARIABLES ########### */

/* ########### STARTUP ###########
$domain = strtolower($domain);  
$calling_page = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
$matches = strtolower($calling_page);  
preg_match("/[^\.\/]+\.[^\.\/]+$/", $calling_page, $matches);
preg_match("/[^\.\/]+\.[^\.\/]+$/", $domain, $dmatches);
if ($matches == $dmatches) {}
else {  
  		echo "<br><br><br><center><font size=5 color=blue>Invalid Use of Form!</b></font><br><br><b>Please hit your browser's \"back\" button and try again.</b></center><br>";  

global $_POST ; 
$delete = array('*','|','>','<','meta','\\','\"','..', '\'');
foreach($_POST  as $key => $value) {
	  $value = trim($value); //remove whitespace
  $value = str_replace($delete, "", $value);
  $value = htmlspecialchars($value);
  $value = strip_tags($value);
  $value = stripslashes($value);
  $$key = $value; 
  		if (strlen($value) > 10000)  {
			echo "<br><br><br><center><font size=5 color=blue>You have exceeded the upload limit!</b></font><br><br><b>Please hit your browser's \"back\" button and try again.</b></center><br>";  
/* ########### STOP FLOOD ########### */ 
include "sqlconn.php";

$query = 'SELECT * FROM `Application_Form` LIMIT 0, 30 ';
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (empty($lastname)) {
$lastname = NULL;
if (empty($phone)) {
$phone = NULL;
if (empty($typerequest)) {
$typerequest = NULL;
if (empty($grant)) {
$grant = NULL;
if (empty($relate)) {
$relate = NULL;
if (empty($t1)) {
$t1 = NULL;
if (empty($ftn)) {
$ftn = NULL;
if (empty($a1)) {
$a1 = NULL;
if (empty($a2)) {
$a2 = NULL;
if (empty($error11)) {
$error11 = NULL;
if (empty($select1)) {
$select1 = NULL;
if (empty($t1)) {
$t1 = NULL;
if (empty($tc)) {
$tc = NULL;
if (empty($pcs)) {
$pcs = NULL;

if (empty($email)) {
$email = NULL;
if (empty($error12)) {
$error12 = NULL;
if (empty($select4)) {
$select4 = NULL;
if (empty($outlinerequest)) {
$outlinerequest = NULL;
if (empty($detailsrequest)) {
$detailsrequest = NULL;
if (empty($select8)) {
$select8 = NULL;
if (empty($t12)) {
$t12 = NULL;
if (empty($ftn2)) {
$ftn2 = NULL;
if (empty($a12)) {
$a12 = NULL;
if (empty($a22)) {
$a22 = NULL;
if (empty($email2)) {
$email2 = NULL;
if (empty($tc2)) {
$ltc2 = NULL;
if (empty($psc2)) {
$psc2 = NULL;
if (empty($tl2)) {
$tl2 = NULL;
if (empty($ltn2)) {
$ltn2 = NULL;

if (empty($tl)) {
$tl = NULL;
if (empty($psc)) {
$psc = NULL;

if (empty($phone2)) {
$phone2 = NULL;
if (empty($tc2)) {
$tc2 = NULL;
// here
if (empty($error1)) {
$error1 = NULL;
if (empty($error2)) {
$error2 = NULL;

if (empty($error3)) {
$error3 = NULL;
if (empty($error4)) {
$error4 = NULL;
if (empty($error5)) {
$error5 = NULL;
if (empty($error6)) {
$error6 = NULL;

if (empty($error7)) {
$error7 = NULL;
if (empty($error8)) {
$error8 = NULL;
if (empty($error9)) {
$error9 = NULL;
if (empty($error)) {
$error = NULL;

if (empty($error13)) {
$error13 = NULL;
if (empty($error14)) {
$error14 = NULL;
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))  {
	$getlastname = $row[3];
	if ($getlastname == $lastname)  {
		$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
		$spamerror = "We already have your details on file";

/* ########### Field Verification ########### */  
if (empty($tl)) {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error1 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!
if (empty($ftn)) {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error2 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!
if (empty($lastname)) {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error3 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!
if (empty($dob)) {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error4 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!
$dob = "dd/mm/yyyy";
if ($dob == "ddmmyyyy") {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error4 = <<<EOD
Enter a valid date!
$dob = "dd/mm/yyyy";
list($month, $day, $year) = split('[/]', $dob);
$pattern = '([0-9]{2})';      // 2 digits
$pattern2 =   '([0-9]{4})';     // 4 digits   
$pattern3 =   '([0-9]{8})';     // 8 digits   
if (ereg($pattern, $month, $regs)) {}
else {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error4 = <<<EOD
Date format incorrect!
if (ereg($pattern, $day, $regs)) {}
else {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error4 = <<<EOD
Date format incorrect!
if (ereg($pattern, $year, $regs)) {}
else {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error4 = <<<EOD
Date format incorrect!

if (strlen($dob) != "10") {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error4 = <<<EOD
Date format incorrect!
if (empty($a1)) {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error5 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!
if (empty($a2)) {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error6 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!
if (empty($tc)) {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error7 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!
if (empty($psc)) {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error8 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!
if (empty($phone)) {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error9 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!
$pattern5 =   '([a-zA-Z])';  
if (!ereg($pattern5, $phone, $regs)) {}
else {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error9 = <<<EOD
Phone format incorrect!
if (empty($email)) {}
$Vemail = ereg ("^[^@ ]+@[^@ ]+\.[^@ \.]+$", $email );
if (!$Vemail) {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error10 = <<<EOD
Enter a valid email address!
if ($typerequest == "Please Select") {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error11 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!<br>
if ($grant == "Please Select") {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error12 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!<br>
if (empty($outlinerequest)) {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error13 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!
if (empty($detailsrequest)) {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error14 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!

if (empty($ftn2)) {}
else {
if ($relate == "Please Select") {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error15 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!<br>
if (empty($tl2)) {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error16 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!<br>
if (empty($ftn2)) {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error17 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!<br>
if (empty($ltn2)) {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error18 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!<br>
if (empty($a12)) {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error19 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!<br>
if (empty($a22)) {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error20 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!<br>
if (empty($tc2)) {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error21 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!<br>
if (empty($psc2)) {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error22 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!<br>
if (empty($phone2)) {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error23 = <<<EOD
This is a required field!<br>
$pattern6 =   '([a-zA-Z])';  
if (!ereg($pattern5, $phone2, $regs)) {}
else {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error23 = <<<EOD
Phone format incorrect!<br>
if (empty($email2)) {}
$Vemail = ereg ("^[^@ ]+@[^@ ]+\.[^@ \.]+$", $email2 );
if (!$Vemail) {
$error = "Please fix the following errors!";
$error24 = <<<EOD
Enter a valid email address!<br>

if ($typerequest == "Please Select" ) {$select1 = "selected";}
if ($typerequest == "Individual" ) {$select2 = "selected";}
if ($typerequest == "Organisation" ) {$select3 = "selected";}

if ($grant == "Please Select" ) {$select4 = "selected";}
if ($grant == "Up to - £1000" ) {$select5 = "selected";}
if ($grant == "Up to - £3000" ) {$select6 = "selected";}
if ($grant == "Up to - £5000" ) {$select7 = "selected";}

if ($relate == "Please Select" ) {$select8 = "selected";}
if ($relate == "Carer" ) {$select9 = "selected";}
if ($relate == "Friend" ) {$select10 = "selected";}
if ($relate == "Therapist" ) {$select11 = "selected";}
if ($relate == "Representative of institution" ) {$select12 = "selected";}
if ($relate == "Other" ) {$select13 = "selected";}

/* ########### ERROR PAGE ########### */
if (empty($spamerror)) {
$spamerror = NULL;
if (empty($error10)) {
$error10 = NULL;
if (empty($select2)) {
$select2 = NULL;
if (empty($select3)) {
$select3 = NULL;
if (empty($select5)) {
$select5 = NULL;
if (empty($select6)) {
$select6 = NULL;
if (empty($select7)) {
$select7 = NULL;
if (empty($error15)) {
$error15 = NULL;
if (empty($select9)) {
$select9 = NULL;
if (empty($select10)) {
$select10 = NULL;
if (empty($select11)) {
$select11 = NULL;
if (empty($select12)) {
$select12 = NULL;
if (empty($select13)) {
$select13 = NULL;
if (empty($error16)) {
$error16 = NULL;
if (empty($error17)) {
$error17 = NULL;
if (empty($error18)) {
$error18 = NULL;
if (empty($error19)) {
$error19 = NULL;
if (empty($error20)) {
$error20 = NULL;
if (empty($error21)) {
$error21 = NULL;
if (empty($error22)) {
$error22 = NULL;
if (empty($error23)) {
$error23 = NULL;
if (empty($error24)) {
$error24 = NULL;
$errorpage = <<<EOD
<script type="text/JavaScript">
function wipe (obj) {
  obj.value = "";

<script type="text/javascript">
function clickclear(thisfield, defaulttext) {
if (thisfield.value == defaulttext) {
thisfield.value = "";

function clickrecall(thisfield, defaulttext) {
if (thisfield.value == "") {
thisfield.value = defaulttext;

<title>sf group | Application Form </title>

<link href="main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="app.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<body background="images/gradient.jpg">
<table id='f_t' border="1" align="center"><!-- t1-->
    <td id='f_hc'>
      <a href='index.htm'>
        <img src="images/banner.jpg" border='0' title='sf group - charity website' alt='image missing'>
    <td id='body_c' align='center'>
      <table width="100%" height="270" border="0" style='border: 0 solid'><!-- t2-->
          <td id='menu_c'>
        <div id="menu5">

                                <p id='home'><a id='t' href="index.htm" title="Home">Home</a></p>
	                <p id='news'><a id='t' href="news.php" title="News">News</a></p>
	                <p id='about'><a id='t' href="about.htm" title="About Us">About Us</a></p>
	                <p id='application_sel'><a id='t' href="application.htm" title="Application Form">Application Form</a></p>
	                <p id='contact'><a id='t' href="contact.htm" title="Contact Us">Contact Us</a></p>
                                <p id='faq'><a id='t' href="faq.htm" title="FAQ's">FAQ's</a></p>
	                <p id='info'><a id='t' href="financialinfo.php" title="Financial Information">Financial Information</a></p>
	                <p id='donations'><a id='t' href="previousdonations.htm" title="Funded Items">Funded Items</a></p>
			<p id='company'><a id='t' href="http://www.sfgroup.com" target="_blank" title="sf group company website">sf group</a></p>
          <td id='content_c' align="left" valign="top"> 
            <form name="form1" method="post" action="formapplication.php">
              <table width="100%" height="270" border="0">
                <!-- t3-->
                  <td id='image'> <img src="images/form.jpg" title='Application Form' alt='image missing' width="102" height="99" align="left"> 
                  <td id='txt' valign='top'> <b>Application Form</b> 
                    <p style='width: 340'> On this page you will be able to apply 
                      for support by using the form below and filling in the appropriate 
                  <td id='txt' colspan='2'> 
                    <hr size="1" noshade>
                    <table  height="270" border="0">
                        <td id='txt' colspan='2'> 
                          <div align="left"> 
                            <p>If you are the person for whom help is being sought, 
                              please fill in section 1 only. If you are applying 
                              on behalf of someone else, please fill in sections 
                              1 & 2.<br>
                              Supporting documentation is welcomed; please send 
                              to our <a href='contact.htm'>freepost address.</a> 
                              If estimates are being sent, please send more than 
                              one if possible.<br>
                              <b>Please ensure all relevant fields are completed.</b><br>
                              <b>Section 1</b> <br>
                              Details of person/people for whom help is being 
                            <p align="center"><font color="#FF0000">* Please fix 
                              the following errors! <br>$spamerror</font><br>
                        <td id='ptxt' width="228">Title:</td>
                        <td style='' width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error1</font>
                        <input type="text" name="tl" value="$tl">
                        <td id='ptxt' width="228">First Name:</td>
                        <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error2</font> 
                          <input type="text" name="ftn" value="$ftn">
                        <td id='ptxt' width="228">Last Name:</td>
                        <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error3</font> 
                          <input type="text" name="lastname" value="$lastname">
                        <td id='ptxt' width="228">Date of Birth: </td>
                        <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error4</font> 
                          <input onclick="clickclear(this, 'dd/mm/yyyy')" onblur="clickrecall(this,'dd/mm/yyyy')" type="text" name="dob" value="$dob">
                        <td id='ptxt' width="228">Address 1:</td>
                        <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error5</font> 
                          <input type="text" name="a1" value="$a1">
                        <td id='ptxt' width="228">Address 2:</td>
                        <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error6</font> 
                          <input type="text" name="a2" value="$a2">
                        <td id='ptxt' width="228">Town/City:</td>
                        <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error7</font> 
                          <input type="text" name="tc" value="$tc">
                        <td id='ptxt' width="228">Postcode:</td>
                        <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error8</font> 
                          <input type="text" name="psc" value="$psc">
                        <td id='ptxt' width="228">Phone:</td>
                        <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error9</font> 
                          <input type="text" name="phone" value="$phone">
                        <td id='ptxt' width="228">Email:</td>
                        <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error10</font> 
                          <input type="text" name="email" value="$email">
                        <td id='ptxt' width="228">Type of request:</td>
                        <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error11</font> 
                          <select name="typerequest">
                            <option $select1>Please Select 
                            <option $select2>Individual 
                            <option $select3>Organisation 
                        <td id='ptxt' width="228">Amount of grant required:</td>
                        <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error12</font> 
                          <select name="grant">
                            <option $select4>Please Select 
                            <option $select5>Up to - £1000 
                            <option $select6>Up to - £3000 
                            <option $select7>Up to - £5000 
                        <td id='ptxt' width="228">Brief outline of disability:</td>
                        <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error13</font> 
                          <textarea name="outlinerequest">$outlinerequest</textarea>
                        <td id='ptxt' width="228">Details of request:</td>
                        <td width="288"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error14</font> 
                          <textarea name="detailsrequest">$detailsrequest</textarea>
                    <table width="100%" height="270" border="0">
                        <td id='qtxt' colspan='2'><b>Section 2</b><br>
                          Relationship to person/people above <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error15</font> 
                          <select name="relate">
                            <option $select8>Please Select 
                            <option $select9>Carer 
                            <option $select10>Friend 
                            <option $select11>Therapist 
                            <option $select12>Representative of institution 
                            <option $select13>Other 
                        <td id='ptxt'>Title:</td>
                        <td style=''> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error16</font> 
                          <input type="text" name="tl2" value="$tl2">
                        <td id='ptxt'>First Name:</td>
                        <td> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error17</font> 
                          <input type="text" name="ftn2" value="$ftn2">
                        <td id='ptxt'>Last Name:</td>
                        <td> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error18</font> 
                          <input type="text" name="ltn2" value="$ltn2">
                        <td id='ptxt'>Address 1:</td>
                        <td> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error19</font> 
                          <input type="text" name="a12" value="$a12">
                        <td id='ptxt'>Address 2:</td>
                        <td> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error20</font> 
                          <input type="text" name="a22" value="$a22">
                        <td id='ptxt'>Town/City:</td>
                        <td> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error21</font> 
                          <input type="text" name="tc2" value="$tc2">
                        <td id='ptxt'>Postcode:</td>
                        <td> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error22</font> 
                          <input type="text" name="psc2" value="$psc2">
                        <td id='ptxt'>Phone:</td>
                        <td> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error23</font> 
                          <input type="text" name="phone2" value="$phone2">
                        <td id='ptxt'>Email:</td>
                        <td><font size="2" color="#FF0000">$error24</font>                                 
                          <input type="text" name="email2" value="$email2">
                        <td colspan='2' id='but'>
                          <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit">
                        <td id='txt' colspan='2'> If you have any questions regarding 
                          this form or it does not meet your needs, please feel 
                          free to email dhdfhg
                          <hr size="1" noshade>
              <!-- 3 -->
            <p> </p>
      </table> <!-- 2 -->
    <td><img src="images/footer.jpg" width="790" height="70"></td>
</table> <!-- t1 -->
/* ########### END OF ERROR PAGE ########### */
if ($error == "Please fix the following errors!") {
echo "$errorpage";

/* ########### ADMIN EMAIL ########### */
$to = "$recipient";  
    $from = "$email"; 
    $subject = "$description2"; 
    $message = <<<EOD
------------------------------ <br><br>
<br>SECTION 1 <br><br>
Title:  $tl <br>
First Name:  $ftn <br>
Last Name:  $lastname <br> 
Date of Birth:   $dob <br>
Address 1:  $a1 <br> 
Address 2:  $a2 <br>
Town/City:  $tc <br>
Postcode:  $psc <br>
Phone:  $phone <br> 
Email:  $email <br>
Type of request::  $typerequest <br>
Amount of grant required:  $grant <br>
Brief outline of disability:  $outlinerequest <br>
Details of request:  $detailsrequest <br>
<br>SECTION 2 <br><br>
Relationship to person/people above:  $relate <br>
Title:  $tl2 <br>
First Name:  $ftn2 <br>
Last Name:  $ltn2 <br> 
Address 1:  $a12 <br> 
Address 2:  $a22 <br>
Town/City:  $tc2 <br>
Postcode:  $psc2 <br>
Phone:  $phone2 <br> 
Email:  $email2 <br>

    $headers  = "From: $from\r\n"; 
    $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n"; 
    $success = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); 

/* ########### AUTORESPONDER 1 ########### */
if ($email != "") {
$to = "$email";  
    $from = "$recipient"; 
    $subject = "$description"; 
$message = <<<EOD
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
Thank you for submitting the Application Form, the Fund Manager will be in <br>
touch within two weeks to discuss your request in more detail.
<p>Reg. Charity No. 1104927</p>
<p>m 07711 985 758</p>
    $headers  = "From: $from\r\n"; 
    $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n"; 
    $success = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); 

/* ########### AUTORESPONDER 2 ########### */
if ($email2 != "") {
$to = "$email2";  
    $from = "$recipient"; 
    $subject = "$description"; 
$message = <<<EOD
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
Thank you for submitting the Application Form, the Fund Manager will be in <br>
touch within two weeks to discuss your request in more detail.
<p> </p>
<p>Brenda Yong</p>
<p>Fund Manager</p>
<p>Reg. Charity No. 1104927</p>
<p>m 07711 985 758</p>
<p><a href="mailto:dfghdfgh">dfghdfgh</a></p>
<p><a href="gfhfgh">dfghdfgh</a><br>
    $headers  = "From: $from\r\n"; 
    $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n"; 
    $success = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);

/* ########### RESULTS PAGE ########### */
$resultspage = <<<EOD
<title>sf group | Form Submitted </title>

<link href="main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">


<body background="images/gradient.jpg">
<table id='f_t' border="1" align="center"><!-- t1-->
    <td id='f_hc'>
      <a href='index.htm'>
        <img src="images/banner.jpg" border='0' title='sf group - charity website' alt='image missing'>
    <td id='body_c' align='center'>
      <table width="100%" height="270" border="0" style='border: 0 solid'><!-- t2-->
          <td id='menu_c' height="271"> 
            <div id="menu5">

                                <p id='home'><a id='t' href="index.htm" title="Home">Home</a></p>
	                <p id='news'><a id='t' href="news.php" title="News">News</a></p>
	                <p id='about'><a id='t' href="about.htm" title="About Us">About Us</a></p>
	                <p id='application_sel'><a id='t' href="application.htm" title="Application Form">Application Form</a></p>
	                <p id='contact'><a id='t' href="contact.htm" title="Contact Us">Contact Us</a></p>
                                <p id='faq'><a id='t' href="faq.htm" title="FAQ's">FAQ's</a></p>
	                <p id='info'><a id='t' href="financialinfo.php" title="Financial Information">Financial Information</a></p>
	                <p id='donations'><a id='t' href="previousdonations.htm" title="Funded Items">Funded Items</a></p>
			<p id='company'><a id='t' href="uuu" target="_blank" title="sf group company website">sf group</a></p>

          <td id='content_c' height="271"> 
            <table width="100%" height="175" border="0"><!-- t3-->
                <td id='image'>
                  <img src="images/form.jpg" title='Application Form' alt='image missing' width="102" height="99" align="left">
	<td id='txt' valign='top'>
                 <b>Application Form</b>
	<p style='width: 400'>
	  	Thank for for submitting your application form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
<td id='txt' colspan='2'>
  <hr size="1" noshade>

      </table><!-- t2-->
    <td><img src="images/footer.jpg" width="790" height="70"></td>
</table><!-- t1-->
echo "$resultspage";
/* ########### END OF RESULTS PAGE ########### */		 

/* ########### DATABASE ########### */

include "sqlconn.php";

$query = "INSERT INTO Application_Form VALUES ('','$tl','$ftn','".$lastname."','$dob','$a1','$a2','$tc','$psc','$phone','$email','$typerequest','$grant','$outlinerequest','$detailsrequest','$relate','$tl2','$ftn2','$ltn2','$a12','$a22','$tc2','$psc2','$phone2','$email2')";
//echo $query;

$go = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());




ive got this - Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting '}' in /htdocs/charity/formapplication.php on line 417

For some reason there is a syntax error, the line is

if ($typerequest == "Please Select" ) {$select1 = "selected";}
if ($typerequest == "Individual" ) {$select2 = "selected";}
if ($typerequest == "Organisation" ) {$select3 = "selected";}

I just don't understand how this error is coming about.


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I wouldn't of said anything but you are repeating your self quite a lot in the code, too often for it to be a good thing.


I dont quite know why you have all the $error vars, have you considered the below?


$error = array();

if (!isset($_POST['user_name'))
$error[] = 'some message here';


then you can later just do


foreach ($error as $message)
   echo $message;


If something is empty() then it can be false\null or zero there is no need to set an empty value to null as you have done


My last critque I will share is I get the impression you have done a select * from application in order to see if someone has submitted the form previously?? There is no need to select everything you only need to select th data you need. select * is not the best performance wise when you only need one field.


After you get the data you are doing a loop over the sql results to check if a user is already in the results this is very bad for performance\readability and such Have you considered "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM app WHERE last_name = '$last_name'"; ??


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